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Firestone Walker Opens Enrollment for 2022 Brewmaster’s Collective

Firestone Walker Opens Enrollment for 2022 Brewmaster’s Collective

To celebrate its 25th anniversary this year, Firestone Walker Brewing set out to make a splash by launching their first-ever beer membership club. Brewmaster Matt Brynildson noted that he was eager to reconnect with beer fans after a year away from festivals, and events, so he found inspiration from neighbors up the road in the wine industry.

The Brewmaster’s Collective gave Brynildson a chance to share some of the brewery’s most special small batch projects through eight carefully curated collections sent to members throughout this past year. But in addition to rare beers and one-time only collaborations, each shipment also included specialty glassware hand-selected by Brynildson to pair with the beer collections. Today, the Paso Robles-based brewery has announced that the Brewmaster’s Collective membership program will return in 2022 and that enrollment has opened as of today, running until December 31, 2021.

Firestone Walker Brewmaster's Reserve Parabola
Parabola Collection of Brewmaster’s Reserve Collective | Photo by Tristan Chan

“The first year of the club has been a huge success, and our aim is to take the experience to
another level in 2022,” said Brewmaster Matt Brynildson.

Highlights from the 2021 edition included a collection featuring three takes on their iconic Parabola barrel-aged stout highlighted by Amburana Parabola, which was aged in 8 year Buffalo Trace barrels then aged in Brazilian amburana wood staves, a collection focused on Mixed Fermentation Wild Ales including a collaboration with Jester King using Chardonnay Grapes.

firestone walker feral collab

In addition to these premium collections, members also had access to purchase additional beers previously only available for purchase from Firestone Walker’s tasting rooms including experimental IPAs, revived recipes like their Wookey Jack Black Rye IPA and their recently released Cinnamon Dolce Nitro Stout.

While the inaugural year was only open to residents of California, the 2022 edition of the Brewmaster’s Collective will expand its reach to include residents of states Kentucky, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington D.C. Additionally, this year’s membership benefits will feature 6 curated collections as well as welcome beers and additional add-ons, that as a whole come to a total of 31 beers, four more than the previous year.  This second year’s collaborations will feature projects made with pFriem, The Bruery, Beachwood, Highland Park and Side Project, as well as WhistlePig Farm distillery.

Firestone Walker Brewmaster's Reserve Collective
Jim Crooks, Matt Brynildson, Eric Ponce (Left to Right) of Firestone Walker Brewing

“The Brewmaster’s Collective has proven to be a dream come true,” Brynildson said. “It’s not
only an incredible platform for personally connecting with craft enthusiasts, it gives us a runway
to unleash our imaginations as brewers. These are going to be some of the most inventive and
creative beers we’ve ever produced in our 25 years.”

Enrollment for the 2022 edition of the Firestone Walker Brewmaster’s Reserve Collective is now open and membership start at $575.

This has been a sponsored post in partnership with Firestone Walker Brewing Co.

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