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Copper Kettle Brewing Co. | Milk Stout

Copper Kettle Brewing Co. | Milk Stout
Scott Grossman

Copper Kettle suggests pairing their Milk Stout with snow-shoveling, snowboarding and bull-riding. At a reasonable 5.6% ABV, it’s probably a safe bet with the first two activities, but maybe not a good idea with the third—at least, if you’re the rider. On the other hand, I’d thoroughly enjoy knocking back a few while watching somebody else ride the bull.

On the pour, the beer is not overly carbonated and any head quickly falls to provide a smooth and silky mouthfeel. In color, this brew doesn’t mess around the edges of the Stout category. The completely opaque, dark brown beer previews the flavors to come.

Sweet & Malty

At the front of each sip, the sweetness of lactose competes with the rich and slightly bitter flavors of the roasted malt. In the end, malt wins the battle but doesn’t rub in the victory. It asserts superiority and then graciously fades without much aftertaste so you can get ready for the next drink.

Depending on the sip, a bit of coffee pops into the mix as well.

While this style of beer, and Copper Kettle Milk Stout in particular, naturally provides sustenance in the cold depths of winter, I’ve also found it refreshing in the summer when it’s chilled within an inch of freezing. Copper Kettle’s version of Milk Stout isn’t overly heavy and works pretty well as an all-season beer. For more intensity, Copper Kettle also produces a seasonal winter variant with coffee and vanilla called Café Con Leche.

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