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American Craft Beer Week in Colorado

May 13, 2013 |

Today starts the 8th annual American Craft Beer Week which runs from May 13 to May 19th. Put on by the Brewers Association, the week long national celebration is meant … Read More

Craft Breweries come out for American Beer Classic

May 13, 2013 | 3

If Beer Heaven exists it might have been in Chicago on Saturday May 11th when 100 breweries lined up on Soldier Field to offer their finest brews. The inaugural American Beer Classic (ABC) put on display craft breweries from all over the country and the thousands of patrons who roamed the field with their shot-glass sampler could not have been disappointed.

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Chicago Gears Up For Inaugural American Beer Classic

May 7, 2013 |

Chicago’s Soldier Field has hosted a lot of events since it opened in 1924. Besides the Bears, it has hosted college football, ice hockey, World Cup soccer and even the Rolling Stones. But May 11th will be a first for the stadium when the inaugural American Beer Classic takes center stage.

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Cult Beers Part 2

May 6, 2013 |

A few months ago we brought you part one of cult beers.  In today’s installment we touch on Dogfish Head, Yuengling, and a couple sours that’ll make you beer drool while packing a pucker.

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What to Wear to the Kentucky Derby

May 3, 2013 |

Dressing for the Kentucky Derby is arguably one of the trickiest fashion endeavors of the year. For ladies on Halloween, if the packaging said ‘sexy’ and it was totally inappropriate … Read More

Great American Beer Festival Ticket Sales Announced

May 2, 2013 | 1

The 2013-2014 year is going to be HUGE for craft beer in the state of Colorado.  This year Denver will play host to the Craft Brewer’s Conference, the World Beer … Read More

The Real Adventures of a PorchDrinker on OKCupid

April 22, 2013 |

OKcupid. Yep, that’s right! Fasten your awkward-belts kiddos; we’re goin for a ride!  You are on OKcupid right? Well if you are single (or ‘available’) and you’re not already on it, you should be. Why is that? Well because frankly if your commute, your most recent breakup, and the occasional bout with adult acne aren’t enough to make you feel bad, OKcupid can do the rest.

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2013 Craft Brewer’s Conference: Take Two

April 15, 2013 |

A pair of us from were fortunate enough to attend the 2013 Craft Brewer’s Conference in Washington, DC in March. Considering Erin and  I hold very different beer backgrounds (but are both beer enthusiasts nonetheless), here is my take (as someone who spends his 9-5 in the industry) on CBC:

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Awesomesauce- Letters of Note

April 11, 2013 |

My brother and I were lamenting the other day that people just don’t write like they used to.  Specifically, we were comparing letters from the battlefield or from across an ocean to the tweets and text messages of today. When the two are juxtaposed, the everyday ramblings of an 18th century average Joe or Jane seem almost poetic in comparison to 140 characters on a screen.
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Diving Into Drafts: Exploring Stouts

April 10, 2013 |

Beer.  I first met beer in May of 1995.  I was sitting on the tailgate of a red pickup parked at the beach, getting ready for a bonfire and someone … Read More

Beer Trivia: A State Microbe for Beer?

April 9, 2013 |

Here’s a bit of bizarre beer trivia you can bring up the next time you’re drinking out on the porch with friends: have you ever heard of Saccharomyces cerevisiae?

It’s about to be Oregon’s new state microbe. Yes, microbe. While your state might have a state flower or bird or tree, the state of Oregon is about to officially recognize Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a yeast used in making craft beer, as the state microbe (not sure what benefits come with that).

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PorchDrinking Day at the Races Keeneland Tailgate

April 8, 2013 |

Join us this Saturday, April 13 in Lexington, Kentucky for a tailgate at Keeneland Racetrack.  We’ll be serving up beer from Country Boy Brewing and for $5 you get unlimited pours until the beer runs out.  Then enjoy a day at the race track.  We’ll be located at the Free Tailgate lot starting at 11 a.m. until the second or third race. We can’t wait to meet you there!

RSVP on Facebook so we can get an accurate count!

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Craft Beer Takes on the Capital: Brewers Association Craft Beer Conference and BrewExpo America

April 3, 2013 |

Last week, everyone from brewers and cicerones, to keg manufacturers and beer academics – over 6,400 of them – descended upon Washington, DC to engage in the annual Brewers Association Craft Beer Conference and BrewExpo America for a week of hard work and industry networking infused with a heavy dose of beer drinking and occasional mischief. This gathering differs greatly from the Great American Beer Festival, which is much more focused on the actual brews themselves, rather than the industry. The entire event hosts two main components: the Craft Beer Conference (seminar-based) and BrewExpo America (an industry trade show).

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April Fools Beer Pranks

April 1, 2013 | 3

The Quest for the Perfect Beer Prank

Jake Metzler is a homebrewing fanatic who loves to write and share his knowledge with others. When he’s not brewing, you can probably find him rock climbing and/or listening to eighties metal.

With April Fools coming just around the corner, I’ve been thinking about pranks that I could pull on my friends. I’m not much of a prankster, as I feel that tricks can quickly turn malicious, and the ones that don’t are often pretty dumb.

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PorchDrinking Got Twitter Hacked

April 1, 2013 |

Early this morning, in the twilight hours, fell victim to the same salacious crimes that Burger King and Jeep had been terrorized with earlier last month.  While we are deeply disturbed and saddened by these juvenile acts, we are also not ashamed to share the results of this heinous ambush.  Mark my words, we will find these terrorists… and we will serve up the sweetest slice of pwnage pie they have ever tasted (thats l33tspeak for we will exact revenge).

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Awesomesauce- TeeFury

March 28, 2013 |

While t-shirt websites like Threadless or Society6  are awesome for their incredible designs, fantastic selection, and amazing tees (seriously, they’re really soft) I find them lacking in a few key areas.

  1. Their tee selections just aren’t nerdy enough.
  2. I have to wait for a good sale to buy a tee- I can’t bring myself to spend almost 50 bucks on a hoodie or twenty bucks for a tee (OK, unless it’s an Homage tee…Homage tees are my Kryptonite.)

Enter TeeFury, stage right. Read More

ReCap of the Inaugural DC Beer Festival

March 26, 2013 |

The Journey Begins

The Inaugural DC Beer Festival began as many DC events do: a trip on the metro that starts as any usual metro ride, and then the train cars slowly shift to carry only those destined for a day of fun (minus a few confused stragglers and tourists). I hopped on the train near my house with very few fellow festival-goers, but as soon as we hit Gallery Place, hordes of eager beer drinkers filled the train. The chatter en route confirmed their final destination: the Inaugural DC Beer Festival at National’s Park.

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Beervana: Chicago

March 25, 2013 |

So, just a bit of background – I’m originally from the Chicago area, and I lived in the city for four years prior to moving to Denver in late 2009. I wasn’t really approaching the ranks of beer geek prior to my move, but I’ve been fortunate to retain a fantastic group of friends and family that still live all over the north side of Chicago and a job that affords me the opportunity to make a return trip every couple months. I’ve made it my goal to hit up the best bars and breweries the city has to offer each time I’m back.

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THIS WEEKEND: The Inaugural DC Beer Festival Comes to Nationals Park!

March 20, 2013 | 2


This weekend in DC will be one to remember for Beer Lovers. The Inaugural DC Beer Festival is coming to Nationals Park! The festival will run from Saturday, March 23rd to Sunday, March 24th. Sadly, tickets are sold out for Saturday festivities (with a wait list for the evening – 6-9pm –  slot), but tickets are STILL AVAILABLE for Sunday, March 24th!

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Colorado Craft Beer Week

March 19, 2013 |

I revel every day at how lucky I am to live in this amazing state that we call Colorado. Much like the incubator that my home state of Kentucky is for fervent basketball fans, Colorado is the perfect climate for craft beer, and nothing fully captures brewing fertility quite like Colorado Craft Beer Week.

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