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Brazos Valley Brewing Company | Slippin’ Into Darkness Russian Imperial Stout with Coconut

Brazos Valley Brewing Slipping' Into Darkness

There is a myriad of possibilities when it comes to making use of coconut. You can put a lime in one and drink ‘em both up, or even bang two empty halves together whilst galloping the length and breadth of the land in search of knights who will join you in your court at Camelot. However, if you’re a brewery, you can do what the clever folks at Brazos Valley Brewing Company in Brenham, TX did and add coconut to an already delicious Russian Imperial Stout. Not since the Samoa Girl Scout cookie has coconut made something as delicious as Slippin’ Into Darkness with coconut.

About Slippin’ Into Darkness

Slippin’ Into Darkness is a Russian Imperial Stout brewed with cacao nibs and Jet Fuel coffee from Texas-based roaster Independence Coffee. To take the beer a step further, this particular iteration of Slippin’ was brewed with copious amounts of toasted coconut. As a result, BVB created what can be best described as a liquid Almond Joy. The addition of cacao and coffee are present, but coconut is the real star here. There’s a well-balanced sweetness and the cacao and coffee flavors naturally begin to open up as the beer warms. Although it sits at 10.5% ABV with an O.G. of 1.096, there’s little indication of any boozy heat. It comes in a 4-pack of 12-ounce cans, and other variants of Slippin’ Into Darkness that have been recently released include Maple Pecan and Hazelnut.

About Brazos Valley Brewing Company

I’ve been a fan of BVB for years. They were founded in 2013 in Brenham, TX, which is about halfway between Austin and Houston. They have a solid lineup of year-round releases with distribution throughout Texas. Some of my favorites are Willin’ (a mosaic-hopped pale ale), Two Step (a German-style pilsner) and Mama Tried (a Citra-based IPA). When you’re craving a reliable and delicious brew, they have you covered. Aside from the regular lineup, they also have their revolving B-Sides series, which has been offered as a limited release mixed six-pack featuring two different beers. Needless to say, this Texas beer nerd has a steady flow of Brazos Valley Brewing Company brews cycling through his beer fridge.

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