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SDBW Event | Ladies Arm Wrestling at Kairoa Brewing

SDBW Event | Ladies Arm Wrestling at Kairoa Brewing
Jadon Flores

Entering Kairoa Brewing a bit early, there is a full stage and decorations for the special Pink Boot Society fundraising event. Brewer still on deck from a long BrewDay the ladies start to line up for the main event, arm wrestling each other to declare a San Diego Chapter winner.

Announcing the event were Jen Mann as Strong Blonde and Beth Demmon as Wee Heavy. All the participating wrestlers in full garb and extravagance. Female brewers and industry professionals from all over converge on the title!

Several rounds go off, the professional referees guiding the participants to use right arm, then the left. Should there be a tie, a flip of a coin to decide which arm will be the tie-breaker. Through the rounds, donations were taken to have the crowd participate In various events such as the stein hold. Besides ticket sales, over $500 in donations were taken for the San Diego chapter of the Pink Boots Society.

Donations from the event were to help with members to go to CBC this next year. Overall this was an extremely fun and entertaining event with great beer. For anyone looking to see rematches next year, this is definitely worth the watch!

Knuckle Bustin’ KB – @womensbeercective
Ivy Hellraizin’ – @holleyliketrolley
Flava Dre! –  @dreamsnbeer
The LAAW – @shreddedwheaties
Udder Dominance – @boozybovine
Panda-monium – @just_buckinaround
Xtreme Suds – @91x_danielle

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