Brewbies Oceanside 2020 | Event Recap
February 8 marked the much anticipated Brewbies Festival at Bagby Beer in Oceanside, CA. For 11 years, the Brewbies organization has worked to bring breweries and the public together in support of breast cancer awareness. Working with the Keep a Breast Foundation, the festival has donated more than $540,000 to breast cancer research to date.
The Brewbies organization was kind enough provide us with a behind-the-scenes look at the event. Walking through the gates, we were immediately welcomed with big smiles and beer fest swag, including the standard tasting glass, Keep a Breast wristbands, hangover helpers, a variety of eco-conscious products, and much more.

One of the first things we noticed was the plethora of pink beers! It was such a unique experience to try such wide variety of beers across many styles, some brewed with various adjuncts, and all trying to take home the coveted Pink Beer Award. The two main categories were the People’s Choice Award and the industry-led, blind tasting Best in Show. The People’s Choice involved giving each attendee a ticket to then give to the brewery that was their personal favorite.
In addition to the pink beers, attendees had the opportunity to get a glitter beard (or mustache, in some cases), or a pink hair extension from Rebel Rebel Hair Salon. After I became a beautiful pink-mustachioed supporter, it was time taste the beers. Along with a solid selection of others styles, a majority of the breweries brought at least one pink beer.
Lost Abbey‘s “We Brought Pink Fire” was one of my personal favorites, a light sour with raspberries made specially for Brewbies. Another top notch beer was “Kit & Canoodle” from Beachwood Brewing, a 10% imperial chocolate stout with strawberries added, which was akin to taking a bite out of a chocolate-dipped strawberry.
When it came down to the winners of the Pink Beer Awards, two came out on top: Best in Show went to Thorn Brewing, with Smog City and Hollister Brewing (which notably put glitter in their beer for a fun visual experience) garnering second and third, respectively. The People’s Choice Award went to Wild Barrel Brewing, with notable mentions going to Lost Abbey and Burgeon Beer.
There are numerous ways that people can support the Brewbies Fest, including purchasing tickets to a large raffle with TONS of prizes. Brewbies founder, Mel Pierce, and her “Tittie Committee” have worked tirelessly to gather a variety of sponsors for each event, many of whom donate goods to the raffle: local farmers, store owners, eco-conscious businesses, and those in the health and beauty space, among others
Brewbies is one of the most fun festivals out there! This is not only because of the amazing ethos of the organizers and their passion for this cause, but also because it’s a truly unique and amazing festival. Attending as many festivals as we do here at Porch Drinking, this is one of the finest I’ve had the privilege to attend, and I would highly recommend attending one near you. For more upcoming events check out and see where the next fest will be held. Alameda, California, and Charlottesville, Virginia are coming up soon!

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