Level Crossing Brewing Company | Suss It Out

Happy holidays from our home to yours. We are hoping everyone’s had a memorable 2019 like we have. Furthermore, it’s been a fun year for craft beer in our good old home state of Utah. For example, five new breweries opened their doors to the public, including Level Crossing Brewing Company. Although it may not seem like much compared to other areas, multiple brand-new options in just one year pumped us up. So essentially that means over 10% of the Beehive state’s total breweries started in 2019. And not only have breweries popped up with increased frequency, but the quality being offered is world class.
One of the newest to join the ranks is South Salt Lake’s Level Crossing Brewing Company. A meticulously and beautifully designed brewery, they geared up ready to win. Within the first year, LCBC put their name on the map by winning a medal at this year’s Great American Beer Festival. They won the bronze in the Rye Beer category with Suss It Out Rye India Pale Ale. Owner, Mark Medura, put a lot of trust in a relatively inexperienced Head Brewer. However, Chris Detrick proved experience is all relative to say the least. To clarify, Detrick was a prolific home brewer for years. In other words, he was already winning awards for his home brews and building fans along the way.

Suss It Out comes in a tall 16-ounce can. Cracking the top, Citra, Mosaic and Simcoe hop aromas flare into the air with hints of fruitiness. Meanwhile, the lingering smell gives off a strong dankness. As this beer is poured, it showcases a cloudy, burnt orange shade. The foam sticks to the sides of the glass forming a lasting halo throughout consumption. Certainly the first sip is great! We are greeted with a zing of citrus that pops the tongue and the rye seems to help it stick there for a minute. The beer finishes with a classic pine flavor and hints of lemon grass. LCBC set out to make a resinous beverage and the rye malts are the perfect vehicle for making this happen. Above all, it’s a crowd pleaser.

Utah took strides this year. We raised the minimum alcohol limits, which although controversial, seems to have pumped a little energy into our state. In addition, two breweries brought home prestigious medals a plethora of new brews came out of the wood works. Along with welcoming new breweries like Level Crossing Brewing Company, Utah has finally peaked interest in the craft beer craze. We look forward to what 2020 will bring. Not to mention there are more new breweries on the horizon and new distribution into the state. To sum up as we close out this chapter, let end it the right way–with a great beer in hand!
Chris & Sylvia are a #craftbeercouple who love everything beer! Check them out on Instagram @chrishollands & @sylily.
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