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903 Brewing’s Voted Beer Series | A Bipartisan Call-To-Action

903 Brewing’s Voted Beer Series | A Bipartisan Call-To-Action

With National Voter Registration Day just behind us and a mere seven weeks until the 2020 Presidential Election, there couldn’t be a more appropriate time for a brewery to highlight the need for all U.S. citizens to get out and vote. 903 Brewing, based in Sherman, Texas, is in the process of brewing its second bipartisan call-to-action I Voted beer. The blueberry-raspberry-cherry Berliner-Style Weisse follows the raspberry-blueberry sweet Cream Ale that kick-started the project during the May Primaries. 

The I Voted beers sport equally red-white-blue packaging and are designed to encourage voters of all persuasions to make themselves heard on Election Day. With the original batch of I Voted having sold out swiftly, 903 is releasing an expanded run of its new Berliner-Style Weisse. The latest release will hit supermarket shelves in mid-October in time for early voting, and should be available for Election Night consumption.

903 co-founder Jeremy Roberts says, “We’re not telling anyone who to vote for — just to get out and vote. People are always proud when they’ve voted, and what better way to reward yourself for voting than by having a 903 beer?” 903 has received loads of positive feedback on social media, particularly on the night of the Primary vote. Roberts is looking forward to sharing the new I Voted brew with the public. 

“The Berliner Weisse is really tasty,” he said, “and we’re expecting voter turnout to be high for this election as people on both sides are really passionate. We’re encouraging people to get out and vote and make their voice heard — and a beer is a much better reward than a sticker!’

While the beers themselves, as well as the design and messaging, are deliberately politically-neutral, Roberts does have proverbial skin in the game. Indeed, in 2013, Roberts brought craft beer to his local community when he co-founded 903, but now Roberts is striving for a role in the civic life of Sherman and its surrounding area by running for County Commissioner in his home seat of Grayson County Precinct 1. 

While there’s nothing to prevent beer-lovers from drinking the I Voted if they choose not to vote, the beer acts as a salient reminder of one’s civic obligations. Thus, despite the hype and the significance of the forthcoming Presidential Election, 903 plans to release subsequent versions of its motivational brew in tandem with other national elections to remind citizens that voting is not a one-off obligation. So, Whether you’re cracking one open at home, in 903’s taproom or any other beery location, be sure to take on the message with the medium — get yourself registered and get out and vote!

Feature Photo Credit: 903 Brewing

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