About- Marie DeAeth
The Real Adventures of a PorchDrinker on OKCupid
April 22, 2013 | Marie DeAethOKcupid. Yep, that’s right! Fasten your awkward-belts kiddos; we’re goin for a ride! You are on OKcupid right? Well if you are single (or ‘available’) and you’re not already on it, you should be. Why is that? Well because frankly if your commute, your most recent breakup, and the occasional bout with adult acne aren’t enough to make you feel bad, OKcupid can do the rest.
Kona Brewing Long Board Island Lager
April 9, 2013 | Marie DeAethThis beer makes a real “paki” which is Hawaiian for ‘splash’ as my beer cap informed me in Snapple-esque style. Okay, perhaps not quite a “splash” so much as a relaxed and steady wave would be the best descriptor for the Kona Brewing Long Board Island Lager, coming out of Hawaii. You won’t catch this balance-challenged reviewer anywhere near a surfboard, but who doesn’t love an island state of mind? And this beer certainly embraces it. Read More
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