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Odell Brewing | Lincolns Lager


It’s no surprise that craft beer is expensive. Perhaps it has always been this way, especially compared to macro beer. The strain of high price points to consumers is more acutely felt these days. To be sure, prices are high at every point in the supply chain, from raw materials to reliable labor to taproom space, and breweries themselves are struggling to balance all of these factors while still providing quality product at a palatable cost. It is because of all these elements that it is all-too-refreshing to find a good and affordable beer—or any drink for that matter. That is where Lincolns Denver steps into the picture, offering all drinks for only $5 cash. 

When Mark Ohlson, owner of Lincolns, decided to expand his concept bar to Denver, he sought out a local craft brewer to collaborate with in order to offer a $5 beer on tap. He met with Nick Tones, Sales Specialist at Odell Brewing Company. Together, they created Lincolns Lager, a $5 beer offered exclusively at Lincolns Denver.

$5 Drinks – You Can’t Be Serious?!

Ohlson is very serious when it comes to the philosophy behind Lincolns. He opened the first Lincolns in Portland, ME, in 2015 and then another in Burlington, VT, in 2017. While it might seem insane if not impossible to operate a bar where everything is $5, Ohlson has made it work by keeping things simple.

“We make everything cash only to cut out credit card fees,” explains Ohlson on the decisions he’s made to allow for a Lincoln to pay for anything at his bars. Ohlson keeps his bar suppliers as close as possible and negotiates everything himself. “If I can’t see you in person, I don’t want to work with you.”

Lincolns Mark Ohlson
Mark Ohlson, owner of Lincolns Denver

The business itself at Lincolns locations is relatively simple. No fancy cocktails. No huge beer list. A basic assemblage of liquors and mixers, a small well curated draft list, and a $5 snack make it easy to both keep the bar stocked and ensure quick and efficient service. It is this focus on how his bars work that has allowed Ohlson to have two thriving Lincolns locations for over seven years and add a new one in Denver.

While this formula might seem bare bones, the experience at Lincolns Denver is anything but. Once finding the semi-secretive underground location downtown near Union Station, patrons are greeted with a cleverly appointed lounge-like atmosphere full of inviting couches and places to hold great conversations. Combining dive bar prices with an upscale feeling vibe further sets Lincolns apart from other bars.

The Local Odell Collab

As Ohlson was looking to open Lincolns in Denver, he wanted to associate his bar to the new city in a meaningful way. Traveling to different breweries and meeting their sales people, he connected with Tones at Odell and brought up the idea of creating a collaboration together. Odell is no stranger to working with local businesses on specialized beers, so they were quickly on board with the idea.

Ohlson laid out the parameters of an easy drinking beer that hit the right price point while maintaining some strong character. After sampling some Odell offerings, Ohlson and the team decided on a beer similar to Lagerado, an imminently crushable crispy Lager. With a little bit of proprietary adjustments and additions, Lincolns Lager was born and now pours proudly from the taps for the low price of—you guessed it!—$5.

This is a good beer – the man would never lie!

Drinkin’ Lincolns

Drawing inspiration from its Lagerado cousin, Lincolns Lager is incredibly crisp and refreshing. A rich golden pour settles with a thin foam atop. An inviting aroma of light malt and faint floral hops beckons the first sip that is bound to go down smoothly. The flavor is certainly light yet contains some hoppy complexity. While Odell did not specify any processes used in the brew, moderate dry hopping seems like it was used to lend dankness and a little something extra to this easy drinker. At only $5 per pint, Lincolns Lager is easily an all night crusher. Come for the beer and stay in the inviting environs, enjoying some distraction free drinks with good friends.

Lincolns Lager in its natural habitat

A $5 Future

Lincolns, both the bar and the beer, are accomplishing something that many people are looking for in today’s cost sensitive environment—satisfying a thirst without breaking the bank. Ohlson has been humbled by his bar’s reception. “So many people have said this is what Downtown (Denver) needed. I feel honored to be able to contribute to this beautiful city by keeping it affordable and fun for everyone.”

Perhaps this becomes more of a trend—fulfilling people’s wants at a reasonable price—and we begin to see more welcoming establishments offering great prices in a no frills fashion. Lincolns and Odell have paved the way to show how low price does not have to mean low quality.

Lincolns in Lincolns Denver

All photos courtesy of Britt Antley

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