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Beer Topics

PorchDrinking’s own discuss beer.

D.G. Yuengling and Son- Yuengling American Lager

October 22, 2012 |

Yuengling isn’t particularly amazing, but it is.  It’s not particularly flavorful, but it is.  It’s not particularly easy to drink, but really it is.  You see, Yuengling is the beer of the midwest.  Anytime anyone from the region spies a can they’re sent to a place of nostalgia and awe.  It’s kinda like seeing your childhood stuffed animal or blankey for the first time in many years, but in alcoholic liquid form.

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GABF Finds and Must Tries!

October 20, 2012 |

One of the best things about attending GABF is the ability to try a ton of rare, completely off the wall or just hard to get beers. As such we’ve got some solid takeaways. If you happen to cross paths with these beers, you should probably jump at the chance to give them a taste. Read More

Drink Like A Fictional Character

October 18, 2012 | 5

Goodness gracious, people from movies and TV love alcohol. I’m one of those nerds who scrutinizes any scene with drinking to figure out what specifically characters ordered (my friends got angry when we went to see “Friends With Benefits” because I was the guy saying “Oh, they’re drinking Shiner Bock. I like that beer!”). But you don’t always have to study beer labels or examine a cocktail glass to deduce what characters are drinking; sometimes they order stuff so often, their drink becomes a character trait. Here’s a look at what some of our favorite on-screen heroes drink over and over and over again. Hit up the comments section to let us know what drinks of choice we missed. Read More

One Minute Beer Review: Ska Brewing Company’s Euphoria Pale Ale

October 18, 2012 |

It’s not often that a brewery’s winter seasonal is a pale ale. But, Ska gives zero cares about that. Their Euphoria Pale Ale not only works as a winter seasonal … Read More

Black Mountain Brewing Co. – Cave Creek Chili Beer

October 17, 2012 | 1

ABV:  4.2%

My fascination with chili beer started this summer, and as you may recall from an earlier post, I’ve been searching for that spicy, smoky flavor ever since.

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Sweet Action Celebrates Awesome Beer with Beer Ice Cream

October 16, 2012 |

Have you discovered that Sweet Action Ice Cream yet?


Well, get the hell over there. It’s just past 1st on Broadway, not but a mere block away from the Mayan Theatre–which just might be the greatest one-two punch in date history. Read More

Vine Street Pub and Brewery- Denver, CO

October 15, 2012 | 1

OK, I’ll admit it, I’m not a Colorado native. I came up for school at Colorado State from New Mexico and only moved down to the capital a little over a year ago. That means, like so many other migrant Coloradans, I’m still discovering all that the Mile High City has to offer, and it’s a lot. So many pubs, clubs, breweries, hangouts, bars and so much more that this self-proclaimed beer snob is sure that funds will dry up well before my thirst for something new does.

Read More -New Belgium Brewing Company GABF Booth Set Up

October 15, 2012 | 1

Ever wonder what goes into setting up a major booth, or as the industry calls them, an endcap booth at the Great American Beer Festival?  New Belgium Brewery out of Fort Collins, Colorado was nice enough to allow us to shadow their Thursday morning set up. We condensed that approximately two hour process into one and a half minutes.  A big thanks to New Belgium Brewing!

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Odell Brewing Company – The Meddler

October 15, 2012 |

ABV – 8.9%

When it comes corked in a Belgian bottle, I’m that much more excited about trying new beers. The Meddler from Odell Brewing Company is a rendition of a traditional style Flemish ale, Oud Bruin, in which traditional yeast is mixed with bacteria to produce an honestly sour concoction. Uncorking this hibernating beast scared my roommate away from his fixation on a two-star Netflix movie, not because of fear, but because he is well in tuned with the sound of beer corks popping. Read More

Black Hemp- O’Fallon Brewery

October 15, 2012 |

ABV: 5.8%

I tend to have the same routine for choosing a new beer that I do for choosing a new book. I usually judge books by their cover and I usually take the title into consideration before I care to read the synopsis. I once plucked a book off the library shelf just because it was called This Book Will Save Your Life. Catchy title, not so life-saving book. So when I stumbled upon this beer called Black Hemp, I was a little intrigued. Beer and books come with expectations, too. I always come up with an idea of what I think a beer is going to taste like and how the book is going to read. Unlike the aforementioned library choice, O’Fallon Brewery did not disappoint me. Read More

GABF First Night’s Recap

October 12, 2012 | 2

Admittedly I should be at a beer brunch right now.  Thats not happening.  Last night spiraled out of control real fast as most GABFs usually do.  Now I sit here … Read More

Waste your time at the Great American Beer Festival: The Strong Ale Route

October 11, 2012 |

The Great American Beer Festival has so much to offer. Below is a tasting from all over the country of exceptional beer. There’s just one problem: this route is a strong beer tasting. Though beer is poured one ounce at a time, these little droplets will mess you up. Honestly, I would not recommend tasting all of these in the same day but the options are available … well, maybe. I cannot guarantee these beers will be poured, but these are popular, so there’s a chance. Read More

GABF Sour, Hoppy, and Rare Beer Routes

October 11, 2012 |

We are literally hours away from the opening bagpipes sounding at GABF so we decided to condense a brief round up of which Sour, Hoppy and Rare beers to look for at the event.  Also be sure to follow us on Twitter at @PorchDrinkingCO or check back at 6 Mountain, 8 Eastern for a live blog from the event!

Sours- You know that kid that always had a steady cache of Warheads back in the 90s?  This is exactly the kind of beers they’d be taking.  You ready to pucker up? Read More

Rocky Mountain Great American Beer Festival Regional Breakdown

October 11, 2012 |

Rocky Mountain (CO, ID, MT, NV, UT, WV)

And alas we have finally arrived at the Rocky Mountain Regional Breakdown!  We’ll admit we’re a little biased as most of our staff is based in Denver or Boulder but the Rocky Mountain region boasts a tremendous assortment of fantastic brews.  There are the big dogs like Avery, Great Divide, New Belgium, Oskar Blues, Odell and there are also amazing up and comers like Copper Kettle, Elevation, Grimm Brothers, Renegade, and River North.

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Copper Kettle Brewing Company- Denver, CO

October 11, 2012 |

One day, in the not so distant future, when the craft beer boom will have reached the height of it’s golden age, historians will point to breweries like Copper Kettle Brewing Company as the benchmark for the neighborhood brewery movement.  As a point of emphasis, we’re no longer talking neighborhood bars, those will have already become ancient relics in this idilic world.  Because comparatively, what good is a palm pilot when you have an iPhone and what good are bars that supply Bud Light and Smithwicks when you can cozy up to a glass of Helles Lager, or Mexican Chocolate Stout? Read More

GABF Eve Tristan’s Note

October 10, 2012 |

Hey there fellow porch dwellers new and old!  So nice of you to join us once again.  My friends and I started this site three months ago with the general interest in writing about beer, music, sports and pop culture.  Long term, perhaps two or three years down the road we had the goal of building something influential enough to receive press passes to the Great American Beer Festival.  Well that goal was kinda achieved two or three years early.

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A first-timer’s experience at Great American Beer Festival

October 10, 2012 |

I walked into the largest room I’ve ever been in and it was empty. As the volunteer group started to move about the Convention Center floor, I just stopped to take it in. I made it to the Great American Beer Festival.

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GABF Fancy Cork Route

October 10, 2012 |

Contributed by Cori Flinchbaugh the Draft Wench

Ok, so you’re going to the Great American Beer Festival but there are now over 2,000 beers to choose from, what do you do? I usually suggest to first timers to pick a beer style or two (IPA, Belgian, Porters or Stouts, Fruit Beers, Sour Beers) and stick to it.

If you don’t know what style to choose or are looking for something fun and different, a friend and I came up with “Fancy Cork Night.”  We go around and drink only beers that come in 750 ml bottles (Russian River has smaller ones too) usually with a fancy cork and cage. These beers are typically “Seasonal/Specialty or Sour.” It’s kind of like a delicious scavenger hunt.

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New Belgium Brewing Company- Fort Collins, CO

October 10, 2012 |

New Belgium Brewery was where it all began. It was in those same recycled bike framed bar stools in New Belgium’s tap room that I first embarked on my own journey into craft beer.

Virtually every Friday afternoon my buddy Cody and I would duck out a bit early and delve into the wide world of brew. It was here that I discovered my first sour. What the hell?! This beer, La Folie tastes like liquefied shock tarts! How is this possible?!

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Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, and New England GABF Regional Breakdown

October 10, 2012 |

Today we continue our regional coverage by breaking down the Mid-Atlantic and New England Regions.  All of these are smaller regions which is why we decided to group them all together, however what they do have to offer packs a punch.  With the likes of Ommegang, DogFish Head, Surly, Boston Beer and Allagash, these are can’t miss regions!

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