Boys Are From Märzen Podcast | Mandy Naglich

In Episode 56 of the “Boys Are From Märzen” podcast, Kindsey Bernhard is joined by Mandy Naglich of Beers with Mandy.
Naglich is a freelance journalist, blogger, two-time National Homebrew Competition gold medalist and an Advanced Cicerone. When’s she not writing, brewing or traveling around the country visiting breweries and beer bars, she hosts beer tasting and blind tasting workshops for everyone from brewery’s staff to bachelor parties. Naglich has a passion for a style that is very unfamiliar to many beer drinkers. “Try This Farmhouse” is a project that celebrates farmhouse ales and demystifies their flavors.
Naglich just announced her first book will be coming out in the Spring of 2023. How To Taste: The Practical Guide to Dissecting Flavor like a Professional and Like a Connoisseur is a scientific look at methods to categorize, recall and appreciate flavor.

Boys Are From Marzen is presented by Louisville Ale Trail, a brewery passport program.
Welcome to the Pouring Twenties, Kentucky! Louisville Ale Trail, Against the Grain Brewery, Hi-Wire Brewing, and West Sixth Brewing are proud to present the return of Louisville Beer Week! This year, Louisville Beer Week runs from Friday, Oct. 22 through Friday, Oct. 29 with an after-party at Tailspin Ale Fest on Saturday, Oct. 30. Those celebrating can expect beer collaborations, panel discussions and over twenty events put on by twenty-three breweries. And thirsty patrons can now be quenched like never before with a limited-edition “Pouring Twenties” 22 oz commemorative cup that will be made available in participating brewery taprooms.
For more information, visit
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