About- Tristan Chan
Pacific Great American Beer Festival Regional Breakdown
October 9, 2012 | Tristan ChanPacific (CA, HI)
The Pacific region boasts one of the most impressive lineups of breweries at the fest. One could really spend an entire session in this region alone. We were able to find out what several of these breweries will be pouring!
GABF Denver Beer Bars Guide
October 8, 2012 | Tristan ChanComing to town for the Great American Beer Festival is about more than just the festival itself. It involves local breweries, restaurants, the city of Denver, and beer bars. We decided to break down some of the local Denver beer bars that you may want to check out just in case you couldn’t already find enough beer.
Southeast Great American Beer Festival Regional Breakdown
October 8, 2012 | Tristan ChanSoutheast (AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN)
Don’t count out the southeast region just because it doesn’t boast a tremendous beer history. This region is an up and comer. With Cigar City anchoring the field and two solid showings out of Lexington, KY, the southeast has the opportunity to make major in roads in the brewing community in the near future.
Renegade Brewery – Denver, CO
October 8, 2012 | Tristan ChanRenegade Brewery could be one of the best breweries in the city of Denver that non-residents may have never heard of. Brian O’Connell’s brew laboratory specializes in taking traditional styles and adding one twist to completely differentiate their beers from the rest. Even their flagship Ryetous refuses to conform to the base line IPA category with it being a rye IPA. “There is no theme to our style other than being creative without going completely off the wall,” said O’Connell.
PorchDrinking.com Getting a Makeover
October 4, 2012 | Tristan ChanSo we never really do things in the most orthodox manner. So when Chris, our web designer asked if we could shut down the site for the next three days to completely revamp our look and feel… well I just said go right on ahead.
Pacific Northwest GABF Regional Breakdown
October 3, 2012 | Tristan ChanPacific Northwest (AK, OR, WA)
The Pacific Northwest – land of salmon, mass-consumer coffee, towering evergreens, and rocky, rainy coast lines. And, not surprisingly, a rich craft beer community. From the rugged mountains of Alaska, to the coastline communities of the Puget Sound to fixie riding hipsters of West Burnside, the Pacific Northwest offers up some of the Nation’s most recognized craft beer names with new breweries continuing to pop up in small towns and large cities alike. Here are our favorites that we’ll be attending at the Great American Beer Festival.
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Great Lakes Regional GABF Breakdown
October 2, 2012 | Tristan ChanStarting today we’ll be bringing you a regional break down of breweries you should definitely stop by during the festival. In some cases we were also able to find out what specific beers they’ll be bringing. Today we kick off our coverage on the Great Lakes region. This includes breweries from Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin.
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Strange Brewery – Denver, CO
October 2, 2012 | Tristan ChanI recently discovered that I’m kinda a weird dude. My friend Paula recently called me out for being an “Asian, hipster, frat boy from Kentucky who also listens to bluegrass/country music.” I guess she has a point. Perhaps that’s why I find Strange Brewery in Denver, CO so endearing.
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PorchDrinking GABF Coverage
October 1, 2012 | Tristan ChanToday marks the beginning of our two week long Great American Beer Festival coverage. As such we’ll be mixing up our normal rotation a bit. Each morning our writers will be previewing a local brewery for any local visitors who may be travelling to the area. Moving into the late morning we’ll also be breaking down each of the regions with blurbs and in some cases beers to check out from those breweries. We’ll still have our normal features in the afternoons such as the Ultimate 6ers, Week-in-Reviews, PorchDrinking Playlist, Fantasy Football and Storytime With Hank, as well as occasional festival related guides and features as well.
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New Music Showcase: The Bundys
September 27, 2012 | Tristan ChanThe Bundys are the newest in the line of folk/Americana up and coming artists to keep an eye on. Originally from Cincinnati, but now based in the music hotbed of Nashville, the sibling trio bring catchy harmonies and soulful upbeat instrumentals. Similar artists include Elephant Revival, The Civil Wars and Lady Antebellum. While they are still relatively new to the music scene, they’ve already got four fantastic samplings available and we can expect even more to come in the near future. Give them a listen.
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Roundtable Discussion: I Love the 90s
September 26, 2012 | Tristan ChanThis past weekend my housemate Shane turned 26 and as a result we threw him the most ring poppy, most gushered, squeez-it filled 90’s style birthday party to commemorate his glory days. As such we rocked a 90’s playlist as detailed last week, had plenty of 90’s style treats… Lunchables aren’t as great as I remembered them being. So this week we posed a trip down memory lane to our PorchDrinking Staff about what their favorite memories were of the 90s! Read More
Summer Concert Playlist
September 25, 2012 | Tristan ChanIt’s been said before, but this summer I went to a lot of concerts. Honestly I’m not repeating this for the sake of boasting about all of the sick shows I saw. OK maybe just a tad. More so the purpose of this summer concert playlist is to highlight the amazing shows that I hope you also get the opportunity to see to see in the near future. I’ve actually recently encountered a few people aren’t entirely into seeing live music and there have been times when I could sympathize. But if there was any major take away from this summer’s musical binge, it would be that live music has the capacity to change your entire perception of a band and in some cases change your life in general. So for this week’s PorchDrinking Playlist I bring you a few samples from the shows that I attended. On the whole I chose the best songs performed during the show, and in some cases those might not be the most popular or most well known tracks so hopefully they’ll add become a pleasant new addition to your listening catalog. Read More
News: Great American Beer Fest Floor Plan Released!
September 25, 2012 | Tristan ChanThe floor plan for this year’s Great American Beer Fest was released earlier this morning. Most notably this means that hardcore festival goers can begin plotting out their ultimate beer routes. I’ve seen many approaches for GABF in the past. Here are a few to help you decide which route you might want to take first. We’ll be breaking down a few more routes in more detail in the coming weeks for our complete GABF Coverage:
One Minute Beer Review: Southern Tier – Imperial Creme Brulee Stout
September 24, 2012 | Tristan Chan 1ABV: 9.6%
Take a moment and just take a big whiff of this beer before you actually drink this creme brulee stout. Goodness that’s heavenly. This brew treads that line … Read More
In Case of Emergency … Drink Beer
September 21, 2012 | Tristan ChanA recent NPR article explores a study conducted in 1957 titled Operation Teapot or “The Effect of Nuclear Explosions on Commercially Packaged Beverages.” The experiment examined the safety and drinkability of sodas and beers after placing cans and bottles of beverages next to an exploded atomic bomb. The verdict, bottoms up! Read more at NPR.
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PorchDrinking Fall Beer Preview 2012
September 20, 2012 | Tristan Chan
One of the greatest things about fall along with football, leaf piles and apple cider is the stable of fall seasonal beers available. Honestly the multitude of pumpkin and spiced beers on the market can be a bit overwhelming so we tasked our writers with coming up with a fall beer preview. Here’s the variety of fall samplings they came up with. Read More
PorchDrinking Fall TV Preview Video Roundtable
September 19, 2012 | Tristan Chan
Now that summer is coming to an end it’s time for Americans to return to their comfy sofas, sit on their butts and watch TV once again. Cmon’ working out is overrated. So to help our TV fans get caught up on all of the new shows hitting the airwaves this fall we assembled our all-star line up of Pop Culture gurus to give you a Fall TV preview. So if you’re at work go ahead and plug in those ear buds and press play.
David Markham’s Avery IPA Winning Homebrew Recipe
September 13, 2012 | Tristan ChanWe caught up with David Markham, the winner of the Avery IPA Fest homebrew contest, and he was nice enough to share some tips for starting your own homebrew as well as some info about his winning homebrew recipe. David’s Belgian Pale Ale had prominent yeast flavors, but it finished clean. It was not so strongly hop forward nor was it very citrus-y which differs from most traditional American IPAs, but matched well with it’s subtle malty flavors in the background. It would work well as a fall seasonal. Read More
Roundtable Discussion: Fictional/Nonfictional Childhood Games
September 12, 2012 | Tristan ChanWhile we’re still in the midst of back to school season we decided to find out just how weird our staff members were as kids. It did not disappoint. This week I posed the question of what their favorite childhood games were growing up. This could have been made up, obscure or traditional. Hilarity ensued.
Deschutes Brewery – Chainbreaker White IPA
September 11, 2012 | Tristan ChanOne of the most important factors to consider when searching for a new home, or at least somewhere new to live, is the availability of a quality neighborhood bar. Seriously, forget the school district and don’t pull your hair out over the distance to the nearest grocery store. It’s all about whether your neighborhood bar has:
- A solid beer collection
- A great staff/great service
- Reasonable prices
- Great atmosphere
- Solid food
- Is close by
- Non-douchey clientele. Read More
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