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Rightside Brewing | Citrus Wheat & American IPA

Rightside Brewing Citrus Wheat & American IPA
Brandon Cohran

The world of craft beverages seems to expand every day as more and more producers pump out products ranging from pre-mixed cocktails to Seltzers.

There is likely one area of the industry, though, that you have probably skimmed over when it comes to shopping coolers or shelves at your local bottle shop. No, don’t think about the newest candy-inspired Sour Ale or adjunct-loaded Barrel-Aged Stout. You should be thinking about your next non-alcoholic beer purchase.

When is the last time, if ever, that you had a non-alcoholic beer? A few years? As a DD? There’s likely only a few brands that come to mind for you, too. Let this be a loud banging of the drum, but that section of the craft beer market is continuously growing in terms of popularity, availability and quality. One of the newest members to the space is Georgia’s own Rightside Brewing.

The inspiration for Rightside Brewing came when Founder Emree Woods was pregnant with her daughter back in 2017. It was evident, quickly, how limited the options for non-alcoholic beverages were when out and about. Since then, Rightside Brewing has been working to perfect their recipes through their contract-brewing partnership with Big Kettle Brewing in Lawrenceville, Georgia.

Right now, there are two Rightside Brewing beers available, a Citrus Wheat and an IPA. The inspiration for both was to create an approachable and familiar style that would have a broad appeal. It’s evident in what you’re getting when you grab a sixer of your choosing, but each is also a very good example of the style – alcohol or not.

Citrus Wheat

Summer days and the relaxing breeze near any body of water are synonymous with a good time. Rightside Brewing Citrus Wheat is perfect for these moments, but for any other time of the year, too. The aroma and flavor brings a sense of familiarity with a burst of citrus -tangerine peel and subtle lemon- which pairs beautifully with the light body. There’s a grainy malt presence that helps to keep the fruity notes from overwhelming your palate. Citrus Wheat is refreshing and bright. Light-bodied and smooth. It drinks reminiscent of a Belgian Wit, minus the heavy esters. Most importantly, Citrus Wheat truly drinks like a beer, so much so, that halfway through the can the lack of alcohol is unnoticed.

American IPA

There are countless ways to IPA these days. From Hazy IPA to West Coast to all the folks giving Cold IPAs a shot, there continues to be room for IPAs at the table. This NA IPA from Rightside Brewing is one that stands apart from others in the category. By design, the NA IPA was intended to offer a little more flavor and hop bitterness than the Citrus Wheat, and it delivers. There’s notes of subtle stone fruit and melon, alongside tropical notes on the aroma. If put in a glass, the beer pours clear and is almost amber in color. The best quality of the taste is the dryness on the end of each sip. It resets your palate and makes the next sip as enjoyable as the last.

Next time you go to enjoy a beer, but want to reach for something else, consider either of these options from Rightside Brewing. There’s always a reason for a non-alcoholic option, whether it be DDing for the group on the night out, captaining the boat for a weekend of lake fun, or simply not overdoing it on a weeknight. Sometimes, and in this case, they’re just delicious.

As the niche spot of the craft beverage industry continues to grow, it’s refreshing to have a local option. For anyone not in Georgia, but looking to enjoy Rightside Brewing, head to their website to stock the fridge for your next gathering.

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