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What We’re Drinking | April 10, 2020

What We're Drinking

It’s time to turn off the news, grab your favorite beer and reflect on what you are most grateful for during this very weird time. I hope you are all staying safe and finding creative ways to move through your days. One fun way is to get a local beer-to-go and raise a glass once again as part of the #NationwideCheers going on every Friday promptly at 5 p.m. wherever you happen to be. Here are some great ideas for beers to cheers with from your PorchDrinking team in this week’s What We’re Drinking.

Honey Punch in the Nose | Shoe Tree Brewing Company

Stash IPA | Independence Brewing Company & Marco IPA | Zilker Brewing Company

Two Juicy | Two Roads Brewing Company

40th Anniversary Ale | Sierra Nevada Brewing Company

Framboos Comes Alive! |Brewery 3 Fonteinen

Grazing Clouds | Mountains Walking

Party Jam Blackberry | Hermit Thrush Brewery

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