Beer Showcases
PD’s own dissect beer. Leave the pretentiousness on the curb.
Jolly Pumpkin – Fuego del Otono
October 3, 2013 | Jason Behler 16.1% ABV
Some people drink for education, some drink for relaxation, some drink for inspiration. I have never understood the idea of drinking for any purpose other than pleasure. Sure, I write about the beers, but I only review beer that I enjoy, the beers that I want others exposed to as well. Ron Jeffries, Brew Master at Jolly Pumpkin, says, “We create beers to lighten the spirit and soothe the soul.” Preach on, brother. This is a philanthropic venture on the brewing end and a hedonist venture on the consumption end. Share the joy! And what brings more joy than beer? Well, fire. But fire and beer together. Whoa, whoa, whoa, it’s magic. Literally translated, Fuego del Otono means “fire of the fall” (or “Autumn Fire” as they call it at Jolly Pumpkin). Read More
Hair of the Dog – Adam Old Ale
October 2, 2013 | Cory PelcHair of the Dog Brewing – Adam Hearty Old World Ale – Batch Number 88
ABV: 10%
IBU: 50
When Alan Sprints first started Hair of the Dog, he was given the ancient recipe for Dortmunder “adambier” by fabled beer writer Fred Eckhart. The Hair of the Dog Adam Old Ale is now an American Craft Beer legend. The flavors are dark and chewy, with a big berry/spice character, and the 10% ABV definitely warms you when the weather’s chillin’.
New Belgium – Lips of Faith Coconut Curry Hefeweizen
October 1, 2013 | Erin PetreyABV: 8%
IBU: 14
Curry and beer sounds like a terrible idea. Curry is such a unique, robust flavor that is very unforgiving. But curry is also full of familiar … Read More
Elevation Beer Company Engel Weisse
September 30, 2013 | Matthew LungerElevation Beer Company Engel Weisse
ABV: 2.5%
Berliner Weisse is a cloudy, sour wheat beer native to northern Germany. Historically one of the most common styles in Germany, it nearly … Read More
Bear Republic Brewing Co. – Big Bear Black Stout
September 27, 2013 | Josh BuchananABV: 8.1%
IBU: 55
Now that it is slightly chillier outside, it finally feels socially acceptable to be drinking stouts and porters until the cows come home, which makes today’s showcase possible. Getting as excited as possible for the upcoming hockey season and already interesting football season, I mistakenly associate dark and heavy with session-able, whether it be Yeungling Black and Tan, Dogfish Indian Brown Ale or Smuttynose Baltic Porter.
Hopworks Urban Brewery- Centennial IPX
September 24, 2013 | Andy HagemannAs I sit here sweltering on an unseasonably hot Oregon day, I feel like the beer gods have smiled on me. In my hand is a HUB (Hopworks Urban Brewery) IPX Single Hop Series brewed exclusively with Centennial hops. Unlike many of the intense, resiny IPAs that I am used to drinking that test the limits of my taste buds, this one is quite refreshing and definitely the right choice for a scorcher of an afternoon. At only 6% ABV and 60 IBUs, it is also very sessionable. I wish I had more bottles!
Stillwater Artisanal Ales and The Brewer’s Art’s Debutante
September 23, 2013 | Kristin HubbardStillwater Artisanal Ales and The Brewer’s Art’s Debutante
ABV – 6.40%
The abrupt transition from summer to fall usually brings an uncertainty to the style of a beer one craves. To drink a clean refreshing lager or to drink a warm malty brown ale or Oktoberfest? The debates conclusion seemed obvious when I considered the refreshing spicy cleanness of the Debutante Saison created by Stillwater Artisanal Ales in collaboration with the Brewers Art.
Evil Twin Brewing – Lil’ B Imperial Porter
September 20, 2013 | Cory PelcEvil Twin Brewing – Lil’ B Imperial Porter
ABV: 11.5%
IBU: 35
SRM: 20
Colorado has always been a place of privilege when it comes to accessing the finer selections of craft beer. With the staples being rooted in our scene now for 30 years and handfuls of breweries opening up each month, we are really epitomizing the moniker of the Napa Valley of Beer with our distribution side of things opening up as well. In the last few months, we have been blessed with Clown Shoes Beer and Epic Brewing hitting our shelves. Now, within the last few weeks, we have had an influx of infinite awesomeness with Speakeasy Ales and Lagers, Alesmith, Stillwater Artisanal and Evil Twin Brewing. I will be sipping many of these new brews on the back porch soon enough but for now I will talk candidly about an old friend, Evil Twin’s Lil’ B Imperial Porter.
Bluegrass Brewing Co. | American Pale Ale
September 19, 2013 | Liz Riggs
ABV: 5.79% | IBU: 55.2
I’m sitting at a bar in suburban Louisville waiting for my sister to get out of a bible study. This is a true story. I’ve dropped her off in hopes of finding a place to write this post, but there didn’t appear to be many laptop-friendly bars around, and the bar I’ve landed in doesn’t have any local beers (uhhhh?). Read More
Anchor Brewing – Big Leaf Maple Autumn Red
September 18, 2013 | Jason Behler6.0% ABV, IBU (n/a)
As a relative neophyte to the craft beer world, red beers are one area where I feel I have extremely limited knowledge of flavor spectrums and … Read More
Fullsteam Brewery – Summer Basil Farmhouse Ale
September 17, 2013 | Erin PetreyABV: 5.4%
IBU: Unavailable but Minimal
The advent of football season and the slowly dropping mercury signals to us all that the days of summer are sadly over. Though I welcome fall, my favorite season, chock full of sweaters, pumpkin-flavored everything, and the holiest of all horse racing meets – Keeneland – I still find myself grasping onto the final remnants of all that is summery. Read More
Stone Brewing Company – RuinTen IPA
September 16, 2013 | Lindsay KrumelABV: 10.8%
IBUs: 110
Our awesome founder Tristan Chan came to the great state of Ohio over Labor Day weekend for the Gentlemen of the Road Stopover in Troy, and with him he brought a suitcase full of beer. I mean, would any of us expect anything less? His only requirement was that I write up a review on the bomber (22 fluid ounces) Stone RuinTen IPA, so here I am. Read More
Hair of The Dog Brewing’s Blue Dot Double IPA
September 13, 2013 | Doug StepinaABV: 7%
IBU: 80
Hair of the Dog is a legend in the Portland craft brewing scene. Founded by homebrewer Alan Sprints in 1993, Hair of the Dog has been barrel aging beer since the early 90s and has been regarded as a notable pioneer of many distinct styles for decades.
Autumn’s Red Delicious… McCarthy Red Ale
September 12, 2013 | Michelle AndrianoMcCarthy Red Ale – Emmett’s Brewing Company ABV: 5.6%
The impending Fall is my most favorite time of year, as I most likely mentioned in my O’Fallon Pumpkin Beer post. While … Read More
Brooklyn Brewery- Black Chocolate Stout
September 11, 2013 | Josh BuchananBrooklyn Brewery- Black Chocolate Stout
ABV: 10%
IBU: 51
Best Enjoyed: October-March
The lockout has ended and hockey is back in season. This my friends, calls for a beer. Sports and beer have always had an interesting marriage, consummated in parking lots, club boxes and sometimes divorced in bathrooms and pavements. Every game day has its own traditions, and for weekday games at Broad and Pattison, the equation always includes a trip to the Perch Pub (Broad and Locust Streets, Center City Philadelphia).
Brasserie Fantome – Pissenlit
September 10, 2013 | Matthew Lunger8.00% ABV
Deep in the French-speaking Walloon region of Belgium is the village of Soy, which is home to a small brewery. The brewery itself has no bells and … Read More
Arcadia Ales – Sky High Rye
September 9, 2013 | Jason BehlerArcadia Ales – Sky High Rye (6.0%, 55 IBU), Battle Creek, Michigan
Rye is a word that, being of German heritage, means the most delicious thing you’ve ever tasted. I … Read More
The Alchemist – Heady Topper
September 6, 2013 | Philip JoyceABV: 8.00% IBU: 120
Let me start out by saying that I’m so grateful to have amazing friends across the county. Trying new beers and highly sought after beers from coast-to-coast has become an ease. Not to mention this week, one of my beer ‘pen pals’ sent me the ever glorious Heady Topper. Read More
Rogue – Morimoto Soba Ale
September 5, 2013 | Erin PetreyABV: 4.8%
IBU: 30
The best meal I’ve ever eaten was at the Taj Hotel in New Delhi. It was sushi.
My Mom and I spent a month in India back in 2009, fulfilling a lifelong dream of hers to travel to the sub-continent. The hotel was lush in grandeur, with chandeliers hanging from the ceilings and ornate carpets covering the marble floors. The Taj was also home to a handful of excellent restaurants, one of them owned by famed Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto. The restaurant, cutely and aptly named Wasabi, was fairly small and on the bottom floor of the hotel, right behind one of the large, winding staircases. We were advised to go for lunch, as the mid-day sushi platter special was not to be missed. It was beyond incredible, and only cost us about $30. Amid the modern, funky decor from my perch at the small sushi bar, I experienced what I assume is the closest I will ever get to achieving Nirvana. Some days I dream of that wooden block laden with the freshest and most beatiful fish (how it was so fresh in the North of India? I thank technology and modern coolant methods!).
Flat Tail Brewing’s Little Green Dry Hop Saison
September 3, 2013 | Doug Stepina 1ABV 4.20%
Corvallis, Oregon’s Flat Tail Brewing has recently expanded distribution within the Pacific Northwest with some very memorable beers bottled in 22oz bombers. Earlier this year, they released a … Read More
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