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Fair State Brewing Cooperative & 3 Floyds Brewing | Partying Past Burning Bridges

Fair State Brewing Cooperative & 3 Floyds Brewing | Partying Past Burning Bridges
Max Sundermeyer

Christmas came early for Midwest craft beer enthusiasts this year as Minneapolis’ Fair State Brewing Cooperative and Munster, Indiana’s 3 Floyds Brewing gave us Partying Past Burning Bridges, a collaborative dip-hopped IPA.

A collaboration born out of a shared history, PPBB is the brainchild of Jerrod Johnson, director of brewing operations at Fair State Brewing Cooperative, and Todd Haug of 3 Floyds. Johnson and Haug share a significant path of brewing experience and excellence, having worked together at Minneapolis’ Surly Brewing Co. and Rock Bottom Brewery.

In November, Fair State teased that something with Haug was in the works via a canny Instagram post.

The Beer

ABV: 6.66 (of course)
IBU: 60

Partying Past Burning Bridges represents your more traditional IPA but with a novel aspect. New to both Fair State and 3 Floyds, PPBB is brewed with the innovative Japanese, dip-hopping technique. Dip-hopping involves hopping the wort post heat exchange, but before the introduction of yeast. This technique maximizes the floral and citrus aromas while minimizing the presence of myrcene (onion) found in dry-hopped beers.

PPBB is dip-hopped entirely with Minnesota-grown hops from Mighty Axe Hops, including Comet, Idaho 7, Sultana and Zeus varieties. The hops provide a classic citrus, piney and sticky flavor profile found in traditional IPAs. This beer is well-balanced, though, with the malt adding a smooth finish.

The Mindset

What’s just as enjoyable as the sticky goodness of a PPBB is what the beer represents.

From Fair State:

What does it mean to Party Past Burning Bridges? It’s about meeting all moments of gladness and pain with resilience, equanimity and joy. We can cling and sink or we can keep floating down the river and celebrate what we have right.

Personally, I cannot think of a better message to heed as we sail on into 2020. Sit back and take stock in what you have, meet any pain and frustration suffered in 2019 with a newly formed resilience in 2020. And hey, it couldn’t hurt to do so with a Partying Past Burning Bridges in hand.

Feature Image Courtesy of Fair State Brewing Cooperative.

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