14th Annual Ohio Pawpaw Festival
November 29, 2012 | Lindsay KrumelTwo months ago, back when it was still 70 degrees and absolutely gorgeous outside, I went back to good ol’ Athens, Ohio, home of Ohio Brew Week, to check out the beers on tap at the 14th Annual Ohio Pawpaw Festival. For those of you who don’t know, the pawpaw is North America’s largest native tree fruit, and Southern Ohio is home to some of the largest and best tasting on the planet. I picked up my parents ’95 Jaguar and my good friend Bruce, and we headed out to Lake Snowden in Albany. Bruce was the optimal choice for a companion, as he was voted Athens 2nd Best Bartender by The Athens News. Despite my parents having lived in Athens for the last 13 years, I had actually never been to the Pawpaw Festival before, and I was surprised by how many people were there. Read More
Goose Island: In Memoriam
November 28, 2012 | Scott Hoffman 4Goose Island was the first true craft beer I ever tried. It was a well-respected and widely available brand throughout the Chicago area, so it only made sense. 312 (named after the area code in which it was originally brewed) quickly became one of the first beers I would recommend to folks who aren’t traditionally fans of beer, or are looking to expand beyond the typical Bud or Miller products. Similar to most wheat beers, 312 is easy to drink and lacks the hoppy or malty impact of heavier beers. It’s not a great beer – it’s a great beginner’s beer.
My Ultimate Brewpub
November 20, 2012 | Michelle JonesAfter some careful consideration, I’ve decided that my ultimate brewery would actually be the best brewpub you’ve ever been to. Yes, I do love a lot of big name breweries for their awesome and usually well-distributed beers (thanks, Deschutes), but the neighborhood hangouts are the ones that stick with me. My ultimate brewpub would be a hybrid of all of my favorite places in Colorado to drink quality craft beer. Read More
The Evolution of Beer Part II
October 26, 2012 | Tristan ChanThe general consensus around the Porch is that for most of us, our first foray into drinking consisted of shitty watered down piss poor beers. In fact, I spent the first two decades of my life swearing up and down that I would never drink beer. This likely was a direct result of stealing sips from my father’s Milwaukee’s Best, or to the layman, BEAST, when I was just a little guy. Needless to say, most uninitiated drinkers have at one point or another served their time sloshing swill before arriving at the great awakening that is craft beer.
Evolution of Beer Part I
October 25, 2012 | Tristan ChanThe general consensus around the Porch is that for most of us, our first foray into drinking consisted of shitty watered down piss poor beers. In fact, I spent the first two decades of my life swearing up and down that I would never drink beer. This likely was a result of stealing sips from my father’s Milwaukee’s Best, or to the layman, BEAST, when I was just a little guy. Needless to say, most uninitiated drinkers have at one point or another served their time sloshing swill before arriving at the great awakening that is craft beer.
Dream Team Breweries
October 23, 2012 | Tristan Chan 2I think it’s safe to say that the United States is in the midst of a gold age in craft beer. As of July 1, 2012 the Brewer’s Association counted 2075 craft breweries in operation, and I’m guessing since then at least a hundred more have opened. During the diminutive tenure of my craft beer journey, I have managed to make a small dent in that two thousand some brewery sample.
Sweet Action Celebrates Awesome Beer with Beer Ice Cream
October 16, 2012 | Nathan TappHave you discovered that Sweet Action Ice Cream yet?
Well, get the hell over there. It’s just past 1st on Broadway, not but a mere block away from the Mayan Theatre–which just might be the greatest one-two punch in date history. Read More
Waste your time at the Great American Beer Festival: The Strong Ale Route
October 11, 2012 | Laura VandeZandeThe Great American Beer Festival has so much to offer. Below is a tasting from all over the country of exceptional beer. There’s just one problem: this route is a strong beer tasting. Though beer is poured one ounce at a time, these little droplets will mess you up. Honestly, I would not recommend tasting all of these in the same day but the options are available … well, maybe. I cannot guarantee these beers will be poured, but these are popular, so there’s a chance. Read More
GABF Denver Beer Bars Guide
October 8, 2012 | Tristan ChanComing to town for the Great American Beer Festival is about more than just the festival itself. It involves local breweries, restaurants, the city of Denver, and beer bars. We decided to break down some of the local Denver beer bars that you may want to check out just in case you couldn’t already find enough beer.
The Official PorchDrinking.com Presidential Debate Drinking Game
October 3, 2012 | Drew TrollerTonight, the two men running for President will go head-to-head in Denver for a televised debate on domestic policy issues. According to the latest popular vote polling, it’s a dead heat (although according to the electoral vote, it’s already a landslide). While this campaign is not as exciting as the “Hope-And-Change,” “I-Can-See-Russia-From-My-House” quotes of 2008, the presidential debate tonight promises us a unique opportunity to see democracy in action and discern the ideological rifts between our candidates and our nation.
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Wynkoop Brewing Company- Denver, CO
October 1, 2012 | Scott Hoffman
This is where it all started, folks. Colorado’s esteemed governor, John Hickenlooper, helped plant the seed for what would eventually turn Denver into one of the top beer towns in the world at Wynkoop Brewing Company. Not only is Wynkoop celebrated as Denver’s first microbrewery/brewpub, it was also the first to utilize the long dormant factories peppering the city’s current downtown area. Before Coors Field and before LoDo turned into the weekend destination for locals, there was Wynkoop.
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News: Great American Beer Fest Floor Plan Released!
September 25, 2012 | Tristan ChanThe floor plan for this year’s Great American Beer Fest was released earlier this morning. Most notably this means that hardcore festival goers can begin plotting out their ultimate beer routes. I’ve seen many approaches for GABF in the past. Here are a few to help you decide which route you might want to take first. We’ll be breaking down a few more routes in more detail in the coming weeks for our complete GABF Coverage:
In Case of Emergency … Drink Beer
September 21, 2012 | Tristan ChanA recent NPR article explores a study conducted in 1957 titled Operation Teapot or “The Effect of Nuclear Explosions on Commercially Packaged Beverages.” The experiment examined the safety and drinkability of sodas and beers after placing cans and bottles of beverages next to an exploded atomic bomb. The verdict, bottoms up! Read more at NPR.
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Cincinnati Brew Fest Recap
September 20, 2012 | AdminAs we often encourage, one of our PorchDrinking followers wanted to join us on the porch. So when Jason Behler requested to share his take on this year’s Cincinnati Brew Festival we were more than happy to give him the floor. Please welcome his contribution! Read More
PorchDrinking Fall Beer Preview 2012
September 20, 2012 | Tristan Chan
One of the greatest things about fall along with football, leaf piles and apple cider is the stable of fall seasonal beers available. Honestly the multitude of pumpkin and spiced beers on the market can be a bit overwhelming so we tasked our writers with coming up with a fall beer preview. Here’s the variety of fall samplings they came up with. Read More
Inaugural Boulder IPA Festival Part 2
September 18, 2012 | Nathan TappScott and I originally went into the inaugural Boulder IPA Festival believing that we would only receive 16 four oz. pours. So, when we arrived, we studied the list of 90 beers to star the must-drinks and quickly weeded out the beers we have had over and over again. However, once we checked in and dropped the completely badass “we’re on the guest list” line, we found out that we were VIPs.
Very. Important. Persons. Read More
Inaugural Avery IPA Festival Recap
September 17, 2012 | Scott HoffmanHere’s the challenging aspect of taking notes while drinking—the more you drink, the more incomprehensible and terse your notes become. You start out detailed, taking into account every distinct characteristic. After several beers, the notes become more brief. Maybe they’ll just list your first impression, if you’re lucky. Several beers later, you’re fortunate to have a listing of the beer you’ve tried. Read More
David Markham’s Avery IPA Winning Homebrew Recipe
September 13, 2012 | Tristan ChanWe caught up with David Markham, the winner of the Avery IPA Fest homebrew contest, and he was nice enough to share some tips for starting your own homebrew as well as some info about his winning homebrew recipe. David’s Belgian Pale Ale had prominent yeast flavors, but it finished clean. It was not so strongly hop forward nor was it very citrus-y which differs from most traditional American IPAs, but matched well with it’s subtle malty flavors in the background. It would work well as a fall seasonal. Read More
Beervana: Portland, OR (Part 2)
September 12, 2012 | Scott HoffmanOregon Brewers Festival (OBF from here on out): So let’s first go over some of the logistics of OBF. As I said in my previous post, there were about 80 or so breweries present, and it’s all outdoors. Unlike other beer fests, you also choose how much beer you get at each booth. Do you only want a sample? That’ll be one token. A full mug of beer? Four tokens. It’s really a beautiful system. Read More
New Belgium Tour De Fat 2012 – Fort Collins
September 7, 2012 | Andy ManshelOn a sunny summer Saturday, it’s only 8am and the mercury is already over 80 degrees; today is going to be a hot one. I dug into the bowels of my closet to find whatever mismatch of clothing and/or flair I could get my hands on, grabbed a backpack full of water, sunscreen, and PBR and hopped on my bike. This, my friends, is the beginning ritual for thousands of beer enthused, fun lovers all around the country when New Belgium Brewery’s Tour De Fat rolls into town. Read More
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