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2022 Collaboration Fest Full Pour List + PorchDrinking Secret Tappings

2018 Collaboration Festival

Just over two years ago, on March 12, members of the Colorado Brewers Guild gathered to make the difficult decision to cancel one of their most lucrative fundraising events of the year at the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic. Over the course of the previous seven years, Collaboration Fest, had grown to become one of the country’s most inventive festivals by featuring beers produced exclusively for the event by collaborating breweries. In hindsight, the decision to cancel the festival in 2020 was the right call, serving as the first of a flood of cancellations and postponements that have spanned the past 24 months.

It’d be irresponsible to claim that life is returning to normalcy, but this weekend’s return of Collaboration Fest in Denver, CO is about the closest thing we’ve got. And now that we’re just three days away, it feels a bit poetic to have Collaboration Fest serve as a bookend to this dark, bizarre, and unparalleled chapter for Colorado beer fans.

Grab Your Tickets to Saturday’s 2022 Collaboration Fest!

Collaboration Fest Brew Day Barrel & Bottles Nikki A. Rae 01.26.2022 web res-45-medium
Photo by Nikki Rae provided by The Colorado Brewers Guild

On a much brighter note, as we do begin celebrating this weekend’s festivities, event organizer, the Colorado Brewers Guild, has finally released the full lineup of beers being poured at the festival. However, before we get to the meat and potatoes, PorchDrinking is excited to share that we’ve teamed up with On Tap Credit Union for a series of special “secret tappings” at the festival available just to our readers.

On Tap Credit Union
This post brought to you by On Tap Credit Union, providing banking solutions for Colorado, breweries and beer lovers alike.

We’ve curated a special lineup of beers from our friends at Capitol Creek Brewing in Basalt, Knotted Root Brewing in Nederland, and Strange Craft Beer here in Denver that will only be available from the On Tap Credit Union booth and nowhere else at the festival. All you have to do is visit the On Tap Credit Union booth and ask for the PorchDrinking Beers to gain access.

The 2022 Collaboration Fest will take place THIS SATURDAY, April 2 at the Fillmore Auditorium. Tickets are currently still available for early entry at 2pm and general admission at 3pm. 

And now, the full pour list for the 2022 Collaboration Fest!

Brewery 1Brewery 2Beer NameStyleThe Story of the Collaboration
4 Noses BrewingLady Justice BrewingEverything Is Coming Up RosesGrisette with RoseWe’re best pals who love to dream of beers we’ve never had. Everytime we get together, good times are had, so we just keep on doing it. This time we wanted a floral table beer to accompany those good times, so we took the classic grissette and bumped it up a notch with dried rose. Everything is coming up roses!
4 Noses BrewingCerebral BrewingCranial AccessoriesWest Coast IPAWe put our heads and noses together to come up with an IPA where we can borrow from each other's recent experiments. Cerebral has been toying with a touch of malted wheat and rice in their IPAs, while 4 Noses has been experimenting dry-hopping with a Rolec Dry-Hopping system. Both methods are in display in this crisp and bright West Coast IPA. Why didn’t this happen sooner?
6 and 40 BreweryCoal Mine Ave BreweryOrange is the New StoutCarrot Cake Blonde StoutThe owners of Coal Mine Ave Brewery were customers of Tom’s Brew Shop, so the mechanics at 6 and 40 Brewery wanted to scale up a collaboration to reflect our common homebrew roots. When a brewery and off-leash dog park collaborates with a classic car and 1960s gas station-themed brewery, the only result that makes sense is a super modified hybrid of two styles. We’ve upped the RPMs of a Blonde Stout with all the ingredients of a classic carrot cake: carrot, cinnamon, raisins, vanilla and walnuts. This beer may not be street legal, but it might help you Lose the Leash!
Baere Brewing CompanyFunky Fauna Artisan Ales (OR)Chêne OververtSaisonWe’ve been buds Michael from Funky Fauna since he brewed with Our Mutual Friend a while back. At FF they brew and enjoy similar styles as us, they just recently opened their doors, brew on a similarly sized tiny system and we thought it sounded fun to put our brains together of a saison.
Barquentine Brewing CompanyThe Empourium Brewing CompanyThe WellermanSession Ale with Candi Sugar, Black Tea Blend, and Rum-soaked Oak SpiralsGreg at the Empourium specializes in crisp, sessionable ales and lagers. Kyle at Barquentine has a ship obsession and focuses on Belgian beers. After several beers were consumed, and hollering the sea shanty The Wellerman, the two combined the brewers' passions and created a session ale that hopes "Soon may the Wellerman come, to bring us sugar and tea and rum." Belgian candi sugar, a tea blend of gunpowder and kusmi, and rum-soaked oak spirals.
Barrels & Bottles BreweryCBG Board & On Tap Credit UnionWelcome BackCold IPAA crisper version of an IPA by using Pilsner malt (from Colorado's Troubadour Malt) and Lager yeast (from Colorado's Inland Island Yeast) and 6 different hops. Higher ABV than a traditional IPL. This cold IPA has a clean assertive bitterness with bold flavors.
Bierstadt LagerhausGoldspot BreweryExtra Vehicular ActivityRye DunkelWe are friends and wanted to make beer together
Bierstadt LagerhausBagby Beer (CA)Tmave 13Czech Dark LagerWe are friends and wanted to make beer together
Black Bottle BreweryMythmaker BrewingBlended Sour Hazy DIPAThe Head Brewer from Black Bottle is moving on to open his own brewery, Mythmaker Brewing. This collab will be Tom's last beer at Black Bottle. The beer will be a Hazy DIPA that will be blended with a funky barrel aged sour golden ale from Black Bottle's wood cellar.
Bruz BeersRiver North BreweryThere Is Only ZuulBarrel-Aged BarleywineBruz Beers and River North create some of the best Belgian-style beers in the state! Combined, this beer should be killer.

This spirited collaboration leads with notes of baking spices and citrus on the nose. Hints of vanilla and toffee from the charred oak barrels complement the freshly baked biscuit and toasty malt finish. A boozy warmth on the tongue enhances the experience and lingers after each sip.
Burns Family Artisan AlesBeer MediaMedia FrenzyTriple IPA
Cabin Creek BrewingNew Terrain Brewing CompanyCabin TracksWhite IPANew Terrain Brewing Company and Cabin Creek Brewing are both well known for their unparalleled locations and passion for high quality products and experiences. Together, these two Colorado powerhouses share common values rooted in an outdoors, active lifestyle, taking advantage of all our beautiful state has to offer. Great beer, better friends, best community.
Call to Arms Brewing CompanyJoyride Brewing CompanyLet's Get At 'ErPremium Canadian Ice LagerWe have always been fans and friends of each other's brewery's and have talked for years about a Collab beer. We just never made it happen until now. Since we are both Lager fans and big fans of Letterkenny we thought it would be fun (and hilarious) to brew a beer that represented a Premium Ice Lager, with a nod to one of our favorite shows! Call to Arms and Joyride Brewing have the same birthday, only 1 year apart (CTA=2015, Joyride=2014, both on July 16th). That connection, combined with our mutual love of the TV show Letterkenny, made us want to make a beer that would have the approval of Wayne, Katie, Darry, and Squirrely Dan.
Cannonball Creek Brewing CompanyRiip Beer Company (CA)1020 WC IPAWest Coast IPAWe have built a relationship with Riip Beer Company due to our mutual love of absurdly hopped and extremely crushable West Coast Style IPA's.
Capitol Creek BreweryAspen Brewing CompanyNordic WayKviek Dry-Hopped LagerThe breweries are only 30 minutes apart in the Roaring Fork Valley. We have been working together on other beers and are very curious how a Kveik Lager will compare to traditional lagers. Then take the lager and dry hop with some Cryo-Kief.
Capitol Creek BreweryScratchtown Brewing Company (NE)Peaks and ValleysCascadian Dark AleWe love doing Collab Fest with our friends from Nebraska. We thought it would be fun to brew a Black IPA using some new products and techniques we have used and learned over the years. The possibilities are endless!
Cerebral BrewingLady Justice BrewingUnconfirmed DetailsBarrel_Aged Imperial StoutThis is our first collaboration as a new neighbor in the Aurora Arts District, which Lady Justice has called home for almost two years. The goal of this beer was to celebrate the Arts District community, so we consulted with another neighbor, Chef Gonzo of Miette et Chocolat for guidance on cacao nibs. We hope that barrel-aging the nibs before adding them to the stout will yield nuanced layers of oak character.
Chain Reaction BrewingCoal Mine Ave Brewing & Peak View BrewingUncommon Link Part 4Jalapeno Corn Bread Cream AleThis is the 4th collaboration brew between Chain Reaction, Coal Mine and Peak View in a series they refer to as uncommon link. Brewers and owners who came from all different backgrounds and became friends and wanted to unite for 1 passion. Making a some fun and different bunch of beers that push style limits and bring together diverse flavor profiles.
Cheluna Brewing CompanyBlue Spruce BrewingBelgian QuadNate and I used to work at Sleeping Giant brewing company and the owners of Blue Spruce and Cheluna are good friends outside of the industry. Both Nate and Tom have a love for Belgian beers, and we decided to collaborate with Jasper Yeast Company (which is run by Tom's mentor) to make a Belgian Quad. This beast of a beer has 2 different types of Sugar added, and is brewed with Westvelteran and Rochefort yeast.
Cohesion Brewing CompanyHop Butcher for the World (IL)Walter 11°11° Světlý Ležák (Pale Lager)This lager was single decocted using Troubadour Maltings Super Pěvec and Antero wheat. We added a mash hop addition of whole cone Czech Saaz hops to hopefully increase the hop flavor and aromatics in the final beer. Our goal is to add a little boost of tea, lemon, and floral characters from the noble hops we use in our Czech style lagers.
Comrade Brewing CompanyCheluna Brewing CompanySzech JuanIPAOur breweries are minority owned by Taiwanese American and Mexican American ownership. We wanted to brew something incorporating elements of all our cultures, so decided on an American IPA with Szechuan chiles/peppercorns and Tamarind pulp for a combination of sweet/spicy/hoppy to hit all the bases.
Crystal Springs Brewing CompanyLocal RelicShockingly SimilarSaisonThis beer is made with a high percentage of oats, farmhouse yeast from Blaugies brewery in Belgium, and Marionberry from Oregon.
Downhill BrewingRaices BreweryKey Lime Kettle SourWe thought it would be a great idea to partner up with an old friend and participate in a great industry shindig, as well as have an excuse to make a rad, 1 off beer.
El Rancho BrewingEvergreen BreweryCowboy CrusherHellesEvergreen and El Rancho are co-sponsors for beer at the Evergreen Rodeo. The Collab-Fest batch is a pilot to help dial it in for the summer event. Beer from the second batch will be donated to the Rodeo for sale at the event. It's a clean, crisp, crushable beer for a summer day at the Rodeo, or a mud season afternoon in the spring.
El Rancho BrewingEvergreen BreweryChief HosaSaisonAs the days grow longer and winter fades, a floral saison evokes images of springtime. Ten minutes apart in Evergreen, we regularly bounce in and out of each other's breweries, so collaboration is a natural.
Elevation Beer CompanyHideaway Park BreweryCitra® single hop and Not a single Citra® hopIPA featuring all of the crazy hop productsHideaway Park and Elevation Beer Co. are kindred spirits in our quest for fresh tracks, high water, clean lines, and hero dirt. We both operate in small mountain towns, and embrace all of the joy and struggle that come with it. We have been wanting to collab for a while, but the whole apocalypse thing kinda threw a monkey wrench into plans. Both breweries feature Andy's who love English Mild. We each brewed the same base IPA (A single hop Citra IPA) Elevation used standard pelletized hops, while Hideaway Park used extract, incognito, and spectrum hop products instead of any traditional hop additions.
Epic BrewingBootstrap BrewingSon of a BootstrapKorean Mukgeolli Rice Beer with Coffee and CacaoWe decided to collaborate because, well, we'd never done it before! Our friends at Bootstrap Brewing reworked a classic Epic Brewing recipe: Son of a Baptist Stout. We rethought the color and are making a white stout that we hope will look similar to "makgeolli" - a traditional Korean rice wine. Colorado, get ready for Son of a Bootstrap White Stout!
FlyteCo BrewingCopper Kettle Brewing CompanyIt's definitely a colab, we've been drinking all day!Imperial SchwarzbierOn a beautiful February morning, six people gathered for a collaboration brew day and watched one guy do most of the work. This collaboration started with a conversation months ago about brewhouse design and rolled into a delicious imperial schwarzbier.
Our partnership has special significance, because when FlyteCo's General Manager Lee Ann moved to Colorado five years ago, the first brewery she visited was Copper Kettle!
FunkwerksSparge BrewingPal-indromeBrett IPASparge Brewing has been making some wonderful clean beers since 2018; while clean beers are always a treat to drink, why not spice things up with something a little bit more funky? Our collaboration beer is our way of introducing Sparge to the wild ways of brett, letting them know it is ok to let loose in the brewhouse once in a while. We are reaching out of our comfort zone too - using experimental hop 09326 for the first time to help accentuate brett's fruitier side and lend some tropical notes to this collab concoction.
Glenwood Canyon Brewing CompanyComrade Brewing CompanyThiol Enhanced American IPAGlenwood Canyon Brewing Co. and Comrade Brewing Co. wanted to experiment with Thiol enhanced brewing techniques, while also producing an American Style Double IPA. Jake Lancaster (Glenwood Canyon), Marks Lanham and David Lin (Comrade) have known each other for sometime, and each got the ball rolling on this Collabfest project.
Great Divide Brewing Co.Knotted Root Brewing CompanyMitosutikku JikanUnfiltered Japanese Rice LagerBeing friends with some folks at Great Divide, we decided it would be fun to pursue a different style than both of us specialize in. Neither of us have brewed a Japanese rice lager before so we figured why not push some boundaries and try something new. Its a fairly traditional "rice lager" base fermented with a sake yeast blend and South African hops. The sake yeast lends peach and rose esters to the aroma and an extremely dry finish. But every time we say goodbye
The pain I can't identify
Reveals to me the hidden door
That leads to several moments more
Great Divide Brewing Co.Goldwater Brewing Co. (AZ)Cold IPAWe partnered with our friends from Goldwater Brewing Company in Scottsdale, AZ to brew a Cold IPA with a kick! This crisp and clear IPA was brewed with Kolsch yeast and is hop forward. The hops create dank aromas and you’ll enjoy notes of peaches and berries.
Guanella Pass BreweryStrange Craft Brewing CompanySilverbrick "Cocktails Anyone" & Silverbrick "Have A Drink On Me"Strong AleThis beer is not just a collaboration between two breweries, it is also a collaboration on a new restaurant and bar project in Georgetown called Silverbrick. Silverbrick sits on the campus of Guanella Pass Brewery and shares an outdoor patio and biergarten. Originally built in the 1860's, Silverbrick is brick building located in the old Silver Mining Town of Georgetown, CO. The restaurant will feature award-winning beers created by Guanella Pass and Strange Craft, craft cocktails, coffee roasted on-premise and a scratch kitchen serving both Silverbrick and Guanella Pass Brewery.
High Alpine Brewing CompanyOskar Blues Brewery LyonsParallel FuturesTriple IPAWe can wanted to brew a huge IPA that used new hops and a new hopping techniques. The key was to balance the bitterness, mealtimes, and alcohol. This is the smoothest Triple IPA we’ve ver brewed.
Holidaily Brewing Co.WestFax Brewing Co.Pink DrinkCherry White StoutIn true Collaboration Fest fashion, this beer was born out of a fortuitous conversation at a beer fest. Our breweries had tents posted side-by-side and after a few shared samplers, we vowed to collaborate - and so we have! We went bold on this brew, making a 100% gluten free White Stout with Cherries, using chocolate, vanilla, and coffee to infuse rich, dark flavors without the roasted grains!
Inland Island Yeast LaboratoriesOuter Range Brewing CompanyDark Norwegian AleOuter Range has been one of our best customers for the last couple of years so it was a no brainer to work with them on this collab. We love that they showcase so many different styles of beer, so we knew Lee and the OR team would be willing to try something new. This Norwegian Dark Ale will be the first dark non-stout in their lineup so we are excited to get this beer on tap!
Iron Mule BreweryTwo22 BrewThe Sound of Hammock TimePale AleThe brewing philosophy at both Iron Mule and Two22 Breweries is the same. We are not defined by styles, but freed by imagination. This allows us to re-imagine the potential of what beer can be.
Jade Mountain BreweryBlack Project Spontaneous & Wild AlesDivine ArrowBlended Red Koji Rice Sour AleThis entirely unique beer will be a blend of Jade Mountain's 100% red koji rice ale and Black Project's beautiful sour barrels.
Jagged Mountain Craft BreweryJade Mountain BreweryRamen BeerWe wanted to combine our love of beer and ramen into one delicious batch, and who better to do it with than Jade Mountain! This will be our second collaboration between the two breweries using ingredients and brewing methods modeled after Japanese brewing.
Jagged Mountain Craft BreweryLos Dos Potrillos CerveceriaCerveza Sin NombreSmoked Beer with Passion Fruit and LimeInspired by two old friends love for Mezcal, this cocktail ale is inspired by a recent trip to Oaxaca. Smokey yet bursting with tropical Passionfruit!
Joyride Brewing CompanyWestbound & Down BrewingBrewing for ScienceCold IPAWestbound & Down and Joyride have been great friends for many years and have a shared appreciation of west-coast style IPA's. We've done several collaborations together already, and Westbound & Down is currently the defending champion of Joyride's anniversary collaboration challenge.
Knotted Root Brewing CompanyBKS Artisan Ales"Burnt Ends and Greens"Imperial IPAWe are good friends with the folks at BKS Artisan Ales. We met at our taproom in Nederland when they were visiting our town on vacation last summer. We stayed in touch and decided to collaborate. A few months later, we flew out to visit them and brew at their location in the Brookside neighborhood of Kansas City. The original beer, "Burnt Ends", was designed to be a collaboration between our collective approaches towards hoppy beer. For Collaboration Fest, we took this idea even further with a slightly increased hopping rate and added "Greens" to the name, with the addition of more varieties of New Zealand hops. This is our heaviest hopping rate yet at about 7 lbs per bbl, built upon an extroadinarily soft grain bill,.
Kokopelli Beer CompanyA Bit Twisted Brewpubthe BATDark Hazy India Pale AleThe owner of A Bit Twisted brew pub contacted Kokopelli Beer Company to do a collaboration, what better time than the 2022 Collab Fest
Lady Justice BrewingMolly's SpiritsBarrel-Aged-Grain Chosen FamilyESBThis collaboration features the most unique beer Lady Justice has made yet. We're brewing our award-winning ESB, but barrel-aging the dry specialty malts in a rare Laws Whiskey Honey Bourbon Barrel before brewing the beer.
Left Hand Brewing Co.Bootstrap Brewing Co.Double IPALeft Hand and Boostrap breweries are very close to each other. We are only 0.5 mile apart! We thought it was time to make a collab happen.
Liquid MechanicsBoneyard Beer (OR)West Coast CartelWest Coast IPABoneyard brews up some of the best WCIPAs out there. LMx loves brewing up solid representations of the style. Its a match made in hop heaven.
Liquid MechanicsThe Post Brewing Co.Flightless Birds Aren't Real"New Zealand" PilsNick Tedeschi is a long time friend of LMx. Both breweries enjoy light lagers; sometimes with a twist. Our Pils utilizes puffed jasmine rice, Nelson and Wakatu hops and is fermented with Sauvignon Blanc must.
Living the Dream BrewingSka BrewingImperial IPAThrough mutual respect and interests, we got connected and thought we could have some fun. Motivated by a collection of experimental hops we each had at our breweries, we wanted to find a variety of ways to use those hops throughout the brewing and fermentation process. When you're trying to accent and highlight hop character and usage, we knew we had to go big and bold. What better style than an imperial IPA to blow everyone's taste buds away
Living the Dream BrewingMonumental Beer WorksHazy IPAWe both love making cocktail inspired beers. Taking the feel and experience of a classic mixed drink and transporting it into a pint glass. We both jumped on the idea of a Hurricane Hazy; Big, bold, and bursting with passionfruit, citrus, and cherry. You'll think you're on a sandy beach instead of a snowy mountain
Lone Tree Brewing CompanyGreat Divide Brewing & Crystal Springs BrewingAmerican WheatColorado breweries swept the American Fruit Beer category at the 2021 Great American Beer Festival and won all three medals. These three breweries come together to create an American Wheat with a unique blend of fruits that help clinch medals for each brewery.
Lone Tree Brewing CompanyEddyline BreweryJuicy IPAWith multiple connections between the two breweries in various ways, we thought it was time to collaborate to produce a fun beer to celebrate these connections. Sharing knowledge and creating a lasting friendship while producing a quality product is the ultimate goal of this brew.
Maxline BrewingMythmaker BrewingHerbal EffervescencesSaisonMythmaker is a new brewery opening up in Fort Collins. Maxline wanted to collaborate with Mythmaker to support them as they are starting up. Additionally, we are all friends and wanted to take the opportunity to make a beer together. Spring is coming up, naturally designed a springtime saison.
Mirror Image BrewingWynkoop Brewing, Phantom Canyon, FermlyThe Final PortraitMalt Liquor or Fruited Malt LiquorIt once started as a collaboration art project at Wynkoop Brewing many years ago with a portrait of young Danny Wang. As the portrait still hangs today, we continue on the collaboration with Wynkoop, Phantom Canyon, Fermly, and Mirror Image. We will be brewing a familiar flavor reminiscent of our younger years when life was carefree and easy, a fruited malt liquor.
MobCraft BeerPearl Street Brewery, Vintage Brewing Company, Starkweather Brewing CompanySaisonWe wanted to bring some of our Wisconsin friends down to Colorado for one of our first brews at our new Denver location. Four collaborated on the recipe which went from beers we had brewed together in the past, to seasonal preferences, to using ingredients grown in Wisconsin. (No we did not use cheese curds in the beer, but we will most definitely be eating some) The result is going to be a nice yeast forward saison brewed with Wisconsin cranberries and orange peel.
MobCraft BeerSpangalang, Jagged Mountain, Woods Boss & MobCraft Beer-DenverLemons For DazeSour Wheat Ale with LemonAs the new kids on the block we thought what better way to get to know our closest neighbors than brew a beer together! In 2020 this same crew (minus us) brewed a limoncello beer but Collab fest was canceled, almost exactly a year later, we brewed a Limoncello beer as part of our crowdsourced program. We both loved the beer concept so much we decided to take the best of both batches and brew it as one of our first Denver brews!
Mockery BrewingBaere BrewingMockingBaered Episode 7: Some like it Hot!Amber Ale with loads of smoked pineapple, agave, carrots, ginger, and a dangerous amount of extremely hot peppers.This is the 7th annual (except for last year, stupid pandemic) collaboration between Baere and Mockery. This year we decided to incorporate some elements from collaborations of years past and throw a scorching amount of heat into an otherwise malty, sweet and fruity beer. We will also be consuming record setting hot sauces throughout the brew day, culminating in the brew team taking the infamous One Chip Challenge! Should be fun!?
Mountain Toad BrewingOver Yonder Brewing CompanyHefehaferDutch-Style KuitKuit is a historic Dutch ale popular in the 15th century. It uses predominantly oat malt, plus barley and wheat, resulting in a distinct bready/oatmeal flavor and aroma. Our version uses Hefeweizen yeast and Javanese long pepper to create an ale that mimics warm spiced banana bread.
New Image BrewingCohesion Brewing Company9P LennyPolotmavyWe share a lot of common values with our friends at Cohesion, but maybe the most important is our drive to pour over every detail of every beer we produce. Our collaboration reflects this value, with every step considered carefully, from water filtration through to extended lagering, every detail is carefully tweaked. Additionally, we worked with our friends at Troubador Malting to create a blend of customized specialty malts, produced to exhibit the exact flavors we wanted for this project. The result is an extremely drinkable, low abv, amber lager tasting of caramel, toasted grain and toffee brewed with while cone saaz and aged hops that add hints of earth and spice.
New Image BrewingPhase Three Brewing Company (IL)Never Come DownWood-Finished Stout WineWe’ve been making beers with our friends at Phase 3 for a minute now and we’ve watched as the industry has grown and changed together over the last few years. We’ve seen seemingly every permutation of every possible beer get made, every extreme considered, every stone turned, but yet we still find inspiration to keep riding the wave that brought us here. That’s why we brewed Never Come Down, a beer that explores yet untracked terrain with an elegant blend of carefully selected components. We started by working with our friends at Troubador Malting to create a custom blend of specialty malts, including a super dark crystal we’re calling “crystal 300”, to build a base that we’re calling Stout Wine. Then we blended this with some of our oldest stock of barrel aged stout, brewed together over 2 years ago and matured in spirit barrels. Finally, we finished the beer on sugar maple wood to bring out additional layers of spirit complexity. The result combines our favorite components of stout and barleywine, with bold notes of caramel and toasted grain, subtle chocolate, oak and spirit all combining with a silly mouthfeel thats pleasantly coating on the palate.
New Terrain BrewingMolly's SpiritsPaloma ParadiseFruited Sour AleCollaborating with Molly's is a great way for us to explore new brews that show promise in the off premise market
Odell Brewing - Five PointsStation 26 Brewing Co.Couple of Hop HeadsIPAAlways enjoyed S26 beer and we got to talking at Joyrides Anniversary party. The rest is history as they say.
Odell Brewing - Sloan's LakeAmerican Homebrewers AssociationCherry Chika StoutCherry StoutThis previous BJCP competition gold medal winning homebrew recipe of Julia Herz and Paul Gatza is a gem. Seek out the dark roasted malt notes balanced by pie cherry acidity and cherry fruit notes. The collaboration with Odell represents the deep connection between homebrewers and pro brewers and is meant to inspire American Homebrewers Association members to BREW and enter the Pro Am competition at the 2022 Great American Beer Festival.
Odyssey BeerwerksWoods Boss BrewingForest Captain's Legendary Journey & Just to Calm the ShakesBelgian Quad & Session Coffee AleThe founders and staff of Odyssey Beerwerks and Woods Boss have been friends for several years, and remain very close (lots of hugs). Jordan Fink was a brewer at Odyssey while working to open Woods Boss and, before he left to work on Woods Boss full-time, he brewed a Belgian Quad for Odyssey. The next year Odyssey brewed a similar Quad, dumped it in barrels, and affectionately named it "Woods Monk," to honor Jordan's contribution to the beer and show appreciation for his time with Odyssey. Woods Monk was entered into GABF in 2017 and won a Silver medal. So, we figured we'd up our game for the collaboration this year. A 19% Quad/Quintupel, bookended by a less than 3% coffee ale, seemed like a good idea at the time.
Phantom Canyon Brewing CompanyMirror Image Brewing CompanySpeigelbildWood-Aged Rye MarzenWe met at the Day of Darks festival at Wynkoop and loved each others beers! We decided that was enough of a reason to brew together so we put together something neither of us had brewed - A rye Marzen aged on Sugar Maple wood
Primitive BeerWild Provisions Beer ProjectBiere au Méthode de CoupageSpontaneous Beer on RaspberriesWe are blending mature spontaneous beer from Primitive naturally macerated on whole organic raspberries with young spontaneous beer from Wild Provisions. The resulting blend will be served tranquil (without carbonation) through a beer engine with sparkler at Collaboration Fest. This beer is inspired by our favorite experiences with Cantillon’s raspberry Lambic served at Moeder Lambic in Brussels as well as raspberry Lambic served from the tank at De Cam Geuzestekerij. This beer is special to us because it is the first time Primitive Beer has ever refermented on whole raspberries and is the first release from Wild Provisions’ traditional spontaneous beer program.
Prost BrewingSeedstock BrewingSchwarzbier & Laws Barrel Aged SchwarzbierWe love schwarzbier, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to make something we both would want in our taprooms. Matthew Peetz (Propagate Labs) was kind enough to bring us together because of our shared love for German and Czech style beers. This will be unique because a section of the beer will be barrel aged. The intent is to pour the two side by side, allowing people to experience the difference.
Prost BrewingFritz Family BrewersFrostPilsnerWe were both excited for the opportunity to brew the type of Pilsner brewer’s want to drink. Something elegant and complex while staying true to the style. Collabfest seemed like perfect opportunity to put this type of beer out together.
Purpose BrewingAlesong Brewing & Blending (OR)The RemixBarrel-Aged SourPeter Bouckaert, founder of Purpose, befriended the folks from Alesong on his travels and did a collab beer dinner catering event with them in the fall.
Purpose BrewingSnowbank BrewingCosmic Bunk BuddiesExperimental Barrel BlendSnowbank and Purpose have been local Fort Collins friends for years. We're excited to get a chance to work together at any opportunity.
Ratio BeerworksMolly's SpiritsAmerican IPAWe brainstormed with Molly’s Spirits to combine our biggest inspirations in IPAs; without constraint of geographic region or traditional style guidelines. Dry, lightly bitter, soft palate and a light dry hop haze. We acknowledge the importance of public hop breeding programs and wanted to use them exclusively. Centennial, cashmere and triumph hops bring notes of orange marmalade, peach ring candy, dried pineapple and cannabis.
Ratio BeerworksCannonball Creek BrewingLast SplashNew Zealand Style Pale AleInspired by Cannonball's Featherweight American Pale Ale, we riffed on that recipe and utilized New Zealand Nectaron hops. The result is a crushable pale ale with notes of passionfruit, pineapple and white gummy bears.
Red Swing BrewhouseCerberus Brewing CompanyHighway 79SaisonIt was a very creative recipe down some time ago at our brewers old brewery. It is well received and shows creative aspects of both of these breweries. Troy from Cerberus is adding Ginger to the mash. Limon juice to the whirlpool and Calamansi juice to the secondary.
Resolute Brewing CompanyPeak View Brewing Company and Los Dos Potrillos CerveceriaAsthma CatSmoked Dark WheatwineWe wanted to do a neighborhood collaboration and brew something none of us have before. We decided on a strong smoked beer with smores adjuncts to create the experience of sitting around a campfire with good friends.
River North BreweryBurns Family Artisan AlesCaribbean style stout & Imperial Dark SaisonCaribbean Calculation & "Saison Postulate""Caribbean Calculation" Sweet but not cloying, with fruity esters from the yeast. We made this beer because we both wanted to explore my hazy ipa strain of yeast in a completely different way.
"Saison Postulate" Spicy from the Rye malt and dry because of the French Saison yeast, it creates an interesting take on the broad style that is Saison.
Rule 105 BrewingEddyline BrewingSmash JuiceBlonde AleOur breweries focus on making beer with natural ingredients for our friends, family, and patrons to enjoy. We knew from our previous work together, we would really find a great beer that would be a go-to for everyone. And, with Spring in the air, we designed the perfect beer, full of fruit flavor with notes of ginger. This is sure to be a hit watching the sun set on your patio or ours.
Six Capital BrewingLocavore Beer WorksNothin Left but the Cryin'Fruited Belgian OenobeerLong time friends and mentors. First Collab Fest Six Capital is a part of and can think of no other brewery we'd partner up with. Ain't nothin' left but the cryin'.
Sleeping Giant Brewing CompanyMaui Brewing Company (HI)PorterA mixing of Hawaii and Colorado culture with a dark rich porter mixing Hawaii coffee with Colorado Chili peppers. A clash of island and the Denver flavors!
Smoking River Brewing CompanyCopper Club Brewing CompanyBack - 40, Back - 20Parti-Gyle SaisonCopper Club has been Grand Valley staple since its inception and as a former patron I was always chatting Belgians with Danial, Jason, and Sam (Head,Lead and assistant Brewers). Now as a Pro Brewer I'm very excited to collaborate with one of my favorite West Slope breweries. The opportunity to develop a unique beer pairing while trying a rare mashing step with Copper Club seemed like a great challenge with these amazing and technical Brewers. We will be introducing a Parti-Gyle Saison with the first and second running's split between the two breweries, using the same hops and yeast, we hope to create a unique Beer tasting experience.
Spice Trade Brewing CompanyCounter Culture Brewery + KitchenNashville Hot ChickenRed IPACounter Culture Brewery and Kitchen and Spice Trade Brewing are both recognized for delicious fried chicken sandwiches. Together they've taken that knowledge and distilled it into Nashville Hot Chicken Beer! It's a malty, Red IPA brewed with a blend of spices, peppers, and chicken demi-glace; dry-hopped with a healthy amount of Sorachi Ace for that hint of pickle finish.
Storm Peak Brewing CompanyHideaway Park BreweryBetter BeansCoffee Kolsch1lb/BBL of ground, local, UBER-fresh roasted Nicaraguan coffee went into this humble Kolsch. You're goin down Mocha Joe
Storm Peak Brewing CompanyRoadhouse Brewing Company (WY)Two Lane Comfort CruiseDouble IPAWe love our friends in Jackson at Roadhouse Brewing. We've been using collaborations as an excuse for ski trips for years and are super excited to bring another one to our customers!
Strange Craft Beer CompanyFreetail Brewing Company (TX)StrangeTail XITropical Fruited IPAStrange Craft founder/head brewer Tim Myers has been brewing together with Freetail head brewer Jason Davis since 2011. Tim & Jason are kindred spirits when it comes to brewing styles, recipe development, and life. This brew represents the 11th "official" collab together and this time 'round we are celebrating Spring with a taste of the tropics. So kick back in your beach chair, put your feet up, and enjoy a pint of StrangeTail XI
The Post Brewing Co.Windfall Brewing Co.Bluebird Snow DayRed Lager with Herbal TeaWindfall's head brewer Dave used to work for The Post Brewing Co., and left to open up Windfall. They have now been open a few months, so we decided to couple up for the dance. We are both fans of tea in beer, so we put tea in the beer.
The Very Nice Brewing CompanyBJ's BoulderGIMBY (Get in My Belly Yo!)Scottish ExportAaron Stueck from BJ's was the first brewer to let me come in and mentor under him 10 years ago when my wife and I were starting our own brewery. He showed me the ropes when it comes to commercial brewing. We have been fast friends and colleagues since. We have shared the love of craft beer together at every CBG event since and remain constant friends through the craft beer business.
Timnath BeerwerksStodgy Brewing CompanyImperial Hazy IPA & LeichtbierStodgy and Timnath brewers have been friends for years and finally had a chance to brew professionally together.
Timnath BeerwerksWibby Brewing & Fritz Family BrewersCold Pale AleWe're a bunch of brewers who love making lagers, so we decided to get together and make a beer that's a bit outside of the normal lager definition
Tres Litros Beer CompanyPeculier AlesCitrus MaximaSour Hazy Double IPAPeculiar Ales came together with Tres Litros Beer Company to collaborate on a Sour Hazy Double IPA using Centennial, Cascade and Mandarina Bavaria hops. Furthermore, we added Pomelos, Guava and Vanilla to achieve a truly unique flavor profile.
TRVE Brewing CompanyInland Island Yeast LaboratoriesSense and EarthMixed Culture KveikWe’ve developed long-standing relationships with our local suppliers here in Colorado, with John and Inland Island being one of those, so it’s always nice to work directly with them on something. We decided to use the TRVE Norwegian strain to ferment the beer, as it’s one that I was able to source and make available stateside with the help of Inland. On top of that, John suggested using some lacto strains that we haven’t used before, and that sounded like an interesting and tasty combination.
To really drive the point home, I also called on our friends at Troubadour Maltings to malt something specifically for this beer. It’s a super funky and acidic Rye. I’ve always wanted to design a beer around a malt that wouldn’t necessarily work unless used in a highly specific way, and with this collaboration we’re able to do that. It should be a nice showcase of the strength of our ingredients and suppliers.
Trve Brewing has been an awesome partner for over five years and is always willing to try new and innovative techniques with our yeast and bacteria.
Uhl's Brewing CoCoda Brewing CoDuo Clash & Clash DuoWest Coast DIPA & Hazy IPALuke from Coda and Aaron from Uhl's bumped into each other at 2021's GABF awards. After a couple quick conversations, they figured that the return of Collab Fest would be a great time to get together and share processes and talk beer. So when they heard Collab Fest was back for 2022, they decided to brew up two beers that they feel will showcase the best of what each brewery could bring to the table. For 2022, Uhl's and CODA are making a Hazy IPA -Duo Clash - and a West Coast DIPA - Clash Duo. East and West on the tap for your enjoyment.
Upslope Brewing CompanyMainStage BrewingHopfenweizenHefeweizenThis collaboration marks the return of Upslope's prodigal son (Sam Scruby of MainStage Brewing) to the brewery he once led. We were inspired to brew a unique take on a hefeweizen, with a hefty addition of rolled oats and red wheat, as well as a generous helping of novel and experimental hop varieties (Contessa and Talus). Our hopfenweizen has the classic banana and clove character of a traditional hefeweizen with the bold citrus and pomme fruit hop aroma of a hazy IPA.
Vail Brewing CompanyGrand Teton Brewing (WY)Acid RaindropsHazy Sour IPAJust two great mountain breweries getting cliche'! You don't see to many hazy sours and we were able to blend two great hand selected hop varieties... Mosaic and Belma for a slightly tart and juicy IPA!
Vail Brewing CompanyRamblebine Brewing CompanyAbracadabraHazy Double IPAWe have been talking about making a beer together for awhile and this seemed to be the right time. Both Breweries have a love for all things IPA and when we were able to get our hands on NZ Phantasm Powder it was go time.
Vail Brewing CompanyBroken Compass BrewingNordic By NatureNorwegian Wheat Beer with LingonberryWe wanted to brew a unique-ish mountain beer. We decided on a Norwegian Kveik with the twist of Lingonberry (Scandinavian fruit) which none of us have every used. Lingonberry happens to be the original flavor in Swedish fish!
Verboten BrewingLaunch Pad BreweryBourbon Barrel-Aged BarleywineA couple of breweries who respect each others craft came together to have fun and create a great barleywine blend for collaboration fest!
Verboten BrewingUrsula BreweryDe Tres NuecesImperial StoutThis collaboration came from a mutual love between breweries for creating interesting, flavor-forward stout. We find the brew unique because it's a culmination of different pieces that when you think about them individually you wouldn't think they would meld, but when they come together it creates a special drinking moment!
WeldWerks BrewingOdell Brewing Company & Little Man Ice CreamMarsh MadnessIce Cream StoutThis beer was brewed using Lucky Cereal Marshmallows in the mash, then we added Little Mans Marsh Madness (Toasted Marshmallow Ice Cream with Lucky Cereal Marshmallows) Ice Cream into the boil. This Ice Cream Stout is sticky sweet and will be conditioned on tons of Vanilla and Marshmallows.
Wibby BrewingJack's Abby Craft Lagers (MA)Jack's On The RocksStein Rauch MaerzenWibby Brewing and Jack's Abby brewed a smoked maerzen lager together. This lager was brewed using steinbier techniques. The use of hot granite rocks during the brewing adds a caramel complexion to this lager that is only seen with this brewing technique. When 2 of the country's greatest craft lager brewers get together, great lager is made for all.
Wild Blue Yonder Brewing105 West BrewingAnd My AxeNew Zealand Style IPLThe two newest head brewers in Castle Rock wanted to get together and share brewing styles and techniques. We both were making our way into the brewhouse in 2019, and then 3 years later we both took the lead at our breweries. We are getting this collaboration going to show that new things will be coming to Castle Rock!

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