What We’re Drinking | September 6, 2019

I am 100% sure summer just started, and now everyone’s talking about fall. But you know what, I’m not falling for it. Football can happen in hot weather. Pumpkin beers can cool you off on a warm summer evening. Oktoberfest can wait its happy little self a few more weeks so I can cram in some more patio time. But I suppose if I have to give in and deal with cooler nights, at least I know the PorchDrinking team’s out there, drinking good beers. The PD team abides. I don’t know about you, but I take comfort in that. It’s good knowin’ they’re out there, takin’ it easy for all us sinners in this week’s What We’re Drinking.
Igneous Pale Ale | Pueblo Vida Brewing Co.
Rauchbier Wiezen | Schlenkerla
Double Two Hearted Ale | Bell’s Brewery
Double Sunshine | Lawson’s Finest Liquids
Copper Cerveza | Copper Hop Ranch
Go Broncos!
Hey Thanks Y’all! We’ so glad you had the chance to come out and try some things. Cheers!
Tom & Mel
Copper Hop Ranch Farm & Microbrewery
Elgin, AZ!
Support Local….👍❤️ -
Gee, black/tan beer on
Patty’s Day???
It’s Green or nothing!!! with a bit of lime.
Our hounds are black & tan