2 Row Brewing | Divine Lunacy Belgian Quad

Brian Coleman chuckles when asked how the name Divine Lunacy, a decadent Belgian Quad, came about.
“When I think of Belgian beers,” the 2 Row Brewing president and brewmaster says, “I think of crazy monks getting drunk and having a good time.”
But that’s not the only reason 2 Row landed on the heavenly name, he admits.
“There’s also a little lunacy going on (at the brewery),” Coleman adds. “We like to get a little crazy sometimes.”
2 Row’s craziness is a beer drinker’s gain.

Divine Lunacy is a bourbon-barrel-aged Belgian Quadruple that clocks in at 11.5% ABV. It’s not exactly a style you’d think of picking up as winter transitions into spring.
If that’s you, you’d be missing out.
Divine Lunacy pours a clear, dark brown with a fleeting foam topper. From there, a touch of alcohol in the nose quickly subsides and gives way to rich caramel and toffee.
Traditional Belgian yeast characteristics are intentionally subtle (Coleman didn’t want them conflicting with the barrel nuances). Instead, a hint of banana and then much more prominent dark, dried fruit flavors, as well as some vanilla. Bourbon and oak are present.
Divine Lunacy features multiple layers. I noticed new aromas and flavors—plum, raisin—emerging as the beer warmed in the glass. The well-attenuated beer steers clear of any unpleasant hard-candy-like sweetness.
Barrel-Aged Bonanza
It’s the third barrel-aged beer Coleman’s brewed (Dark Alley Imperial Stout and Dangereux Farmhouse Ale are the others). But unlike those, in which 2 Row released accompanying non-barrel-aged versions, Divine Lunacy is only available barrel aged.
“I like Belgian beers but I love barrel-aged versions,” says Coleman, who already made a name for himself with his hop-forward brews. “We wanted to do this one as a barrel-aged quad only.”
Aged for about nine months, the beer is ready to drink immediately. Though, if you want, you could squirrel away a couple of bottles to drink when the weather outside turns dark and dreary once again.
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