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Event Spotlight | Georgia Craft Brewers Festival | Saturday April 29, 2023

Georgia Craft Brewers Festival 2023
Brandon Cohran

Spring is all the way here as the gardens are growing and the showers are working to bring flowers. Baseball season is in full swing, and honestly we’re all just holding on to the greatness before the summer heat shows up. There’s been no shortage of beer events to attend for Georgia craft drinkers, and this weekend is no exception.

The Georgia Craft Brewers Guild is hosting their second annual Georgia Craft Brewers Festival in partnership with Atlanta Beer Festivals at Atlantic Station from 1-5pm. VIP access will begin at 12pm. More than 60+ members of the Georgia Beer Guild will be in attendance and pouring a combined 200+ beers. The cool aspect of this beer fest is it’s highlight of the awesome community, as 30+ beers being poured were special collaboration one-offs—similar to last year—with live music and food options. Basically, it’s going to be a party!

One of the best aspects of beer festivals is that it sometimes allows for avid craft beer enjoyers to try beers from newer breweries around the state that they haven’t been able to a) Get beers from or b) Haven’t seen or heard of. There’s a nice balance of newcomers and old heavyweights no doubt battling it out for medals. All in all, it’s all in the name of collaboration and highlighting the work of the guild in an attempt to better the climate for craft beer in Georgia at all levels.

Proceeds from the beer festival go right back in to further strengthening and growing the Georgia Craft Brewers Guild whose goal is to promote, protect and further, in every lawful manner, the common interests of the members and the licensed brewing industry in Georgia.

Beers to Look Out For

These beers are part of the special release collabs that help make this festival unique. Not every brewery partnered with another—some collaborated with an outside organization, non-profit etc. Here’s some of the list to be sure to check out.

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