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About- Philip Joyce

Philip Joyce

Philip Joyce

You can generally find me home brewing in my driveway, seeking out an epic beer release in the front range or BBQing sides of animals on my smoker. When more time allows you'll find me exploring someplace/something outdoors by mountain bike, kayak or hiking boots.

Posts By Philip Joyce

Ultimate 6er: BYOB Party for Hop Lovers

October 24, 2012 |

Beer is good. Hops are awesome. When arriving at a BYOB party or event never be ‘that guy’ (or gal). We all know who they are. Don’t be the person that brings the ‘cheap’  beer, unless it comes in a 30 pack and that’s by design. Here are a few suggestions for what to include in your Ultimate 6er if it’s BYOB.
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Odell Brewing Company – The Meddler

October 15, 2012 |

ABV – 8.9%

When it comes corked in a Belgian bottle, I’m that much more excited about trying new beers. The Meddler from Odell Brewing Company is a rendition of a traditional style Flemish ale, Oud Bruin, in which traditional yeast is mixed with bacteria to produce an honestly sour concoction. Uncorking this hibernating beast scared my roommate away from his fixation on a two-star Netflix movie, not because of fear, but because he is well in tuned with the sound of beer corks popping. Read More

Upslope Brewing Company- Boulder, CO

October 7, 2012 |

What’s in a name? Orographic Lift Brewing Company doesn’t have the same ring. Upslope winds occur when air is elevated up the sides of large land masses (our Colorado mountains) via wind and then cools adiabatically and condenses, causing precipitation. Unless you’re an absolute meteorology nerd, you probably just read blah, blah, blah, but deep down everyone loves nerds and everyone loves precipitation. No matter how you slice it or dice it precipitation is the main ingredient in our coveted barley pops. Upslope Brewing adds the malts, hops and yeast, while their namesake winds provide the water. Read More

Ultimate 6er: Gettin’ Off Grid

September 19, 2012 |

Many of the writers here at PorchDrinking work hard and play harder in the beautiful state of Colorado which we call home. Somewhere in everyone’s soul is a need for exploration and discovery. I enjoy wandering the path less taken and it often takes me way off grid. In this ultimate 6er I exclusively review beers that are canned. Why you ask? Read More