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Ska Brewing | Mexican Logger

Ska Brewing Mexican Logger

What started as a way to quench their thirst ended up blowing up for Ska Brewing and became one of the most widely recognized “OG” craft Mexican-style Lagers in Colorado and the United States. Light, crisp, and refreshing to enjoy, Mexican Logger is perfect to have in hand to welcome the warmer weather in Colorado after the winter months.

Ska has been brewing Mexican Logger since 1999 and was a result of wanting to satisfy the founders’ enjoyment of Pacifico (or, as Dave Thibodeau refers to themselves, “closeted Pacifico drinkers at the time”). After visiting festival after festival and wanting to enjoy something lighter, it clicked: “We’re craft brewers—why not brew one ourselves?” And just like that, Mexican Logger was born.

Ska Brewing Mexican Logger

Mexican Logger starts with a biscuit-like sweetness, as well as some honey notes, breadiness and roastiness. Its hop profile balances the Lager without overpowering the delicate beer. With lighter carbonation, it makes for a smooth mouthfeel and easy drinkability. The flavors that come through in the beer are the result of the Lager yeast strain they use, sourced from Mexico City. Paired with a slice of lime, it is a refreshing beer to be enjoyed on a warmer day. Mexican Logger has also won awards at The Great American Beer Festival in the International Pilsner category.

Over the last 22 years this beer been brewed, there have been many iterations of the artwork. The most recent one has been in the market for a few years now. Mexican Logger grew every year, slowly but steadily. However, the brewery shared that once they started canning it, it really took off. While it is a spring/summer seasonal beer, it is their second-best seller.


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Companion Beer for the Off-Season

Last year, Ska Brewing announced the release of Mexican Style Lager Dark, the spring seasonal’s counterpart to join their growing lineup of beers. Mexican Style Lager Dark is a smooth and slightly sweet Dark Lager with mild bitterness from its hop profile. It has subtle caramel flavors and a hint of roastiness to round it out. The plan for Mexican Style Lager Dark is to be available across Ska’s distribution footprint when Mexican Logger is not.

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