Ultimate 6er | Dry January Yearnings

For January, my husband and I decided to take part in Dry January, a month of staying away from all alcohol. For many, this month is meant to kick start better habits and possibly pinpoint problems with drinking, but we are doing it to see what sort of impact it might have on our weight (and possibly our pocketbook). I have certainly appreciated the lack of accidental hangovers as well.
So far, it’s been a pretty easy time, however, on occasion, I’ve certainly thought a drink would be nice, and once in a while, I’ve found myself craving a few beers. So, for this week’s Ultimate 6er, I’d like to present you with six of the beers I cannot wait to get my hands on come February.
Old Nation Brewing Company | M-43 NE IPA
6.8% ABV | 65 IBU

Old Nation’s M-43 is one of those NE IPAs that, if you’re not a fan, can change your mind about the style. That’s what it did for me, and since my conversion, if I’m in the mood for an NE IPA, I am searching out an M-43. Since January started, I’ve had an inkling a few times, but I’ve resisted the urge.
The Mitten Brewing Company | Country Strong IPA
7.2% ABV | 58 IBU

I’m not entirely sure why I’ve been drooling over the thought of Country Strong IPA all month, except that it’s just so good. I don’t drink it that often, but I think my subconscious is trying to tell me something. Maybe in 2019, I ought to spend more time at Mitten Brewing Company.
Harmony Brewing Company | Fiddlestix IPA
6% ABV | 67 IBU

I miss Harmony Brewing in general, but the throught of eating one of their amazing pizzas while sipping on their melony Fiddlestix IPA makes my mouth water in anticipation for early February. To be completely honest, any beer made by Harmony has me dozing off a bit right now. I’m beginning to regret my decision to do this.
Saugatuck Brewing Company | Bonfire Brown Ale
5.5% ABV | 20 IBU

I have two beautiful Saugatuck beers in my fridge, taunting me every single time I go for some dang La Croix, and continuing to remind me that we’re staying away from booze. I may not be as able to resist if one of them was Saugatuck’s Bonfire Brown, one of my all-time favorite brews, and absolutely too good to turn down. What was I thinking?
Dogfish Head | Liquid Truth Serum
7% ABV | 65 IBU

When grabbing a six-pack for drinking at home, I tend to go with something I can rely on for just having one or drinking a few. If it’s available, I will always grab Dogfish Head’s Liquid Truth Serum. Sam and his crew add all the hops in this IPA after the boil, leaving it plenty hoppy but not so bitter. I miss this beer desperately, and I wish I was drinking one right now.
Brass Ring Brewing | Eight Pound Hammer Irish Dry Stout
5.6% ABV | 30 IBU
Nothing is better than heading down to your local for a beer. Knowing the bartenders and receiving an enthusiastic “Hello again!” is always nice, and it makes you feel like you’re in good hands. It’s even better if your local is a brewery in walking distance and makes great beer. At my local Brass Ring Brewery in Grand Rapids, Michigan, their Irish stout, Eight Pound Hammer is one of my go-to choices. Not only is it a fine example of an Irish stout, but it goes perfectly with many of the entrees they offer, and sometimes they put it on cask.
Is it February yet?
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