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Kiitos Brewing | Triple Dry Hopped Hazy IPA

Kiitos Brewing | Triple Dry Hopped Hazy IPA

While Kiitos Brewing consistently delivers tasty year-round beers, the Salt Lake brewery isn’t against experimenting in the brewhouse. Kiitos’ (KEE-tose) latest Triple Dry Hopped Hazy IPA shows off its desire to mix-and-match different hops combinations.

This beer is dry-hopped with Amarillo, Citra and Lotus. The latter is a newer hop that appears to be catching on with brewers.

“I really wanted to have a beer that could be a landing spot to try new hops or different hop combos we haven’t tried yet at Kiitos,” said head brewer Clay Turnbow.

The Triple Dry Hopped Hazy IPA (5% ABV) pours a milky orange with a smooth cap of white foam. It’s cloudy, but not pulpy. A burst of bright citrus and tropical fruit aromas—orange, pineapple—hit the nose.

A touch of floral hops and light biscuit malt complement the fruit-forward flavors. Some vanilla peeks through as well. A pleasant creaminess and minimal finishing bitterness make for an enjoyable swig.

Next up in the brew lab, Turnbow says, is a dry-hopped beer featuring Sabro hops.

Kiitos, which means “thanks” in Finnish, will celebrate its third anniversary this fall. Turnbow, who’s no stranger to brewing in Utah, continues to innovate and make the most of trends. At the same time, he keeps a strong lineup of core beers at the ready. Previously, Kiitos earned gold at the 2018 Great American Beer Festival for its Coffee Cream Ale.

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