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Roundtable Discussion | Best Beers of Summer 2019

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Everyone has their own idea of the perfect summer beer. Breweries are happy to oblige with crisp, refreshing beers to help deal with the high temperatures. I reached out to some craft beer enthusiasts to find out what’s been their absolute standout beer of the summer thus far.

@ceefor from BAOS Podcast

Ceefor from BAOS

As far as the beer of the summer, I gotta be honest and rock with a collab we did with Montreal’s L’Espace Public, a milkshake creamsicle sour called Bière de Vacances. It literally tastes like a tart, beery creamsicle, it’s light and crisp, fruity and sour, super balanced and refreshing af. I’m super proud of it, the first run sold out fast and there should still be some cans of the second run kicking around.

Mandy Naglich, Advanced Cicerone

So far the Luponic Distortion No. 13 from Firestone Walker has been the real beer of the summer for me. I always look forward to trying the new beers in this series because they are experts at teasing our new flavors from hops and hop blends.

No. 13 is a real standout because it has this uncanny tropical aroma similar to coconut rum. I’m used to those mango, pineapple, guava scents coming from hops but this is the first time I’ve ever thought, “Wow, coconut!” without coconut being in the beer. It’s also a non-hazy IPA which is a nice change up from what is served at many of the bars around me here in NYC! It finishes crisp and is easy to drink so it’s great for a rooftop hang or a cookout. I’m looking forward to bringing it around with me for the rest of the summer!

B.Mont of @BlackBeerTravelers

I’ve probably had around 1K non-repetitive beers this summer but one beer that kept me returning until the original sixtel was kicked was America’s Finest Shandy by Second Chance Beer Co of San Diego.

For about a week and a half, the initial test batch of this blonde Ale with tangerine and agave nectar quickly became my goto while stopping into the North Park brewery location. The blend of the light sweet malt with juicy and ripe citrus in a low abv fashion made this beer perfect for a summer in California. Luckily, Second Chance realized they had a hit on their hands and did a full canning run that dropped on July 27.

Chris Bernard, Shift Lead Brewer, Dust Bowl Brewing Co.

Dust Bowl Brewing

As a new dad it’s been great seeing the craft industry low-cal/light lagers/pale ales hitting the market. I need a beer I can enjoy on the constant move with my son. As he learns how to crawl and walk, I have-to be able to jump in on the action at any given moment to catch him mid trip and to crawl around with him. I appreciate the access to something full flavored and aromatic yet light in body and alcohol content. I really struggled trying to narrow down a stand out beer this summer, and forgive me for being biased, but I settled on Dust Bowl Brewing Co. Lo-Cal Lager.

Truly a beer we all get excited about come packaging day, this lager developed organically. As we researched ways to bring a ‘gluten-reduced’ product to our consumers, we stumbled upon something we realized could be a hit for both new and loyal consumers. At 2.3g carbs and 99 calories I don’t have to stress about ‘dad bod’ while I’m hanging out in the pool with my kid. At a cool 4.0% ABV I can keep focused on what’s important while spending time at the lake with my family. As a canned product, it’s light enough to take on a hike in Yosemite or a walk along the beach. With hints of coconut and berries, Lo-Cal Lager has been both revitalizing and refreshing on these 100F + summer days. Cheers!

Amanda @theartofbeers

It is always a tough one when I am asked to single out a beer. I try so many and so many are so good lol. Surprisingly enough, for a stand-out summer beer pick it’s going to be something darker. Well I have two picks that absolutely stand out.

The first is Convict Hill Oatmeal Stout by Independence Brewery in Austin, TX. And not their usual Convict Hill, for their anniversary party that I got to be part of this year they had aged their Convict Hill Oatmeal Stout in Garrison Brothers barrels. WOW! I wish they had that version on tap always or even canned up and distributed. It was fantastic!

My other choice because I can’t just pick one is another beer brewed for an anniversary party. This was Pappy Slokum’s 5th Year Anniversary beer. This one was a barley wine and was also aged in Garrison Brothers barrels and came in at 14%. It was very hard not to drink several, it was so delicious and smooth.

I notice a theme here though, me likes my bourbon and me likes my beer!

Magnus @babymankerjesus

After a handful of amazing events this summer, the one beer (actually two) that really stands out would be Other Half All 5th Anniversary Everything Imperial Stout – Banana. I am on a weird banana craze and love everything Other Half does with bananas. Might be the silly monkey in me, or just that I like going bananas. But seriously, beer is crazy good.

Second beer is as always PBR. Am I selling out now? Nah, beer should be social and fun. So remember to bring crushable beers that you can drink all morning long and not just geeky beers that your friends might not enjoy as much as you, life is more than you drinking beers.

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Be sure to follow @beerselfie on Instagram and check out more roundtable discussions from Keith at

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