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PorchDrinking’s 2018 Midterm Election Drinking Game

PorchDrinking’s 2018 Midterm Election Drinking Game Staff


Looking for the 2022 Midterm Election Night Drinking Game? Head Here!

Can you hear it? That’s the sweet sweet sound of silence on the horizon. We’ve finally arrived at election day, which means by tomorrow the barrage of political ads will be all but a distant memory. Until then, we thought we’d help make election day a little more entertaining with a 2018 Election Drinking Game.

Early voting numbers in several states have already dwarfed 2014, but the main event culminates on Tuesday, November 6 when millions of Americans will decide the fate of Congress, state officials and a host of other positions. After the polls close, there’s nothing one can do but sit back and watch the results. What better way to enjoy the tallying, than with a few drinks…and a game? It’s time for PorchDrinking’s semi-regular election night drinking game. Are you ready?

Watch Parties

  • Someone shows up to your results watch party without an I Voted Sticker.
  • Someone in your group asks “Who is even running this year?”


Campaign HQ is playing any of these songs in the background: 1 drink

  • “We are the Champions” (Queen)
  • “Beautiful Day” (U2)
  • “Don’t Stop” (Fleetwood Mac)
  • “Celebration” (Kool & the Gang)
  • “We Are Family” (Sister Sledge)
  • “Born in the USA” (Bruce Springsteen)
Election Night Drinking Game
CNN Senior National Correspondent John King reports on the Republican presidential race using the CNN Multitouch screen during coverage of the Super Tuesday Elections live from the CNN Election Center in New York.
ph: E. M. Pio Roda / CNN


  • “Trump country” mention: 1 drink
  • Home state mention: 1 drink
  • Gerrymandering mention: 1 drink
  • Any time Putin or Russia is referenced take a shot of vodka


  • Technical issues with a reporter in the field, or with the “Magic map”: 1 drink
  • Introduction of an unnecessary, pointless technology: 1 drink

Politics & Parties

  • Blue Wave or Red Wave mentioned: Take 1 group drink while everyone in the room performs the wave. (Person on the far left takes a drink, then the person next to him or her, and so on until the person on the far right takes the last drink.)
  • Any talk about a potential candidate for President in 2020/2024: 1 drink
  • Take a shot if any outlet references a celebrity without any political experience as a viable candidate in 2020 or 2024
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS – OCTOBER 31: U.S. Senate candidate Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) poses for photographs with supporters during a campaign rally at Gilbert Garza Park October 31, 2018 in San Antonio, Texas. With less than a week before Election Day, O’Rourke is driving across the state in his race against incumbent Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Voting Numbers & Analysis

  • Any mention of exit polling: 1 drink
  • Mention of  “New voting demographics”: 1 drink
  • Mention of  “Highest turnout since _____”: 1 drink
  • If you hear someone say “This is the most important election”: Fist pump and 2 drinks
  • Mention of your current Congressperson/Senator/Governor by name: 1 drink
  • Explanation of what “Too early to call” / “Too close to call” means: 1 drink
  • Someone you voted for is announced as a winner:  Take your neighbor’s drink and finish it.
  • If a third party candidate wins a seat: 3 drinks
  • If a contested fight flips (Like Beto beating Cruz): Finish your drink
  • If a candidate you voted for loses: pour one out for your fallen candidate.

Media & Live Shots

  • They show more than 4 pundits sitting at a table together.: 1 Drink (Also, tack on one more drink for every extra pundit sitting at that table.
  • Anytime a completely random totally unrelated statistic is referenced: Randomly make up the number of drinks to doll out to friends.
  • Fake News mention: Pretend to take a shot.
  • Nate Silver or Five-Thirty Eight Mention: 1 drink
  • Pan to a local dining or drinking establishment: 1 drink
  • Any shot of confetti or balloon drops: 1 drink
  • When controversial breaking news occurs during the election results: Take a Shot
  • If they show the results for an uncontested race: 1 drink
  • Any (and every) live coverage of a Trump Rally: Shotgun you beer
  • 1 drink – “Breaking news” or “Key race alert” graphic, just to announce that a race is close, not yet called (max 5 drinks for the night)

Investigations, voting legality and indictments

  • Any mention of Putin or Russia: 1 shot of vodka
  • Any reference to Paul Manafort: 1 shot of the most embarrassing liquor in your house
  • If someone mentions voter suppression: 1 drink and shed one tear
  • Mention of Mueller: 1 shot
  • Mention of Cohen: Take a drink when no one is looking

1 shot of NyQuil: All races have been called, or it’s 11 p.m., whichever comes first (you have to work in the morning, after all). 

The Morning After

1 Bottle of Sports Drink after the night is over. It’s a Tuesday! Gotta be presentable for work tomorrow!

Special thanks to the entire PD staff for contributions to this post. / Cover Photo Courtesy of Hollywood Reporter

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  1. FuckingDegenerate

    I’m dead now


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