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Ultimate 6er | Postponed

PC: Sylvia Hollands

‘Postponed’, a word that is becoming more and more common each day we work through this pandemic. Every day, huge events are choosing to take the safe route by cancelling or taking the lesser of the two by delaying the event to a time when everyone will be much safer and more comfortable. Everything from sporting events, expos, movie premieres, beer and music festivals, and of course massive world tours from some of our favorite bands have halted. Something we love even more than beer is getting to see our favorite bands live. So, when you hear of Austin’s South by Southwest cancelling, and the mighty Coachella postponing, it was not much of a shocker when we heard what was next. Roger Waters world tour has been postponed until next year! Now we get it, and we are not mad about it, but it got us thinking about all the shows that were shaping this summer. It was deemed to be a pretty fun concert season. Currently, we are hopeful we get to attend any of them.

We thought since this is an Ultimate 6er, we might as well pair in-question 2020 concerts with some of our most sought-after beer we have never but would absolutely die to try.

This is Not a Drill | Roger Waters &
Pliny the Younger | Russian River Brewing

When one of the key founding members of one of the greatest bands of all time, Pink Floyd, announced he was coming to our state, it was a no-brainer to drop the most amount of money we had ever spent on a single concert to ensure we had great seats. This was certainly a night we were looking forward to, and with hit-after-hit, there was little chance it would disappoint. Having never seen Pink Floyd live, this is ‘must see’ territory for us. Songs like ‘Time’, ‘Wish You Were Here’, ‘Another Brick in the Wall Part 2’, and ‘Comfortably Numb’ will one day fill the air, but it will have to wait until 2021.

Pliny the Elder from Russian River was a gateway beer to near beer snobbery. That iconic green label with the red circle drew us in early. Because we love the beer so much, we know one day we need to get our hands on the even more elusive, Pliny the Younger. ‘Year after year’ this beer gets a little more accessible, so ‘one of these days’.

A Tribute to Kings | Primus &
Kentucky Brunch Brand Stout | Toppling Goliath Brewing Co.

To be honest we have never been huge fans of the band Primus. Granted, they have a few catchy tunes and a wealth of talent in the band. So, when Les Claypool and company announced a tour paying tribute to Canadian rock legends, Rush, (by playing the bands classic ‘A Farewell to Kings’ album-in its entirety) it piqued our interest. Getting to see what is likely going to be a killer rendition of a great band’s work–while throwing in the band’s own hits at the end for an encore– sounds great to us. Besides, openers Wolfmother and The Sword are great live acts. This show is neither cancelled or postponed, yet, so fingers crossed.

Toppling Goliath are the creators of some of the most desirable beers in the entire world. Having tried Assassin and loving it, why not reach for the king of the wish list beers for Kentucky Brunch Brand Stout? Getting to try KBBS would be like finding the golden ticket, or for this story, pulling the sword from the stone.

Summer Tour 2020 | Korn & Faith No More &
Barrel-Aged Abraxas | Perennial Artisan Ales

We have seen both Korn and Faith No More. Both put on a solid concert. As matter of fact, Korn was one of the earlier shows we saw together back in the day at a relatively smaller location. Since then we have seen them several time on and off again as they pass through our state. Korn does a great job of supporting a top act, or finding bands to support them, making the show a must-see. Grabbing Mike Patton and his crew, Faith No More, was the move that solidified as a top option for us this year. Patton is a musical genius and the although FNM’s legend and influence has grown over the years we feel they are still grossly underestimated. Faith No More was the only show we have ever attended at the famous Red Rock Amphitheater, so it will be nice to see them again locally.

Perennial Artisan Ales Barrel-Aged Abraxas, or even Abraxas, has been on our list, forever. There have been opportunities to try both, but for one reason or another, it just seems to slip right on by our lips.

Summer 2020 | Sammy Hagar & The Circle &
Double Sunshine | Lawson’s Finest Liquids

Before anyone starts to hate, we are going to lay this out there: We may favor the Van Hagar version of Van Halen. Now you can breathe. But honestly, there is something dynamic about the songs of this era. Although we admit the original version of the band has great tunes, it is the ‘5150’ and ‘OU812’ tunes we often find ourselves gravitating to. Sammy is just a cool dude! When we went to Cabo years back, we went to his restaurant back-to-back days because the food was good, and the vibe was super cool. Sadly, it appears Whitesnake may be pulled from the bill if the show goes on. They are another guilty pleasure from the late 80’s and early 90’s. We are hoping this show proceeds as planned.

Around the same time that we were in hot pursuit of Pliny and Heady, Lawson’s Double Sunshine was on the radar. Although it seems we should have knocked this one off the list years ago, it still has eluded us to this day.

Shake Your Money | The Black Crowes &
Fuzzy | Project Brewing

The Black Crowes are a great band. Although the Robinson brothers have a history that may be the American version of the Gallagher brothers from UK’s Oasis, at this moment they are shaking their money maker and making it work. You never know how long this is going to last, so we are hoping this virus does not steal what will be a night of bluesy rock and roll goodness from us. Most people remember ‘Hard to Handle’, but the rest of that album is straight up excellent from the top to the bottom.

The year after we conquered the hoppy hills of the IPA world, sours hit our radar. Side Project Fuzzy is one of those whales that is sure to tickle the tongue with all the right notes if, and when, we get our hands on a sample.

North America 2020 | Megadeth & Lamb of God &
Ghost in the Machine – Double Dry-Hopped | Parish Brewing Company

Much in the same way Korn seems to team up with either a great headliner or a killer opening lineup, Megadeth keeps us coming back for more. Dave Mustaine has been a long time favorite in our household, so when he paired up with Randy Blythe and Lamb of God for a tour this summer, we signed up right away. Summer nights at the local amphitheater with a full night of killer metal makes for a great date night. Tack on Trivium and In Flames, and this makes it a must-see show from top to bottom. Megadeth is a legend in metal and Lamb of God is not far behind. Here is to hope that the horns get raised alongside a cold brewski!

We were lucky enough to try the original Ghost in the Machine from Louisiana’s Parish Brewing, and we loved it. Along came the haze craze and then suddenly Parish had a bigger and badder version of its hit hoppy beer. Crazy enough, one of our closest friends swears this is one of the best beers he has ever had, and this guy is a beer and haze bro for sure. We need to get out more and visit when we see he gets his next shipment.

No one knows where we will be in a couple of months from now. One thing is for sure, we will all be itching to get the heck out of the house and be around some people. At least we hope! One of these shows has already been moved, so if anything, here is to hope they all postpone–and not cancel.


Chris & Sylvia are a #craftbeercouple who love everything beer! Check them out on Instagram @chrishollands & @sylily.

Feature image photo credit: Sylvia Hollands

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