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Fast Facts on Revolution Brewing’s 2019 Deep Wood Series: Release Details, New Beers + More

Fast Facts on Revolution Brewing’s 2019 Deep Wood Series: Release Details, New Beers + More
Taylor Laabs

It has been a busy summer for Revolution Brewing. Between their Midlife Crisis barrel-aged release and the hyped-up IPA collaboration with Hop Butcher coming later this week, Chicago’s largest independent brewer has made headlines during the hotter months. That being said, year three of Revolution’s acclaimed Deep Wood barrel-aged series is set to generate buzz among the beer-drinking community for the upcoming colder months thanks to its consistent release of new and old canned barrel-aged creations from October to January. The 2019-2020 roster includes five returning favorites and five new creations, all available in 4-packs of 12oz cans. Here is what you need to know. 


What’s Released: Deth’s Tar, Cafe Deth and Deth by Plums

What’s New: Deth by Plums. This fruity variant was the “community choice” winner last year and arrives in cans for the first time. Drinkers should expect a tart and deep-flavored Deth variant with big hits of stonefruit and plum. 

What I’m Most Excited About: While Deth by Plums is the new arrival, I always get hyped for the latest edition of Cafe Deth, which has been my favorite Deep Wood release for the past two years thanks to Revolution’s mastery in coffee-blended brews. 


What’s Released: Straight Jacket, V.S.O.R. (Very Special Old Ryeway)

What’s New: V.S.O.R. (Very Special Old Ryeway). This special variant of Revolution’s popular barrel-aged rye ale projects to be slighter sweeter with more maple and oak notes. 

What I’m Most Excited About: Both. Straight Jacket is one of Revolution’s most buzzed-about beers in the barrel-aged community so every new release deserves attention. V.S.O.R. sounds like an intriguing undertaking given its sweeter flavor projections. I’m thinking both could lead to some fun naps over Thanksgiving. 

Those delicious barrels. Photo Credit: Revolution Brewing


What’s Released: Ryeway to Heaven, V.S.O.D. (Very Special Old Deth), Boss Jacket

What’s New: Boss Jacket. It’s a special edition of an already special, award-winning beer. Plus, it’s aged in a crazy-long-titled WhistlePig whiskey barrel: French Oak WhistlePig The Boss Hog V, The Spirit of Mauve ex-Calvados Rye.

What I’m Most Excited About: Based on the above, this one should be obvious but all three deserve attention. This release event should draw some headlines. 


What’s Released: Cuvée De Grâce, Ten Year Beer 

What’s New: Cuvée De Grâce and Ten Year Beer. The former beer is a blend of seven different barrel-aged beers, including three versions of Straight Jacket and a hit of Deth’s Tar. The latter is an anniversary barrel-aged barleywine that you know Marty and team paid special attention to, given the significance of celebrating a decade in Chicago craft beer and their barleywine-obsessed following. 

What I’m Most Excited About: While Cuvée De Grâce sounds incredibly interesting, it’s hard not to geek out on an anniversary English barleywine aged in bourbon and rye whiskey barrels and infused with Revolution’s barrel-aging magic. Wake me up in 2020, please. 

All of the releases will again take place at their Kedzie taproom facility. Exact release event times/details to come. Cheers! 

Feature image courtesy of Revolution Brewing

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