PorchDrinking’s Weekly Atlanta Beer Beat | July 4-10, 2018

The Atlanta Beer Beat sheds light on news of brewery openings, special tappings, firkins and one-off batches, bottle releases, dinners, pairings and more!
Go to the Atlanta Beer Beat Calendar!
Big shout-out to Franklin, NC’s Currahee Brewing on their Grand Opening of their Alpharetta location. Check out Peachtree City’s all-new Line Creek Brewing Co., whose official Grand Opening is Saturday, August 4. And be sure to stop by Lake City’s new cidery, North 2 South Cider Works on Fridays from 4-8pm. Their Grand Opening with be sometime this coming fall.
Don’t miss the Weekly Happenings at SweetWater. And, as always, Reformation is chock-full of events this week.
Anniversaries/Grand Openings | Beer Releases
Wednesday, July 4
- Red, White & Brew | Ale Yeah!
- Happy Independence Day | Chattabrewchee
- Red, White & Brew + Draft Release (Brewery Only) | Dry County
- Red, White & Brew | Georgia Aquarium
- Fourth of July Extravaganza | Oconee
- Fourth of July Day Party | Orpheus
- 4th of July Brews & BBQ | Pontoon
- July 4th Party | Printer’s Ale
- Can Release + Special Hours | Two Tides
- July 4th (Special Hours) | Reformation
- 4th of July | Savannah River
- We Are Open on the 4th | Schoolhouse Beer
- 4th of July Hours | Service
- July 4th Southern Style | Southern
- Beers with the Brothers | Torched Hop
- 4th of July | Tucker Brewing
Thursday, July 5
- Run Roswell | Gate City
- Team Trivia Thursdays | Green Line
- El Tacoman & Hoppy Trails | Left Nut
- Throwback Thursday | Monday Night
- Geeks Who Drink Trivia | Second Self
- eam Trivia w/ Geeks Who Drink | Treehorn Cider
Friday, July 6
- Trivia | Fannin
- Comedy Night | Red Hare
- Bluegrass By The Pint | Service
- Ringo’s Birthday at Brew with a View | Strand Marietta
- Jolly Green IPA Release | SweetWater
- First Friday + Sly’s Sliders & Fries | Two Tides
Just take me to the calendar already, man!
Saturday, July 7
- Fructuosum Crowler Release | Akademia
- Currahee Brewing Co. (Alpharetta) Grand Opening
- Brother Oliver | Blue Ridge Brewery
- Weekly Free Tasting w/ Allagash | Hop City
- Xmas in July | Lincoln Fill Station
- Yoga + Beer | Reformation
- Pints + Poses | Southbound
- Summer Sweat Series: Boot Camp | Wild Leap
Sunday, July 8
- The Black Sheep ATL Pop-up | Eventide
- Trivia + Beer | Moon River
- Tift Park Community Market Pop-Up | Pretoria Fields
- Rosé All Day | Urban Tree
Monday, July 9
- Sunset Yoga | New Realm
- Comedy Bingo Monday | Piedmont Brewery
- Atlanta Screening of Farmers For America | Wrecking Bar
Tuesday, July 10
- The ’95 World Series Barrel Aged Champs | Porter Beer Bar
- Brews & Brushes: Sip Beer & Paint a Masterpiece | Jekyll
- Weekly Trivia Night | New Realm
- Tuesday Trivia | Dry County
Be sure to check out ATL Rockin’ Road Trip, Southern Beer Tours and Beer From Here Brew Tours.
Check out our Atlanta Beer Beat calendar! You can export events to your iCal and/or sort them by your favorite brewery/beer bar, by the day or by the topic with a quick search for keywords.
Whatever you plan to do, make sure you plan appropriate transportation and drink responsibly – use two hands. Don’t drink and drive!
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