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QUIZ | ‘The Witcher’ Character or Bon Iver Song?

QUIZ | ‘The Witcher’ Character or Bon Iver Song?

Okay, I have a confession.

I have not watched “The Witcher.”

To be more specific, I have not watched “The Witcher”—the fantasy series on Netflix starring Henry Cavill—beyond the first episode. I did watch one full episode and enjoy it, but that was weeks ago. My wife & I might pick it up again—once we’ve caught up on other prestige television like “Married at First Sight” and “Kid’s Baking Championship.”

For now, though, I am almost entirely ignorant of what “The Witcher” is about, or who anybody on the show is. It’s a problem a lot of people have, I imagine, when watching fantasy series. Initial episodes of a television show have to hook the viewers with plot and spectacle, while also introducing them to a unique world barely resembling our own. Getting acquainted with the language and “rules” of this fantasy world can be daunting.

On “The Witcher,” remembering the names of characters is especially challenging for me. Like other fantasy shows, characters on “The Witcher” have unique names that can be hard to understand, let alone recall. Some of the denizens of the mythical made-up continent called [checks notes] …uh…. The Continent(?!) have names that sound like a random assortment of vowels and consonants. They’re imaginative and ethereal and borderline-inscrutable…sort of like Bon Iver songs.

Can you tell the difference between a character name from “The Witcher” and a song title from indie rock band Bon Iver? See if you can ace this quiz!

Witcher | Bon Iver

Witcher | Bon Iver

Witcher | Bon Iver

Witcher | Bon Iver

Witcher | Bon Iver

Witcher | Bon Iver

Witcher | Bon Iver

Witcher | Bon Iver

Witcher | Bon Iver

Witcher | Bon Iver

Witcher | Bon Iver

Witcher | Bon Iver

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