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The Weekly Buzz | November 9 – 15

Weekly Buzz
Dan Bortz

It’s happened. A few meager inches of snow have fallen on southeastern Pennsylvania, and drivers who normally blow past my house at 20 MPH over the speed limit have slowed to an embarrassing crawl. I leave for work in three hours and I will lose my mind if the roads are still clogged with scared white-knucklers. This isn’t our first winter. I’m not asking you to maintain your normal clear-weather speeds, but at least act like you’ve seen snow before. Anyhoo… I found some stuff on social media and hope you like it. This is The Weekly Buzz.

Who wants to go to the market?

At least these people are putting the snow to good use!

Beer byproducts can make great treats for Rover!

What’s your football-viewing plan for the weekend?

New location!

How have you been celebrating Yeti Awareness Week?

It’s never too early to make your Repeal Day plans.

Are you going to FoBAB this weekend?

Whether your favorite brewery is open or closed, be safe out there.

Do a little Christmas shopping!

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