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Posts ByLori Kitzing, Author at PorchDrinking.com

Steeple Brewing Co. | International Preacher IPA

October 21, 2022 |

Steeple Brewing Co. opened in Hastings, Nebraska in 2017. From the start, the founders of Steeple Brewing knew they wanted an IPA on tap. But this was Hastings, Nebraska: a place known as the birthplace of Kool-Aid. Not a place known for adventurous beer offerings. Enter, “International Preacher IPA.”

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Wibby Brewing | Double Dunkel

July 25, 2022 |

Wibby Brewing is a craft lager brewery located in Longmont, Colorado. Their taproom has an impressive amount of outdoor seating and an overall relaxing and welcoming atmosphere. But most importantly, they have some amazing beers.

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Code Beer Co. | Munich Mindset Dunkel

February 14, 2022 |

In Nebraska, the temperature can easily swing 40 degrees from one day to the next. In the winter, it can be bitter cold on Monday, and 60 degrees on Tuesday. This can make it challenging to know which beer to stock up on. Dark and cold days call for a heavier beer to warm you up. On a sunny day, you want to reach for something crisp and light. What’s the solution? Play it safe and get yourself some Munich Mindset, brewed by Code Beer Co. in Lincoln, Nebraska.

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Zipline Brewing Co. | Festbier

October 25, 2021 |

Zipline Brewing Co. of Nebraska has earned another Great American Beer Fest (GABF) medal. In 2021 Festbier received the bronze medal in the style of Dortminder or German-Style Oktoberfest. What is special about the brewing process? “Time!”

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SchillingBridge Brewing Co. | Irish Coffee Chocolate Stout

May 31, 2021 |

The pandemic reminded us about the importance of supporting small, local and family-owned businesses. SchillingBridge is a family-run operation that claims to be the nation’s first farm winery/microbrewery. They are located in Pawnee City, NE, a small town less than 10 miles north of the Kansas border.

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Zipline Brewing Co. | Milk Stout

January 21, 2021 |

As winter rolls into Nebraska, it’s time to slow down and enjoy some locally-crafted stouts. Zipline Brewing Co. has released their winter seasonal beer, Milk Stout. This is their second year brewing Milk Stout, and locals are glad to see it come back. Last year the beer was so popular, they ran out earlier than expected. This year you should be able to find it on store shelves (and at one of their four locations in Lincoln and Omaha) into mid-March.

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First Street Brewing Company | Popular Blonde

October 9, 2020 |

First Street Brewing Company of Hastings, Nebraska opened its doors in 2016. One of their most popular beers is named, rightfully so, “Popular Blonde.” Brewer and Owner Nathan wanted to make a beer to be served at his friend’s coffee shop. The Art Bar is located a couple blocks from the First Street taproom.

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Boiler Brewing Company | Hawaiian Trifecta

April 23, 2020 |

Coffee, chocolate, or coconut stouts are wonderful things in and of themselves. But in the hands of Boiler Brewing Company, these three big flavors combine to create one winning Stout: the Hawaiian Trifecta.

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White Elm Brewing Co. | Fluffaluffagus Stout

February 14, 2020 |

When you walk into a White Elm Brewing Company taproom in Lincoln, Nebraska and ask for the Fluffaluffagus, you’ll notice a few things about this beer.  First, Fluffaluffagus is very fun to say. Second, this is a beautifully dark beer that pours with a tall, tan head. Third, as you lift the glass to your nose for a sniff, you’ll note that it smells familiar. Perhaps like a cereal you ate as a kid.  No (you go in for another sniff) not the cereal. It smells like after  you ate the cereal, and all you had left was the reward of the marshmallows floating around in the last of the milk.

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Brickway Brewery & Distillery | Jalapeño Pineapple Pils GABF Gold

November 26, 2019 |

Being a fan of spicy food, I’ve tried to like chili beers. Some are too mild, some blast out my taste buds; I rarely finish a full pint before tapping out. But when I heard that the GABF Gold Medal Winner for Chili Beer was a quick drive away in Omaha, Nebraska, I knew I had to try it.

When you take your first sip of Brickway Brewery & Distillery’s Jalapeno Pineapple Pils, you will set down your glass and say, “Oh, I get it. That’s what a chili beer is supposed to taste like.”

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Boiler Brewing Co. | Koo Koo for Coconut

September 17, 2019 |

The Old Federal Building (now known as The Grand Manse) is an impressive building that sits in downtown Lincoln, NE. Inside, there is beautiful woodwork and even a stately courtroom with the original judge’s bench. But you want to go straight down to the basement, the belly of the building, to the former boiler room.

Founded in 2015, Boiler Brewing Company has turned this space into a cozy and relaxing taproom that focuses on small-batch brews with a tap list that is anything but “small.” With pours starting at 4 oz, you can try a whole slew of beers that pique your interest. One beer you should try is Koo Koo for Coconut, an oatmeal milk stout they starting brewing back in April of 2016. Read More

Prairie Pride Brewing Co. | Wagon Trail Coffee Stout

July 30, 2019 |

It can be difficult to keep up with all of the new craft breweries opening up in Nebraska but be sure to check out Prairie Pride Brewing Co. located in Grand Island, NE.

Prairie Pride opened in 2016. Their taproom is a cozy spot, located fifteen minutes north of Route 80. The artwork and custom-made flight trays clearly show off their love of Nebraska and they’re sure to make any native smile.

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Kinkaider Brewing Co. | Dirty Culprit Chai Stout

March 20, 2019 |

Raise your hand if you like Chai.  Those with your hands raised, get yourself to a taproom and grab a 10 oz pour of Dirty Culprit Chai Stout, brewed by Kinkaider Brewing Co. of Broken Bow, Nebraska. This is a big beer that will help warm you during these continuous arctic blasts that keep blowing through the mid-west.

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Zipline Brewing | Bourbon Barrel-Aged The Stout

January 17, 2019 |

When the chill of winter sets in, in the Midwest, we all pile on the layers. Wool socks, scarves, non-ironic stocking caps. But with the sun still setting before you can make it home from work, there’s one more trick to help warm you up – bourbon. One sip warms you from the inside out and takes away that chill that never seems to subside.

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Bottle Rocket Brewing Company | M-40 Belgian Pale Ale

November 14, 2018 |

Seward, Nebraska is known as “The Fourth of July City.” With just over 7,000 denizens, Seward is not a “small” town by Nebraska standards, where towns with less than 1,000 people are still common around the state. And so it was nice to see this town get its own independent brewery in 2015 when Bottle Rocket Brewing Company opened its doors.

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Zipline Brewing | Oatmeal Porter

September 19, 2018 |

Nebraska can get broiling hot this time of year. It’s good for the corn but painful for us humans. The day after a good rain the temperature can drop ten to twenty degrees. On those days, which Nebraskans call “pleasant” (this is code for, “I can walk outside without instinctively yelling out in anger”), those are the days to pause and find a way to make yourself a time of retreat.

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