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Jameson Caskmates Continues to Partner With U.S. Breweries

Jameson Caskmates

The conversation that begat Jameson Caskmates transpired at a pub in Ireland’s County Cork in 2014, eventually evolving and growing into a program that included numerous U.S. Craft Breweries and ultimately a partnership with the Great American Beer Festival (2018 & 2019). Although GABF is virtual this year due to the relentless pandemic, Jameson remains focused as ever on its Caskmates and craft-beer partnerships.

“In 2020, Jameson has continued to strengthen its relationships with our existing brewery partners, and we continue to remain committed to celebrating local communities, including the breweries and brewers that make each one unique,” said Gary Feeney, Jameson Brand Manager.

“Jameson will continue to support many breweries across the country in 2020 and are excited to launch some Jameson barrel-aged beers alongside their partners in the lead up to St. Patrick’s Day 2021.”

Jameson Caskmates
Photo: Mathew Powers — GABF 2019

With Caskmates Whiskey, freshly tapped Jameson barrels are sent to a brewery, which places its beer in the barrel. When they brewery is finished with the barrels, they are returned to Jameson where the distillers age fully mature Jameson into the whiskey-and-beer-soaked-barrel. For the brewing partners in the States, notably those who provided beers at GABF, the process is much more familiar to U.S. beer drinkers: the brewers age their beer in the Jameson barrels. While the two staples involve IPAs and Stouts, the beer recipes offered by brewers the last few years have shown

profound diversity.

“Jameson is proud of its connection and commitment to the craft beer community. In 2015 we brought the two together as one with the launch of Jameson Caskmates. Over the years we continued the innovation with our Jameson Brewery Partner program by partnering with up-and-coming and established craft breweries across the country. With each new partnership and launch, we continuously see Jameson fans get excited about the unique expressions,” said Feeny.

Some partnerships have resulted in multiple beers and unique whiskies, such as those developed with Chicago’s Revolution Brewing and Bale Breaker Brewing in Yakima, Washington. “Feeny noted, “Bale Breaker Brewery has been part of the Jameson family for several years now and this Hyperlocal collaboration brought the Jameson Caskmates partnership full circle creating a quality whiskey and a quality beer, together.”

In the case of Revolution, Jameson notes, “Revolution Brewing traveled to Ireland to brew their signature beer, Fist City Pale Ale, to season Jameson casks. The Jameson Blenders used these beer-seasoned casks to create Jameson Caskmates Revolution Brewing Limited edition, pairing together each liquid’s unique flavor – the smooth taste of Jameson with the signature characteristics of Revolution Brewing’s Fist City Pale Ale.”

Feeny added, “Fans were thrilled with the taste and the partnership between with their favorite local spots.” And, of course, “Our Jameson Caskmates IPA Edition and our Jameson Caskmates Stout Edition are huge fan-favorites and certainly are not going anywhere any time soon.”

So, as the world waits for the global pandemic to relent, imbibers everywhere must navigate unfamiliar territory, including celebrating GABF at home. Still, that has not stopped most brewers and distillers from not only finding ways to keep production going, but flexing their creative muscles. A simple conversation in 2014 turned into a series of beers and whiskies, and eventually a host of events and tastings at one of the largest beer gatherings in the world. As St. Paddy’s approaches, more of that Jameson Caskmates creativity will become available, reminding us all that in the spirits and brewing world, another new idea is always right around the corner.

Feature image via Jameson Irish Whiskey

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