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Beer Showcases

PD’s own dissect beer. Leave the pretentiousness on the curb.

Peach Porch Lounger – New Belgium Brewery

September 28, 2012 |

ABV: 9.4%
IBU: 0

It’s that time of year again, when Colorado (especially Palisade) peaches are ripe and ready to be turned into everything phenomenally peachy. And that’s exactly what New Belgium Brewery has done with its masterpiece of a beer Peach Porch Lounger.
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Tripel Horse Belgian-Style Tripel Ale

September 27, 2012 |

ABV – 10%
A Confession: As your faithful Northeast correspondent, my beer selection has been decidedly New York-centric.
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Schlafly Brand – Oatmeal Stout

September 25, 2012 |

ABV: 5.7%

Is it nerdy to love oatmeal? It’s kind of a weird food. If so, I’m a nerd—and that’s why Schlafly’s Oatmeal Stout hopped right off the shelf and into my hands. I think it goes along with the season, too.
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Founders Brewing Co. – Double Trouble

September 21, 2012 |

ABV: 9.4%

IBU: 86

When choosing which beer to review this time around, I had one of two choices sitting in my fridge. Based on how the Bengals were playing in the first quarter against the Ravens, I opted to go with Founders Double Trouble IPA.
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Tommyknocker Brewery- Small Batch Harvest Pumpkin Ale

September 18, 2012 |

ABV: 5.0%

September weather calls for Pumpkin Ale

Fall is the time to be outdoors. Everyone, including myself, loves the summer weather, but there’s something very charming and complimentary about sipping on a nice brown pumpkin ale and not wasting headspace on whether I need sunscreen.
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Punkin Brown Ale – Dogfish Head Craft Brewery

September 17, 2012 |

ABV: 7%

IBU: 28

Let it be on the record. As many of my friends know, I usually have nothing to do with brown ales. I have had a few of them here and there, and not one of them has really stood out for me as a solid beer worth buying again. That being said, autumn is coming and I’m starting to see all the fall beers hitting the shelves so I decided to try this out. Read More

Hoppin Frog Brewery – Hop Heathen Black

September 14, 2012 | 1

ABV: 8.8%

IBU: 70

Hoppin Frog is a brewery that is new to me. Until B.O.R.I.S the Crusher was put on tap at the pub I work at I had no idea that it existed. Generally that doesn’t surprise me but being located in Akron, Ohio, a town I pass through each time I visit my family I thought I would have heard of it by now. Akron is devoid of any attractions besides the childhood homes of The Black Keys and a quality brewery should generate a lot more interest.
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Oktoberfest – Left Hand Brewing Company

September 13, 2012 |

ABV: 6.6%

IBU: 24

In my preparation for my stein raising trip to Munich for Oktoberfest, I wanted to have at least one local Märzen lager to compare with the brews offered in Germany. Since my favorite beer is Sam Adams version of Oktoberfest, I’ll try not to be biased. That being said, I am setting my sights on Left Hand Brewing’s Oktoberfest.
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Blue Point Brewing Company Pumpkin Ale

September 12, 2012 |

ABV: 6.0%

IBU: 26

Availability: Mid-August-December

The dog days of August have ended; cooler weather has prevailed. And with the changing weather comes a slew of seasonal beer offerings—a surefire sign winter is fast-approaching. Oktoberfests, pumpkin beers, winter ales—as the heat subsides, they all brave Indian summers to wet our palettes and whet our appetites for blazing fires and snowball fights. Read More

Deschutes Brewery – Chainbreaker White IPA

September 11, 2012 |

One of the most important factors to consider when searching for a new home, or at least somewhere new to live, is the availability of a quality neighborhood bar. Seriously, forget the school district and don’t pull your hair out over the distance to the nearest grocery store. It’s all about whether your neighborhood bar has:

  1. A solid beer collection
  2. A great staff/great service
  3. Reasonable prices
  4. Great atmosphere
  5. Solid food
  6. Is close by
  7. Non-douchey clientele. Read More

Ellie’s Brown Ale- Avery Brewing Co.

September 10, 2012 |

ABV: 5.5%

Mmmm… Brown Ale. You had me at hello.

Brown Ale may or may not be the key to my heart. I do love most beers – yes- but I will never turn down something specifically classified as a “Brown Ale”. Read More

Breckenridge Brewery – Agave Wheat

September 4, 2012 |

ABV:  4.2%

IBU: 9

I originally wanted to write this review about Maumee Bay Brewing Company’s Agave Chili Ale. I took a sip of it at Ohio Brew Week this June and was blown away by just that small taste. Alas, my emails to the brewmaster and sales manager to get my hands on some were to no avail. I searched high and low for something similar, but it was no use. The closest thing I could find was Breckenridge Brewery’s Agave Wheat. Read More

One Minute Review – Anchor Summer Beer

August 31, 2012 |

ABV: 4.5%

Availability: April-October

It’s official: summer is winding down. People are starting to head back to school, pools will close soon, and retailers are putting their summer styles on clearance. It’s time to soak up the last you can of summer—including seasonal beers!

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Agave Wheat – Breckenridge Brewery

August 30, 2012 |

ABV: 4.2%

IBU: 9

While attending the first annual Big Denver Barbecue Block Party, I had the pleasure of eating some great ribs and sides, listen to some fantastic live music, both with some awesome friends. At the event, they had a variety of a brew from Breckenridge Brewery. Of the ones available, I decided to choose Agave Wheat. I think the choice was good. Life is good when you sit on the grass in the sun, eat some BBQ, listen to live music, and have a beer to tie everything together.

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Hoppin’ Frog’s BORIS the Crusher, Russian Imperial Stout.

August 27, 2012 |

ABV: 9.4%

BORIS the Crusher, or Bodacious Oatmeal Russian Imperial Stout in long form is a multiple award winning brew from Hoppinfrog Brewery out of Akron, Ohio. It also happens to be extremely rare to find on tap, it just recently has been put into kegs and is crazy expensive in keg form. Nearly double the typical price of any normal craft beer pour.
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Edmund Fitzgerald- Great Lakes Brewing Company

August 24, 2012 |

ABV: 5.8%

So, here I am, at the gas station, trying to pick out a new kind of beer that I haven’t previously sampled. It’s slim pickins at the local UDF tonight and now I’m kicking myself for procrastinating on this beer review (something that I put myself through daily, obviously). I’m realllly wishing I would have made it to the liquor store so I could have found something exotic, but right before I gave up, a stormy blue six-pack catches my eye. Edmund Fitzgerald? What a lovely, handsome name for a beer! Sold.

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Brouwerij Westvleteren – Westvleteren 12

August 23, 2012 | 1

When I began planning my short, twenty-four hour trip to Belgium, I immediately began looking for the greatest and best beers to try. Having been to the New Belgium Brewery, my eyes had been recently opened to the glories of Belgian beers. So, I asked Google for a list of the greatest and best beers made by the Belgians and Google not only told me that many Belgian beers are absolutely fantastic, but the “best beer in the world” (as rated by Beer Advocate and about everyone else) could be found in Belgium and only Belgium.
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Uinta Brewing – BABA Black Lager

August 22, 2012 |

ABV: 4%

IBU: 32

After a tiring day of work, I picked up a 6er of Uinta’s BABA Black Lager at Argonaut. In one sense, my purchase was motivated by getting a beer that would allow me to stagnate on the couch and watch House Hunters International and the Colbert Report. I figured a strong black ale would probably do the job. I also have been meaning to get my hands on other Uinta Brewing products. I am big fan of its Monkshine and wanted to give some of its other offerings a go.
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Avery Brewing – White Rascal

August 21, 2012 |

ABV: 5.6%

IBU: 10

Beer has been described as many things, a new acquaintance, an old friend, and some mornings a cruel nemesis. I’ve encountered several anthropomorphized versions of beer but none more useful than White Rascal, my go to beer wing man.
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Blue Dawg Brewing – Premium Blueberry Lager

August 20, 2012 | 1

Premium Blueberry Lager – Blue Dawg Brewing, Baldwinsville, New York

ABV:  8%

Senior year of college. That’s when I first drank Wild Blue Premium Blueberry Lager out of Blue Dawg … Read More