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Southerleigh Fine Food & Brewery | Texas Born and Bred Pale Ale

Southerleigh's Texas Born and Bred

Even if you’re not from Texas, you know the state has a rich and storied history. That’s why it’s surprising to realize that throughout all the lore and legacy of the Lone Star state, there has never been a commercially produced beer using only Texas ingredients. At least, not until now. Southerleigh Fine Food & Brewery head brewer, Les Locke, seized the opportunity and set out to create the very first all-Texas beer, aptly named Texas Born and Bred.

Southerleigh Fine Foods & Brewery | Photo by Dustin Wenger

It’s reminiscent of those commercials from the early 1990s featuring cowboys circled around the fire, and the new guy shares his salsa with ingredients from New York City! That’s about how it feels to know that despite how self-sufficient Texas is; the dry, hot climate makes it nearly impossible to grow one of the primary ingredients needed for producing beer: hops. That’s where Hank’s Hops comes to the rescue. By using a greenhouse and a hydroponic system, Hank’s Hops is able to mimic the climate of the Pacific Northwest to grow hops right here in central Texas.

Texas Born and Bred pale ale | Photo by Dustin Wenger

Texas Born and Bred is a pale ale brewed using centennial hops from Hank’s Hops, a grain bill from Maverick Malt in Wildorado, TX and the Nueces yeast strain from Texas Yeast Labs in New Braunfels, TX. What results is a citrus-forward and clean finishing copper-colored pale ale. Resting at and easy-going 4.9% ABV and 40 IBUs, it’s perfectly suited for enjoying in the Texas summer heat. 

Inside Southerleigh | Photo by Dustin Wenger

It’s fitting that Southerleigh has produced a history-making beer, considering it happens to be located in the heart of the historic Pearl campus where one of the largest Texas breweries once resided. The former Pearl Brewery has been transformed into one of the must-see destinations in San Antonio. Nestled on the River Walk with the iconic Hotel Emma and a variety of world-class dining options, there is plenty to see and do while sipping on a beer that is as Texas as it gets.

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