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The Weekly Buzz | September 21 – 27

Weekly Buzz
Dan Bortz

Another GABF has come and gone, and I spent the entire weekend working overtime and organizing my new house. I barely even drank. It was such a waste of my time and energy. On the bright side, I’m only seven days away from having a day off (followed by six more days of work). Until then, I’ll have to live vicariously through “Beer Twitter.” Good thing that never gets toxic! Anyhoo… here’s The Weekly Buzz!

Was there some kind of beer festival last weekend?

Congratulations to the medalists!

I didn’t know there was cosplay at GABF!

Some breweries need to recover after GABF…

…Others are prepping for the next big event.

I heard that his opponent is the Zodiac Killer.

In case you were wondering.

This is just plain cool!

I’m not sure where to start with this one.

Wanna go muddin’?

Want a few dozen barrels?

Does your dog know any German drinking songs?

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