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Perrin Brewing Company | Black Ale

Perrin Brewing Co. Black Ale
Jessica Spengler

Here in West Michigan and throughout the state, it’s hard to believe Perrin Brewing Company hasn’t reached the level of Bell’s or Founders. The quality of their beers, from the easy-drinking No Problems Session IPA to the renowned No Rules Porter, is only topped by the killer events and festivals they throw. Nowhere is their top-notch beer crafting more apparent than in their flagship brew, Perrin Black Ale.

Black Ale stands out because it sits between styles. It’s not too light, malty, hoppy or heavy, but it also touches each of those things just enough that it’s right for the whole year. To me, it’s the perfect choice when I want a beer but am stuck between wanting an IPA or a stout. This approachability, according to Perrin Brewing’s Director of Brewing Operations, John Stewart, may be what makes Perrin Brewing’s Black Ale such a perfect choice as their flagship brew.

It’s a beer that people enjoy in both summer and winter seasons with it not being too high gravity or having too big of a body. Typically, when you think of malty beer you think of cold weather, but the thing with Black is that it’s good all year. It was able to please craft beer enthusiasts of both spectrums. Next thing we knew it became our number one ordered and number one draft handle,” Stewart says on Perrin Brewing’s website.

Black Ale continues to be a top seller, grabbing the attention of current craft beer enthusiasts, as well as macro fans. Perrin Brewing Company is a member of the CANarchy Craft Beer Collective, and Perrin Black features in the CANarachy mixed-pack of CANarachists, along with Oskar Blues Dale’s Pale Ale, Cigar City’s Jai Alai and Squatters Hop Rising Double IPA. Black Ale comes in at 5.8% ABV and 20 IBU.

Featured image courtesy of Perrin Brewing Company.

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