About- Tristan Chan
One Minute Beer Review: Great Divide Brewing- Rumble
September 7, 2012 | Tristan ChanABV: 7.1%
One of my favorite things about Rumble is the fact that you can enter any room with a six pack and unabashedly exclaim “LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE” without … Read More
One Minute Beer Review: New Belgium Brewing- Red Hoptober
September 6, 2012 | Tristan ChanABV: 6%
IBUs: 60
This fall there were several things that I was really looking forward to, football, fantasy football, Kentucky football, then after last weekend’s performance Kentucky basketball, the … Read More
Roundtable Discussion: More Holidays Bro
September 5, 2012 | Tristan ChanWe are a nation of hard working, non-slacking off, nose to the grindstone individuals, which is why most of you will be reading this when you should be working on something else. Hey, we aren’t pointing any fingers, hell we didn’t have a new post up for three straight days this past Labor Day weekend. Speaking of which, I’m not complaining but is it really necessary to have a holiday for the American Laborer? While we’re at it, perhaps we should just think about adding a few more superfluous holidays, which brings us to this week’s roundtable discussion. I challenged our staff to come up with their own made up holidays. Read More
Climbing a 14er and Drinking a 12 Ouncer
September 4, 2012 | Tristan ChanTypically, Mike Tolliver serves as our resident outdoorsman who hikes, bikes, camps, climbs, rappels, grapples, boulders, skis, snowboards, what not and what have you, all while enjoying a celebratory beverage, after spiking the proverbial flag into mother nature’s ass. Afterwards he’s nice enough to transpose those travails on PorchDrinking while making us all feel like lesser beings. I on the other hand, went on my first camping trip this June. Yes, my first camping trip. However, like most transplants in Colorado, I’ve quickly acclimated to the rest of this great state’s lifestyle by diving head first into the rugged outdoors. The most recent of these adventures involved completing my second 14er. Read More
PorchDrinking Joins Louisville Hate Day
August 30, 2012 | Tristan ChanOne of the main reason PorchDrinking.com exists today is due to the success of another blog, Kentucky Sports Radio. As many of our readers know, I am originally from Lexington, … Read More
Roundtable Discussion: Are You Ready For Some Football?!
August 29, 2012 | Tristan ChanI’m pretty sure you can already feel it in the air, that crisp early morning breeze, the prevalence of leaves starting to crunch with each step you take down the sidewalk, the crackle and aroma of wings wafting through the air, and the unavoidable discord coming from national pundits about an irrelevant Tim Tebow… let me repeat IRRELEVANT.
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PorchDrinking Playlist: Cover Songs
August 28, 2012 | Tristan ChanWhen I was younger, I used to hate cover songs. Who were these hacks thinking they could just steal credit for the brilliant song writing of a trailblazing artist? Why did the general public not notice that John Mayer, who sounds like Adam Sandler’s Little Nicky, ripped off Joni Mitchell’s Paved Paradise, or that Alien Ant Farm tarnished the legend that is Michael Jackson. High school was an angsty time for me as was most people, but at least music was a good reason for that angst. But soon I discovered that not all covers should be viewed with such disdain. In fact most of these serve more as tributes, and for a cover to truly succeed, it has to be poignantly different from the original. And so I bring you the best cover songs that were able to convey just that.
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PorchDrinking Challenges YOU to Fantasy Football
August 23, 2012 | Tristan ChanThink you have what it takes to challenge the PorchDrinking staff at Fantasy Football? We have four spots left in our PorchDrinking league. Take on our staff members and be … Read More
Round Table Discussion: Back to School Edition
August 22, 2012 | Tristan ChanBack to School… Back to School to prove to Dad I’m not a fool! Its that time of the year again where lunch boxes are getting filled with bologna sandwiches and snack packs, Office Depots are hocking assorted folders, pens, and TI-83s, and children are feverishly combing through their Spark Notes. In honor of schools starting up again we decided to discuss what we loved/hated most about going back to school.
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Avery Brewing – White Rascal
August 21, 2012 | Tristan ChanABV: 5.6%
IBU: 10
Beer has been described as many things, a new acquaintance, an old friend, and some mornings a cruel nemesis. I’ve encountered several anthropomorphized versions of beer but none more useful than White Rascal, my go to beer wing man.
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Epic Ways to Open Beer
August 20, 2012 | Tristan ChanIt seems like opening a bottle of beer is always an ordeal. For some reason people still haven’t caught on to the concept of a key chain, a sandal, a door, a skateboard, a buzz saw … yes we said a buzz saw. Our friend Kim Rose decided to get creative one day and show us all the way he and his buddies found to open a bottle of beer. Enjoy!
One Minute Beer Review: Avery’s The Kaiser
August 17, 2012 | Tristan ChanThe Kaiser Imperial Oktoberfest Lager- Avery Brewing Company, Boulder, CO
ABV 10.03%
IBU: 24
The Perseids meteor shower is the annual mid august star gazer’s dream.
How to do … Read More
Late Night Post Calling New PorchDrinkers
August 17, 2012 | Tristan ChanTwenty Four years ago today, a legend was born. That mythical creature is also better known as Chris Knost, PorchDrinking’s own uber web designer who has been kicking butt … Read More
Roundtable Discussion: Shark Week… ish
August 15, 2012 | Tristan ChanWatching Shark Week every year just makes me think that getting mauled by a great white just might be the most badass way to go out. Kinda morbid but, … Read More
PorchDrinking Playlist: Folkin’ Around
August 14, 2012 | Tristan Chan* Editor’s Note: The PorchDrinking Playlist will feature weekly post to help aid in your porch drinking sessions. Some like the one today, will be themed toward specific genres.
Going … Read More
Beer Olympics … More Coverage
August 14, 2012 | Tristan ChanOur friend Halley O’Brien over at Sunday Waffles bring us her outrageously hilarious take on Saturday’s Beer Olympics. U-S-A, Spain, U-S-A, Spain!
For more from Halley check out halleyobrien.com or … Read More
Beer Olympics … the Beginning of the End
August 14, 2012 | Tristan ChanBeer Olympics Logo Created By Erin Horn
I never thought that I’d participate in another Beer Olympics after graduating college. But then again I never thought I’d ever actually graduate … Read More
High Gravity Brewing On Its Way!
August 13, 2012 | Tristan ChanLately trying to keep track of new breweries has been kinda like trying to keep track of FroYo stores, they keep popping up and I completely OK with that. The latest in Denver’s Craft Beer Renaissance period is Craig Rothgery’s High Gravity Brewing which is hoping to open it’s doors by late December or early January, a perfect way to start the new year.
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Roundtable Discussion: Meat vs. Beer
August 8, 2012 | Tristan ChanLast weekend during a porch drinking session, a few of our writers debated if they had to give up one thing whether it would be worse to have to … Read More
Avery 19th Anniversary Party
August 7, 2012 | Tristan ChanI’ve often described the beer industry as a community, but when it comes to the people who work at these establishments, it’s often more fitting to call it a … Read More
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