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Oni | New Hokkaido

Oni | New Hokkaido
Justin Pennel

New Hokkaido might be a new brewery name for many, so allow me to make the introduction. New Hokkaido is a phantom brewery based out of Mountains Walking in Bozeman, Montana. The brewery integrates Japanese culture into their label designs, beer names and how they brew. They also incorporate rice into all of their beers.

A Session-able Triple?

New Hokkaido recently released their first Triple IPA called Oni. Oni comes in at 10%, which might intimidate some, but rest assured, this big beer drinks like a Session IPA. There probably should be a warning or disclaimer on the label notifying consumers of how crushable this beer is, even though its ABV is in the double digits.

Photo by Justin Pennel

According to New Hokkaido, Oni (featured on the label) is the worst kind of ogre. Apparently, he is only happy when he’s spreading disaster or torturing the souls of the damned. An ogre like that is highly dangerous, which makes it very fitting they chose to name this beer after him because it can also be very dangerous due to how subtly the ABV comes through.

Oni is brewed with oats, Hokkaido rice and a blend of New Zealand hops. The oats and rice contribute to an otherworldly experience of softness, smoothness and pillowy-ness. Many hazy IPAs can often be described as soft or pillowy, but those adjectives are taken to new heights with this beer. The aroma gives off notes of tropical fruits and after the first sip a dankness and slight fruitiness give way to the previously mentioned softness. It’s highly recommended to share this beer with a friend.


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