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AboutDan Bortz, Author at PorchDrinking.com – Page 2 of 13

Dan Bortz

Dan Bortz

If he isn't at work, in the gym, on a mountain or dropping his kids off at school, you can pretty much bet on the fact that Dan Bortz will be drinking a delicious craft beer. Check out his nerdy ramblings right here on PorchDrinking.com!

Posts By Dan Bortz

What We’re Drinking | August 3, 2018

August 3, 2018 |

Ever get into a heated Twitter argument about seasonal creep in the craft beer market? I caused one yesterday! Luckily, I’m back in my safe space today. I get to look at soothing pictures of beers that our lovely team of PorchDrinkers enjoyed this week. Without further ado, this is What We’re Drinking!
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The Weekly Buzz | July 27 – August 2

August 3, 2018 |

Since we’re all gathered here around the Weekly Buzz hearth, allow Grandpappy Dan to spin a yarn about the good old days. A long time ago, fall seasonal beers — like pumpkin ales — used to be released in the fall, so that their warm spiciness and pumpkin sweetness could be enjoyed on cool autumn nights. Märzens (or Oktoberfests) would be released in September to coincide with Munich’s historic Oktoberfest festival, which runs from late September until early October. Much like the way certain big box chains stock bathing suits in February, these beers are releasing earlier and earlier. Does anyone really want to drink a Pumpkin Ale in July or August? I don’t believe that they do. Seasonality is a beautiful thing, but it is being lost as its lines are being blurred. If you don’t buy fall seasonals in August, they’ll stop releasing them in August.

Let’s make seasonal beers great again!
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The Weekly Buzz | July 20 – 26

July 27, 2018 |

I’ve just arrived at the point where I have decided to neglect my real, bills-paying job in order to do a little work for my Internet beer-writing gig. Typing this intro on my phone is a real time-saver! I don’t know why I never thought of this before. The sign on the door that reads “No Personal Cell Phones in Work Area” doesn’t bother me either. Everyone here knows that The Weekly Buzz is more important than operating this very complex cement plant control room. If only they’d let me drink on the job…
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What We’re Drinking | July 13, 2018

July 13, 2018 |

Independence Day may have already passed us by, but the porchdrinking continues at a feverish pace. With several heat waves underway throughout these United States, it is only logical that we cool our hot bodies and fiery tempers with some cold brews. This is What We’re Drinking.
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The Weekly Buzz | July 6 – 12

July 13, 2018 |

Are you tired of hearing me complain about my job? Well, you’re in luck! My ridiculously long work weeks are coming to an end soon, and I couldn’t be happier. How does my employer expect me to waste time on Twitter while working a 70-hour week? Joke’s on them! I do it on the clock. Anyway, here’s all the nonsense that I discovered while I while shirking my responsibilities. This is The Weekly Buzz!
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Event Preview | Meeting of the Malts 2018

July 10, 2018 |

Heads up, Pennsylvania beer enthusiasts! The Brewers of Pennsylvania (BOP), the state’s official brewers guild, has released the details about the 2018 Meeting of the Malts. As usual, it promises to be one of the premier events of the Keystone State’s craft beer scene.

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What We’re Drinking | July 6, 2018

July 6, 2018 |

This week we celebrated our independence from the crown. Nationwide, record-high temperatures inspired us to drink the finest, coldest beers we could get our hands on. Not only did they quench our thirst, but they provided a diversion from the horrifying hellscape of our current government. Why have one beer when you can have six? This is What We’re Drinking.
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The Weekly Buzz | June 29 – July 5

July 6, 2018 |

This week has been an absolute nightmare. I have been working ridiculous hours at my day job, and the cell service in my office isn’t even good enough to load Twitter. Luckily, Wednesday was Independence Day, so I had plenty of holiday posts to choose from. Prepare to feel very patriotic. It’s time to crack open The Weekly Buzz.
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The Weekly Buzz | June 22 – 28

June 29, 2018 |

I’m back from vacation and gotten back to my daily grind. After one shift at work, I’ve decided that it is already time for another holiday. Why is that first day back always so hard? I can’t even drink beer to cope because I’m trying to undo the damage that I did with a week of seafood buffets and booze. Luckily, “Beer Twitter” was actually pretty fun this week! Here’s all the shenanigans worth sharing. It’s The Weekly Buzz!
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What We’re Drinking | June 22, 2018

June 22, 2018 |

Summer has officially arrived, and the PorchDrinking staff is wasting no time. Beautiful beers are being consumed with gusto. Now would be the time to grab a legal pad, sharpen a few pencils and prepare to take meticulous notes. We put on one hell of a craft beverage clinic this week. This is What We’re Drinking.
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The Weekly Buzz | June 15 – 21

June 22, 2018 |

This week’s mini-rant is going to be dedicated to the horrifyingly low availability of craft beer in Myrtle Beach. Yes, I know that there are a few places with a halfway decent selection, BUT the Grand Strand covers a shocking long chunk of coastline. I don’t always want to drive 30 minutes round-trip just to grab a late-night sixer. Today I bought a four-pack of Miller High Life pounders in a Dollar General. That’s what I’ve sunk to. While I wallow in the depths of macro despair, I submit this edition of The Weekly Buzz.
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The Weekly Buzz | June 8 – 14

June 15, 2018 |

Today is my eighth consecutive day of work. Six of those days were 12-hour shifts. I work another 12-hour day tomorrow. I’m tired. I’m cranky. There hasn’t been enough beer in my diet, so definitely send some of that my way. My social media time was limited, but I gladly burned the candle at both ends for you, my dedicated readers. Raise a pint for me, and enjoy The Weekly Buzz.
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The Weekly Buzz | June 1 – 7

June 8, 2018 |

It’s been a busy week. I’m working 20 hours of overtime this week, but that’s not even what I’m talking about. Beer festival season is upon us, and the task of sorting through thousands of festival-related tweets and ‘grams has fallen to me. In the words of the demigod Maui from the Disney animated feature “Moana,” You’re welcome. This is The Weekly Buzz.

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The Weekly Buzz | May 25 – 31

June 1, 2018 |

After a long weekend and a short work week, all I can think of is drinking more beer. Luckily, there will be plenty of opportunities this summer! So grab a lunch beer — something sessionable, of course — and check out this week’s beer-related social media nonsense. This is The Weekly Buzz!
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The Weekly Buzz | May 18 – 24

May 25, 2018 |

I’m totally stoked for Memorial Day weekend. I don’t have to work, which in itself is a rarity, and I also used two vacation days to finagle an entire week off. But let’s not forget the reason that we don’t have to work on Monday. Use every sip of beer as an opportunity to toast those who have fallen in service to our country. They paid the ultimate price so that I could post some nonsense I found on Twitter. This is The Weekly Buzz.
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Sixpoint Brewery | Righteous Barrel-Aged Rye Ale

May 21, 2018 |

Spring came very late this year, which delayed my normal drinking schedule a bit. By Easter, I’ve typically transitioned to pilsners, session IPAs and goses, but this year’s cooler temperatures had me settling back into my winter routine. It may have been fate when Sixpoint Brewery‘s Righteous Barrel-Aged Rye found its way into my fridge, and it was a welcome sight during this unseasonably cool, rainy spring.
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What We’re Drinking | May 18, 2018

May 18, 2018 |

I can’t help but notice that none of you sent me any beer for my birthday! Actually, I can. You didn’t know it was my birthday. It’s not like I have a Wikipedia page or anything. You aren’t to blame for the fact that I drank Corona Light. I made some poor life decisions. The rest of the PorchDrinking staff, however, made some very good decisions. Scroll down to discover What We’re Drinking!
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The Weekly Buzz | May 11 – 17

May 18, 2018 |

I’m far too tired to give you a witty introduction. My body is aching. Migraine symptoms are setting in. I know that these are probably related to the amount of time I spend on Twitter, but I’m just too darn committed to compiling this dumb list of tweets for your enjoyment. My own well-being comes second to you. Submitted for your approval, this is The Weekly Buzz.
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The Weekly Buzz | May 4 – 10

May 11, 2018 |

I need to wake up at 4 A.M. to go to the gym. I’m not sure that this is the best way to live my life. I should be staying up late, drinking beer and waking up for work at the last possible second. What’s happening to me?! Anyway, here’s a bunch of stuff I found on Twitter and Instagram. Just because I’m not drinking, doesn’t mean you can’t have your own Weekly Buzz!
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The Weekly Buzz | April 27 – May 3

May 4, 2018 |

This freaking weather is driving me insane. First it was cold, and now it’s 90 degrees. I just turned the heat off two days ago. It shouldn’t have been necessary to turn the air conditioner on today. Mother Nature needs to cool her jets and enjoy a fine craft beer. Despite the sweat puddle that’s accumulating under my desk, I still managed to find a bunch of fun stuff on Twitter and Instagram. Sit down in front of your favorite oscillating fan and enjoy The Weekly Buzz!
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