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Four Leaf Brewing | Healing Hues IPA

four leaf brewing healing hues ipa
Zach VanderGraaff

Clare, Michigan, may be the small-town gateway to the North, but it’s also home to a hidden gem for beer lovers: Four Leaf Brewing. This local hotspot pairs great food with inventive beers, like the fascinating and purple Healing Hues IPA. 

A Purple IPA?

The first thing you’ll notice with this brew is its purple color (thus the “hue” part of its name). In a darker light, it’s more of a hint, but when you hold it up to a light, the amethyst color catches the eye. The color is unusual enough, but the beer’s purpose explains it all. 

Healing Hues was originally brewed as a collaboration with R.I.S.E. Advocacy, a group providing intimate partner and sexual assault support in Clare, Isabella and Gratiot counties. Purple is the color associated with supporting victims of domestic violence and where the IPA’s brewers got their inspiration. 

RISE Advocacy Brew Day
Brew day with Jessie and Molly of R.I.S.E. Advocacy (Photo by R.I.S.E. Advocacy)

“In our community, we support R.I.S.E. Advocacy’s work to uplift survivors’ needs, voices, and experiences. Healing Hues IPA is a special brew created to support the organization’s exceptional work. The purpose of the IPA derives its signature purple color from butterfly pea flowers, a natural litmus test. With every purchase of this beer, a percentage of the proceeds will benefit R.I.S.E. Advocacy, Inc.”

— Amy Shindorf, owner of Four Leaf Brewing

The vibrant color might draw a drinker in, but the mission behind the beer gives every sip a deeper meaning. Fortunately, Healing Hues isn’t just a conversation starter—it’s a standout IPA with a flavor as unique as its story.

The team at Four Leaf Brewing used butterfly pea flower to infuse Healing Hues IPA with its amethyst color. Photo provided by Zach VanderGraaff.

Coming in close to this clear purple brew reveals an aroma of mostly grapefruit, not overpowering but light. When you sip, you’ll get the more complex mix of grapefruit and dank hops you’d expect as it finishes with a lingering, moderate bitterness. 

It’s the butterfly pea flower that makes Healing Hues stand out from the IPA crowd. The floral flavor mellows out the traditional hoppiness of the beer and adds a bit of body and viscosity. The beer has a medium-high carbonation, but its creaminess marks it as unusual but not unpleasant. People in the area are raving and those who stop by would do well to order a Healing Hues for themselves, as well. 

This twist on an American IPA would be perfect with a balsamic-based pizza or salad to complement the pea flower. (Visitors to the taproom are in luck—Four Leaf makes great pizzas as well!) If you’re in the mood for dessert, try this with a lavender shortbread or rosewater macaroon for a light yet flower-powered treat. 

Innovation in a Small City

In a sea of similar IPA flavors, Four Leaf has created something new and unexpected while still satisfying that hop itch. To do this all for a worthy cause is something to be celebrated, so make Four Leaf Brewing in Clare, Michigan, your next stop as you explore beautiful Northern Michigan!

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