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Little Miami Brewing | Bike Path

Little Miami Bike Path PIlsner

Location, location, location: Regardless of the type, location is always a critical piece to the success of a new business. This truth is evident when visiting Little Miami Brewing in Old Milford, Ohio, as their location is about as good as it gets. To celebrate one of the many perks of their location, the crew at Little Miami created Bike Path, a Bohemian pilsner that has become a fan favorite.

Little Miami Bike PathLocated in Old Milford, which is Northeast of Cincinnati, Little Miami Brewing is a neighborhood brewery that is conveniently located on the main road, easily accessed by the residential areas in this part of the city. In addition, this brewery sits right along the Little Miami River which you can see from the patio. Along with the river, the Little Miami Bike Path also passes by this brewery and lends its name to this beer.

Bike Path is a Bohemian pilsner. This European style lager features heirloom British malt along with spicy, noble German hops. Light in color and easy drinking, Little Miami Bike Path is 4.5% ABV with 20 IBUs.

The Little Miami Bike Path is a very popular place to spend an afternoon. People of all ages bike, walk and run along this scenic path; others canoe down the river. It is a very active area that has now become home to many breweries like Little Miami Brewing.

Little Miami Brewing is a perfect rest stop along the way and their Bohemian pilsner is the perfect beer to celebrate one of the great attractions of this area.

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