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What We’re Drinking | January 11, 2019

You made it through the first full week of the year! Pat yourself on the back, or better yet, pour yourself a beer. I started off my first week paddle boarding and hanging out with friends at the sandbar, and I’m ending my week going to an infamous beer festival in Fort Lauderdale. This year has treated me well and I love highlighting the best moments in between grad school and work. We are all about that life-work balance at PorchDrinking, and we would love to share some fine beers to lead you in the right direction.
Southerleigh Brewery | Altbier
Pueblo Vida | Plexus
Amalgam Brewing | Landscapes (Orchard Blend)
Sierra Nevada | Sierraveza
One Trick Pony | Kentucky Mountain
Jester King Brewery | Kollaboration Bier
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