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The Ultimate 6er

PD’s staff helps you pick the perfect six pack for all seasons, moods, and social situations.

Ultimate 6er | WBC Winners from Wisconsin

July 13, 2022 |

Cheese, brats, football, beer… with a claim-to-fame list like this, it’s no wonder that breweries in Wisconsin took home six medals at the 2022 World Beer Cup. The WBC coincides with the Craft Brewers Conference, which took place in Minneapolis May 3-5.

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Ultimate Variety 12-Pack | Beers for Presidents of the United States

July 6, 2022 |

July 4th is celebrated throughout the United States in honor of the ratification of the Declaration of Independence by the Second Continental Congress. Since the first rager to signify us cutting ties with the British Empire, drinking has always been apart of the festivities. Today the day is most commonly celebrated with backyard barbeques, fireworks, and of course beer. We have a long history of beer lovers in our highest government office, and those original Founding Fathers would be proud of how far we have come.

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Ultimate 6er | The Bob’s Burgers Movie

May 25, 2022 | 1

Burgers are the ultimate partner for beer. (Sorry Pizza!) Whether you’re in a fancy restaurant or sitting by the barbecue, nothing hits the spot quite like the charbroiled taste of meat washed down with a refreshing beer. Memorial Day is the perfect excuse to enjoy these simple pleasures in life whether stuck with your family or watching America’s favorite burger-slinging family, The Belchers!

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Ultimate 6er | Six Beers for Six The Musical

May 11, 2022 |

The love of Broadway runs deep and being able to see my first Broadway show while out in New York City recently was exciting, to say the least. While having spent a lot of time watching theatre, none of the shows were actually on Broadway. How to pay homage to Six: The Musical? By pairing each woman with a beer thoroughly enjoyed in New York City, of course!

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Ultimate 6er | Denver-Area Cinco de Mayo Beers

May 4, 2022 |

Cinco de Mayo is nearly upon us, and to commemorate this day of celebration for Mexican-American culture, many Denver area breweries have brewed special recipes honoring Mexican tradition. A holiday that generates beer sales that rival that of the Super Bowl, Cinco de Mayo has become synonymous in America with parties that celebrate all aspects of Mexican-American culture from history to traditions to food and of course alcohol. While you celebrate with friends and family on May 5, look for the below brews to properly ring in the occasion.

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Ultimate 6er | Road Trip Regional Edition: Pacific

March 30, 2022 |

Join us as we road trip across the United States in what is to be a follow up article to the Craft Beer Across America article. In that article we explored a craft beer from every state (excluding districts and territories) to showcase some of the unknown, or lesser-known crafter beers that the U.S. craft beer scene has to offer. While that article focused mainly on the beers, this article focuses on specific breweries from a region we think would be fun to visit. We’re going to sprinkle in a couple of bigger craft breweries in each six-brewery regional section just to help spread the word for some of the not-so-big breweries in the mix.

This is by no means a “best of” brewery list. We just wanted to highlight some breweries that brew excellent beer and have great environments and to possibly fine out more about what they do other than brew beer. Please join us as we start our road trip with the Pacific Region which includes Washington, Oregon and California.

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Ultimate 6er | The 94th Academy Awards

March 23, 2022 |

As the world of cinema returned to normalcy, the buzz and attention centered on the Academy Awards remained debatable as ever! Though if there’s one lesson the industry learned from the last few years, it’s that putting the biggest award hopefuls on all the streaming services is the best way to keep the attention of the people! This year’s Academy Awards is a very diverse selection of films with some clear favorites, some unexpected surprises, and schismatic choices depending on which passionate film critic you talk to.

Thankfully at PorchDrinking, we don’t neglect all the choices available. We want to enshrine these films with incredible experiences! So kick back and engage in the visual and brewing arts!

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Ultimate 6er | Indianapolis Breweries Ahead of the NCAA Championship

January 6, 2022 |

As Georgia and Alabama fans flood Indianapolis this weekend ahead of Monday’s NCAA Football Championship game, they’ll discover a great beer city with top-notch breweries surrounding Lucas Oil Stadium.

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Ultimate 6er | Six More Reasons to Hate the Holidays

December 22, 2021 |

Being a grinch has lost a little bit of its punch over the last couple of years. There’s so much to hate year-round that a good old-fashioned holiday hate-fest doesn’t seem super relevant. When you’ve got people screaming at flight attendants and beer workers, a representative government that doesn’t give a sh*t about the people it represents and the hottest new viral mutation running rampant, it seems trite to write a holiday hate piece.

And yet, here we are.

Here are six more reasons to absolutely hate the holidays this season, and six perfect beers to take the edge off while you find another stupid hiding spot for your Elf on a Shelf.

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Ultimate 6er | Beer Pairings with Advent

November 24, 2021 |

This isn’t your typical Ultimate 6er – we’re getting theological here. Most people think of Advent calendars when they think about pairing beers with Advent. We’re taking a different bent on the term and pairing six beers with the four weeks of Advent in a different way.

Advent begins on November 28 this year, and starts with the “First Sunday of Advent,” continuing with the season of Advent until Christmas Day on December 25. There are always four Sundays in Advent and each week has a different theme according to the Lectionary (readings for a worship service) that is followed most commonly by Catholic, Episcopal and Lutheran denominations of Christianity (though some Presbyterian and Methodist churches do, too). We’ll focus on the Episcopal collects (pronounced COL-lects instead of the typical way), or prayers, of the weeks of Advent because you’ve got an Episcopalian here and as the saying goes, “where three or four Episcopalians are gathered, there’s bound to be a fifth!”

If you’re interested, you can find the collects in all their glory by visiting BCPonline.org.

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Ultimate 6er | Most Unique Brewery Collaborations

October 27, 2021 |

The craft beer industry revolves around the concept of collaboration. Not one person can do every single role in a brewery to keep the lights on or the beer flowing. Frequently breweries collaborate with their brewing neighbors, charity organizations, bands or local restaurants, but this Ultimate 6er wanted to go beyond the impossible. Here we name some of the most creative ideas crafted by the industry that’ll make you appreciate what goes into making a true collective fusion!

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Ultimate 6er | The Abandoned German Beers of a Colorado Fall

October 20, 2021 |

There’s a lot to love about the changing of the seasons. But then again, is there? Oh you love fall colors? Come over and clean up my leaves in November. You love the little nip in the air, do ya? Well get ready for flu season. You just LOVE you some pumpkin spice? Tell that to the child laborers who sweat away in the pumpkin spice mines for pennies on the dollar.

Fall does bring about some tasty beers — or at least we associate certain tasty beers with fall. Wet Hop beers, Pumpkin (not that there’s anything wrong with that) beers and certain Stouts are only released in fall, so that makes sense.

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Six Beers to Stock Up on for Labor Day from Molly’s Spirits

September 2, 2021 |

Colorado is notorious for those ever lingering late-season summers, so even though it might still be a swelter out, it’s about time to begin thinking about autumn beers. Luckily as Labor Day weekend approaches, we’ve got you covered by partnering with our friends at Molly’s Spirits for another six-pack of beers and cider to help get you stocked up for the holiday weekend.

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Ultimate 6er | Boredom-Killing Websites to Drink to (from Super Cool to Utterly Pointless)

September 1, 2021 |

Did your favorite beer festival get f**king cancelled again this year? If things don’t turn around quickly, we’re looking at another winter with a lot of time on our hands inside. But let’s look on the bright side of life *whistles Monty Pythonically* — there’s more time to get really intimate with a new six-pack and find a new favorite beer.

Hopefully we don’t need it, but just in case we do, here’s a list of six fairly underrated websites to help kill boredom, and six awesome beers to pair with them.

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Ultimate 6er | It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia

August 18, 2021 |

Can you believe that the longest running live-action comedy series in TV history is about five friends that own a dive bar, Paddy’s Pub in southern Philadelphia? We know what you’re thinking, “how could this show possibly be that good if it sounds boring?” Don’t be fooled by the premise of the show, these are not your average ordinary people you’d come across any day. Narcissistic, self-absorbed, and unhinged are just a few of the words to describe “The Gang,” which is made up of none other than Dennis, Charlie, Mac, Dee and Frank Reynolds.

If you haven’t watched It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia yet you are missing out on one of the greatest TV shows of all time! With all the crazy antics The Gang get themselves into, it’s only right that you enjoy the show while drinking delicious beers… and maybe eating rum ham? There are over 150 episodes of It’s Always Sunny and I’m here to pair 6 of the best episodes with 6 of the tastiest beers.

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Ultimate 6er | Summer Olympics

August 11, 2021 |

The 2021 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics ended last week. After being postponed a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many believed that it would not happen. And if they did, it would be shut down to an outbreak. The games did happen and it was a successful two weeks of exciting competition. Credit to the host country of Japan and all those involved in keeping the athletes safe because this Summer Olympics did not disappoint.

As predicted, Team USA finished on top of the medal count with 113 medals; 39 gold, 41 silver and 33 bronze. And to honor Team USA’s dominance, PorchDrinking has created the Summer Olympics Ultimate 6er.

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Ultimate 6er | Six Beers for Your Role in League of Legends

August 4, 2021 |

League of Legends, by Riot Games, is a game that likely needs little introduction. It’s taken the globe by storm and become one of the most popular Esports in the world over the last decade. If you don’t know, consider yourself lucky for the time suck and renown toxicity of the community that you’ve saved yourself from. If that last sentence struck a chord with you, then greetings, Summoner.

The basic premise is that the game is free to download and play, and is updated biweekly with patches. There’s a large and active community, and queue times are relatively short. Each game has a level of familiarity although every game plays differently due to the variety of characters and player (enemy and teammate) habits. Read More

Ultimate 6er | U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team

July 28, 2021 |

The Tokyo 2021 2020 summer games are in full swing. The events officially kicked off on Friday, but the United States National Women’s Soccer Team is already three games into their quest for the Gold Medal.

Despite being back-to-back World Cup Champions in 2015 and 2019, this USWNT came into this this year’s competition with a chip on their shoulder. An early exit from the 2016 games in Rio was still fresh in their minds five years later. However, maybe the unexpected extra year was too long. The USWNT came out incredibly flat and lost an embarrassing 3-0 match to Sweden. The USWNT bounced back in their second game in the group stage, defeating New Zealand 6-1 before drawing even, nil to nil, with Australia Despite the lackluster effort in group play, the USWNT has advanced to tournament play and will face the Netherlands on Friday at 7:00 am EST.

The United States has a tough road ahead of them this year. All eyes will be on the reigning back-to-back World Cup champions to see how they play the rest of the tournament.

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Ultimate 6er | Must-Try Denver Beers

July 21, 2021 |

Recently, I was able to leave the Midwest for the first time in 15 months and head on over to Denver. Considering the last time I went, I hit up 11 breweries in two and a half days, I was looking forward to seeing what damage I could do in five and a half. While it was difficult, I whittled six of my favorite beers from six of the breweries I visited during my trip!

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Ultimate 6er | Feel Good TV Shows

July 14, 2021 |

There’s far too much content these days to keep up with. The amount of new things to watch is a never-ending, cascading waterfall that’s created an embarrassment of riches. So when you open up the streaming platform, where do you even start? As society is returning normal for some people, we believe that promoting positive, invigorating media is the way to go. May as well pick summer since that’s when Network TV slows down!

For this week’s Ultimate 6er, we’ve catalogued a series of TV shows that reject irony and embrace sincerity in their messaging and craftsmanship. Get ready for the good times!

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