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The Weekly Buzz | August 10 – 16

Weekly Buzz

My darling Buzzophiles, nary five days ago, I was forced to cast my gaze upon an unsightly pallet of gourd-flavored adult beverage. The fact that it was 95 degrees outside made me wonder if pumpkins were even in season yet. They are not. Last night, however, my faith in the beer-swilling gods was rekindled into a blazing fire as I stepped into a beautifully curated boutique bottle shop. There wasn’t a single “seasonal creep” beer in sight. That shop was my own personal nirvana, and almost completely negates the fact that I had to search Twitter for this edition of The Weekly Buzz.

Shitty water makes shitty beer. Period.

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.

Does this t-shirt come with Super Pursuit Mode?

They probably could have squeezed a few more pounds in there.

Please learn this. I’m begging you!

Those must be some fast-growing trees!

Wanna celebrate a hashtag holiday?

That’s one happy floor!

Mark calendars. Buy tickets. Drink beer.

But I want to come there now!

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