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Levante Brewing Company | Cut the Cake

Levante Brewing Company | Cut the Cake
Lora Kormos

The beer scene in Philadelphia is alive and thriving. Almost every neighborhood has a brewery, along with its suburbs. Nestled in the suburbs, about an hour outside of Philadelphia, lays West Chester. Known for its historical sites, for being the home of the QVC Studio, and a variety of restaurants, shops and parks, this quaint Pennsylvania town is worth a visit.

Levante Brewing Company located in West Chester started inside a college apartment with a 3-gallon home-brew kettle. It expanded to a 15-BBL Brewhouse, which now occupies its current location. The taproom saw its first customers come through the door in 2015 and continues to keep them satisfied.

H.O.P. Party 2019

Each year, the brewery does something awesome for their anniversary and focuses it on the Helping Other People Party (H.O.P. Party). They accept canned food donations for the Chester County Food Bank and Fiorenza’s Food for Friends. In exchange for food donations, you receive a 10 oz. pour of your choice. It’s a huge community celebration, complete with local food trucks and live music.

8% ABV | 44 IBU

In celebration of their 4th anniversary, they brewed Cut the Cake, a birthday cake-inspired DIPA.

Per the brewery’s description of the beer:

Strawberry and raspberry purees lay the icing evenly throughout, while the batter is stuffed with Lucky Charms marshmallows, vanilla and lactose. Last but not least, graham cracker crumbles provide the sweet biscuit crunch before waves of El Dorado, Citra and Mosaic top it off with an extra layer of fruity hoppiness.”

As with your normal hazy IPAs, this beer is going to pour a cloudy, orange color and leave a nice, white head that circles the glass. It has a deliciously sweet aroma, very similar to a slice of cake. On the first sip, you are instantly hit with the vanilla and raspberry flavors, followed by marshmallow goodness and finishes with a slight bitter taste from the hops. As it warms, the fruit flavors really shine through. It’s a filling beer and light on carbonation.

Cut the Cake is extremely creamy, smooth and delicious. The hops and fruits are well-balanced and packed with flavor. This beer is a birthday treat indeed, even if it isn’t close to your birthday. It’s a decadent beer that would pair perfectly with any celebration.

Levante Brewing Company is brewing solid beers that demand your attention. It’s a brewery that should definitely be high on your radar. If you happen to be a Pennsylvania resident, you can currently purchase a four-pack of Cut the Cake off the Levante Brewing Company’s website.

Let them eat cake!

 Feature image credit: Levante Brewing Company’s Facebook

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