Colorado Brewer’s Festival 2013
June 28, 2013 | Andy Manshel 1Every summer for the past 24 years, over 10,000 visitors have travelled up north to The Centennial State’s beer-loving haven: Fort Collins. The City and its Downtown Business Association, renowned for their love of craft beer, has put on one of the greatest gatherings of brewers in the country known as the Colorado Brewer’s Festival 2013. This weekend-long event showcases a plethora of some of Colorado’s finest, from the tiny nano-breweries like Boulder’s Asher or Loveland’s Verboten, up to the near-macros such as Fort Collins’ own New Belgium and Golden’s Blue Moon.
Summer Movie Preview: Part Two
June 27, 2013 | AdminEarlier this year we brought you our Summer Movie Preview for the first half of the season. Here’s our second part in the series replete with summer blockbusters that you … Read More
Factotum Brewhouse Kickstarter
June 24, 2013 | Tristan ChanHomebrewing has been an American staple dating back as far as our founding fathers. Thomas Jefferson homebrewed, Barack Obama’s administration recently “homebrewed”, and many of you probably do too. But imagine the opportunity to brew on a commercial system and actually sell YOUR own beer to the masses, all without the hassle of opening up your own brewery. Read More
Mountain Sun Brewery Collaboration Porch Pounder Release
June 21, 2013 | Tristan Chan 5In honor of our “first year of being a real thing”, we decided to brew a collaboration anniversary beer with Mountain Sun Brewery. John and Jeff were kind enough to … Read More
Awesomesauce- TodayIFoundOut.com
June 20, 2013 | Laura MegoI have a reputation among my friends for being sort of a know-it-all. It’s mostly random, useless knowledge which makes me a useful trivia partner, but it mostly just takes up a lot of extra brain cells that I could be using for, I don’t know, nuclear physics or something more helpful to the world at large (unless you count winning some free beer as being helpful to the world at large.) Read More
PorchDrinking.com’s 1 Year Anniversary Party
June 19, 2013 | Tristan Chan 1It’s crazy what can happen in a year. What began as a fun project with myself and a handful of misfit friends is now approaching a year of existence. In honor of our 1st year of existence we’re throwing PorchDrinking.com 1 Year Anniversary Party bottle share on Saturday, June 29 at 3 p.m.
Hunt for Sasquatch!: The Colorado Way
June 18, 2013 | Tom KoepTwo weeks ago my wife and I finished an epic 10 day roadtrip which involved 2600 miles, 6 states, 28 concerts, 6 breweries and sampling 38 different brews.
Sasquatch! Music Fest this year had a ridiculous lineup and was the main reason of our roadtrip, but we managed to make the most of our 40+ hours of driving.
Here’s a recap of how we made the most of the route, and some tips on Sasquatch! Music Fest.
Copper Kettle Mexican Chocolate Stout Bottle Release
June 17, 2013 | Tristan Chan 1We’re living in a truly beautiful period of time. It’s an age of abundantly wonderful beer sprouting around every corner. The reason these neighborhood breweries have become so popular is … Read More
Will Travel for Beer
June 12, 2013 | Laura VandeZandeThis summer is busy with travel for me. I live and work in Colorado, but my out of state adventures will have brought me to San Diego, Minneapolis, Maine, Montana, Portland (Oregon), and Seattle by the end of the summer. I do not normally travel this much in one season, but sometimes life just keeps you busy like that. While I don’t look forward to being gone so often, I am looking forward to my new favorite hobby in a new place-drink the local beer.
Avery Sour Ale Festival Preview
June 6, 2013 | Tristan Chan 1Avery Brewing Company has released their lineup for this Saturday’s sold out Sour Ale Festival. All profits from this year’s fest will go to the family of Kyra Hilden who … Read More
Awesomesauce- Lifehacker
June 6, 2013 | Laura MegoIt’s time. I need to tell you my biggest secret. I’m in love, I’m in love and I don’t care who knows it! … with Lifehacker. Why, you ask? I thought you never would … Read More
Lagunitas Brewing Company – Undercover Investigation Shut-Down Ale
June 6, 2013 | Marie DeAeth 2ABV: 9.6%
Today PorchDrinkers, we are showcasing Lagunitas’ Undercover Investigation Shut-Down Ale. Okay, go back and reread the name of the beer again, but this time hear it in the voice of the guy who does the voice-overs for all the summer blockbusters. (pausing for you to reread) Yeah, there you go. Now we are on the same page.
The Pronunciation Wars- GIF
May 27, 2013 | Laura MegoIn case you hadn’t heard, the longstanding debate regarding the notoriously tricky pronunciation of “GIF” has been settled once and for all. Read More
Awesomesauce- #myfriendsaremarried
May 23, 2013 | Laura MegoBeing the old, married person that I am, my newest Tumblr obsession may seem a bit odd to you, but bear with me. We are all familiar with the standard GIF Tumblr layout by now, I’m sure (if for some reason you aren’t, go check out this one and this one right now. We’ll wait until you get back…) Basically, the author gives a scenario, and then presents the reader with a GIF that mirrors their reaction to the situation. For example, this, this and this. Read More
This Is Not Magic Hat #thisisnotmagichat
May 23, 2013 | Tristan Chan 3We found out earlier this week that there has been quite a bit of confusion over the interpretation of some of Magic Hat Brewing Company’s products. Willie’s in Lexington, Kentucky decided to don their good samaritain cap and ensure that there were no further confusions over product branding. Thanks to Facebook user Collin Wallace for posting this picture.
Editorial: Magic Hat Brewing Company Versus West Sixth Brewery
May 22, 2013 | Tristan Chan 6I originally intended to write an editorial in response to Slate’s post earlier this week about how hoppy beers are ruining craft beer. They made some valid observations but on the whole their argument boils down to taste. Hops aren’t ruining craft beer, beer is ruining craft beer, namely people in the industry who don’t abide by beer culture.
Magic Hat and West Sixth Brewery Conflict
May 21, 2013 | Admin 1It is becoming more and more evident that the craft beer industry is no longer just giggles and unicorns. Today it was announced in Business Lexington that the latest case of brewery versus brewery litigation came in the form of Magic Hat Brewing Company, claiming that West Sixth Brewery in Lexington, KY intentionally copied their logo and has caused them “irreparable harm”. They are now seeking damages and all profits made by West Sixth up until this point.
Texas Beer Bills Close to a Reality
May 21, 2013 | Tristan Chan 2The Texas House passed a set of five beer laws yesterday and now sit for review by Governor Rick Perry. The Governor has until June 16th to decide on the bills but assuming they pass, beer distribution in Texas is about to undergo some major changes.
Lexington Craft Beer Week Preview
May 16, 2013 | Jason BehlerThe Beatles got one thing wrong: happiness is not a warm gun. No, no. Happiness is a week celebrating craft beer in your home town. And by a serendipitous turn of events this one kicks off on the back end of my birthday weekend. So what that really means is that Lexington’s Craft Beer Week coincides with my birthday week (that’s right, we celebrate birthdays for a week round these parts). Read More
Crafting a Nation Private Screening Recap
May 14, 2013 | Tristan Chan 1UPDATE: Crafting a Nation will celebrate it’s Coloardo premieres THIS Thursday, May 16 in Denver and Friday, May 17 in Boulder as part of American Craft Beer Week. Denver’s screening will take place at the Alamo Drafthouse in Littleton, appropriately home to 32 taps of craft deliciousness. For tickets visit Alamo Drafthouse’s page. Boulder’s Premiere will take place in Upslope Brewing’s new location. Below is our write up of Crafting a Nation during their private screening last month.
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