Beer Showcases
PD’s own dissect beer. Leave the pretentiousness on the curb.
12 Beers of Christmas | Day 9- Mikkeller’s From To
December 22, 2012 | Kristin Hubbard8.0% ABV
Holy holiday cheer this beer is outstanding. Malty + sprucey + notes of a subtle mint chocolate. The balanced mouthfeel embodies a depth of both flavor and complexity, … Read More
12 Beers of Christmas | Day 8- Shiner Cheer
December 21, 2012 | AdminWhen you’re from Texas, you’re not just from Texas. Being from Texas is more like a lifestyle than a classification. We almost all get the state outline tattooed somewhere on … Read More
12 Beers of Christmas: Day 5 | New Belgium’s Snow Day
December 18, 2012 | Laura VandeZandeGrowing up in Wisconsin, I am familiar with snow days. The anticipation as I went to bed wondering if it would be my alarm to wake me up or my mom coming in to unplug my clock and tell me school was cancelled. Putting on layers of waterproof clothes that would be enough to keep me warm as I played in the yard with my siblings for as many hours as my body could handle. Snow days have a special place in my heart, and as I open this cold bottle, warm memories come back to me. Read More
12 Beers of Christmas | Day 4- Southern Tier’s 2XMAS
December 17, 2012 | Admin“…with visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads…” If by sugar, he means malt, and by plumbs, he meant prunes. If he means stomach instead of head and drunken stupor instead of visions, then he must have bellied up at The Beer Trappe on Saturday night as Southern Tier’s 2XMAS joined the tap rotation. By the way, what the crap is a sugarplum?
12 Beers of Christmas | Day 3-Sierra Nevada Brewing Company’s Celebration Ale
December 16, 2012 | Sonny ChanStyle: American Style IPA
ABV: 6.8%
IBU: 65
Celebrate good times, come on!
It’s a celebration
Celebrate good times, come on!
Let’s celebrate… Read More
#9 | Magic Hat Brewing Co.
December 12, 2012 | Coit Stevenson 2OMGeeeeeee! After a long awaited arrival, Magic Hat #9 is finally here! The first time I saw it sitting quietly in a liquor store cooler, I shrieked like a 10-year old school girl. Those of you from the East Coast have been able to get your hands on it for a while, and have tortured us less fortunate Coloradans with your tales of taste and complexity. But no more!
Winter Warmer – Columbus Brewing Co.
December 11, 2012 | Ben GarbarekABV: 6.8%
Dark beers are the best part about winter. Gone are the light beers there to quench our thirst in the summer. Winter is about enjoying a nice pint with friends that makes you forget about how the weather outside is frightful. Read More
Highland Brewing Co. | Black Mocha Stout
December 10, 2012 | Kate StarkABV: 5%
IBU: 25
I was lucky enough to come across Highland Brewing Company‘s Black Mocha Stout on a recent trip through Asheville. Sadly, I didn’t spend much time in the city, but I did manage to get through the giant Biltmore Estate, sample a few wines, and grab some dinner. Read More
Equinox Brewing – Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Stout
December 7, 2012 | Andy Manshel 6ABV: 5.5%
IBU: 28
I don’t know about you, but I like delicious things. I also like beer. So, when I heard that Equinox Brewing was taking their already tasty Mr. Delicious Oatmeal Stout and turning it into a limited edition 10 gallon batch to create a Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Stout, I freaked, and for good reason. I made it down to the brewery just in time (by the time I finished my one and only pint, it was gone).
Mississippi Brewing Co. – Mississippi Mud
December 6, 2012 | Lindsay Krumel 1For this week’s beer showcase, I present a twofer. That’s right, two beers in one. A Black and Tan (porter and pilsner) from Mississippi Brewing Company in Utica, NY called Mississippi Mud. Read More
Grimm Brothers Brewhouse- Weihnachts Bier
December 5, 2012 | Lauren_Hoff 1ABV 8.5% IBU 23 SRM 30
Chances are unless you have been to Germany you might not have had a traditional Weihnachts Bier. Pronounce veye-nuchts-beer, the name comes from the German word for Christmas, Weihnachten. This beer is traditionally seen during the advent, or 4 weeks before Christmas in Germany and is gaining popularity in the US. The huge malt bill creates a high ABV, great for warming up on those cold winter nights. Read More
New Belgium Brewing- Imperial Coffee Chocolate Stout
December 4, 2012 | Tristan ChanLost in the shuffle in the more recent trends of sours, black IPAs, saisons, and old world recipes has been the foregone marriage of chocolate and coffee. Sure a few classic coffee beers are still hanging around shelves, or pop up infrequently from start up microbreweries, such as Renegade’s Sunday Morning. But it seems like those coffee flavored brews have lost some of the hype. New Belgium’s Imperial Coffee Stout definitely restores that swag.
Jester King- Noble King Steals the Jam
November 30, 2012 | Mike AwfulSome buddies and I have started a weekly jam session dubbed “Jam and Bomb”. We get together, drink bombers, and noodle around on our instruments. Usually the beer takes a back seat to the rock but this week the beer offered some pleasant surprises.
Stone Brewing’s- Lukcy Basartd
November 29, 2012 | Tristan ChanPump the breaks on that spell checker, Stone’s Lukcy Basartd needs no correction. After initially noticing the devious yet iconic demonic image on the front, beer purveyors need flip the bomber over to notice a hefty description about Lukcy Basartd’s origins. Oh and it should be noted that the entire description is also written in that same disjointed misspelled jargon.
Bridal Veil Rye Pale Ale – Telluride Brewing Co.
November 28, 2012 | Michelle JonesImage provided by Lauren Hoff of Napa of Beer
ABV: 5.5% IBUs: 65
Telluride Brewing Company took me by surprise. While visiting that oh-so-gorgeous mountain town, my friend and I stopped for dinner at Brown Dog Pizza after a long day of driving and hiking. Naturally, we decided a few beers were in order. We dove into their draft selection from Telluride Brewing Co. and never looked back. The Bridal Veil Rye Pale Ale is your link to the mountains we all dream of living in. Read More
Arcadia Ales – Cocoa Loco
November 27, 2012 | Lindsay KrumelIBUs: 39
ABV: 7.0%
When I saw my next beer showcase was due the day after Thanksgiving, and I found out we were going to Battle Creek, Michigan for the holiday, I knew I had to do a review on a beverage from Arcadia Ales. I could’ve chosen Dark Horse or Bells, but I’ve been going to Arcadia since before I could legally drink because in addition to their great beers, they also have some awesome brick oven pizza. So, on our way out of town today, we stopped. I had the Loch Down Scotch Ale, and my brother had their IPA. We also ordered two pepperoni pies. But what I was looking most forward to was one of the beers I brought home, their Cocoa Loco. Read More
Thirsty Dog Brewing Company- 12 Dogs of Christmas Ale
November 26, 2012 | Katie ChaffeeBeing a native of North-Eastern Ohio, the Christmas season is an exciting time for me. Possibly one of the only things Cleveland is recognized positively for nation-wide is our Great Lakes Christmas Ale. While this is one of my favorite beers, I would like to take some time to appreciate a delicious ale brought to us by our neighbors in Akron, Ohio.
New Belgium Brewing- Imperial Berliner Weiss
November 21, 2012 | Sonny ChanABV: 7.0%
IBU: 7
Ultimate Frisbee and drinking goes hand in hand. Last month during a Halloween tournament, Tristan and I went to New Belgium Brewing and got some beers. The nice thing about dressing up (in tights!) and going to New Belgium is getting some free beer. The beer I got was Imperial Berliner Weiss.
Read More
Funkwerks Brewery- Deceit Belgian Golden Strong Ale
November 20, 2012 | Will DozierABV:9.4%
Background: This year at GABF Funkwerks really hit it out of the park. Not only did they win small brewery of the year, they also won 2 gold medals for Sasion and Belgian-Style Strong Specialty Ale. The later was won by Deceit, a strong belgian golden ale. Deceit is a beer that does a very good job at hiding its 9.4%abv. This has been normally a taproom only release but a small amount of bottles have been released in the Colorado market.
Great Divide Brewing Company- Hibernation Ale
November 19, 2012 | Tristan ChanThere isn’t much that I like about winter. The days get dark earlier, the weather gets colder, up until this year, I wasn’t really into skiing or snowboarding, so my weekend social life was pretty dismal, and it was more often cloudy and dreary especially when I lived in the midwest. The only real positives were college basketball, holidays that revolved around eating, and dark, winter warmer beers.
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